{"id":10739,"date":"2024-03-15T05:30:10","date_gmt":"2024-03-15T04:30:10","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.believerspray.com\/?p=10739"},"modified":"2024-03-15T05:30:10","modified_gmt":"2024-03-15T04:30:10","slug":"what-does-hinduism-teach-about-karma-and-reincarnation","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.believerspray.com\/what-does-hinduism-teach-about-karma-and-reincarnation\/","title":{"rendered":"What Does Hinduism Teach About Karma And Reincarnation"},"content":{"rendered":"

Overview Of Hinduism<\/h2>\n

Hinduism is the third largest of the world’s major religions, with over one billion adherents. It is defined as a faith that is practiced by over 80% of India’s population and by over 6 million people across the world. Hinduism is known as an ancient religion, believed to have been derived from the Vedic period of India (approx. 1500-500 B.C.). A central belief of Hinduism is that of karma and reincarnation, which is the idea that a person’s actions have consequences in this life and future lives. This belief is reflected in Hindu scripture, the sacred books known as the Vedas, the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita. <\/p>\n


Karma is the law of cause and effect, where one’s intentional and moral acts (karma) will determine a person’s life as well as their future lives. Hindus understand that karma accounts for a person’s life situation and is also implicated in their circumstances and successes. The concept of karma operates in a cycle, such that humans create karma in this life, which then affects future lives and experiences. Hindus believe that negative and selfish karma generates negative results, while virtuous and generous karma will bring rewards. <\/p>\n

Karma is not considered a judgement, as it is understood that everything one experiences and creates is based on their individual actions and choices. It is believed that one’s spiritual development and advancement is determined by their karma. Therefore, an individual’s karma is a reflection of the choices and actions they have made throughout their lives, in both the physical and spiritual sense. <\/p>\n


Reincarnation, or the cycle of rebirth, consists of a series of lifetime cycles where one’s souls are reborn into different bodies. Hinduism teaches that each soul is born with a certain amount of karma, which influences the life they live and the experiences they will encounter. In essence, reincarnation is a way to understand the concept of karma and free will, as well as suffering. Based on their karma, a person will be born in a certain place and given certain conditions. At the same time, free will allows the individual to choose to act out of love, generosity, and community rather than hate, greed and selfishness. <\/p>\n