{"id":11571,"date":"2023-10-27T20:30:16","date_gmt":"2023-10-27T19:30:16","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.believerspray.com\/?p=11571"},"modified":"2023-10-27T20:30:16","modified_gmt":"2023-10-27T19:30:16","slug":"what-is-kama-in-hinduism","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.believerspray.com\/what-is-kama-in-hinduism\/","title":{"rendered":"What Is Kama In Hinduism"},"content":{"rendered":"

Introduction to Kama<\/h2>\n

Kama is the ancient Hindu concept of desire, love and pleasure. It is integral to the Hindu faith and profoundly connected to the same faith’s central beliefs. It is a feeling beyond physical attraction and described as being immortal and beyond our grasp as humans. Kama is described as a spiritual feeling that is at the heart of all human interactions, not just romantic ones. Its concept is deep rooted in Hindu culture and Indian mythology. In certain Hindu traditions, Kama has been regarded as an ethical virtue, as its intent is to drive Hindu philosophy and traditions.<\/p>\n

Origins Of Kama<\/h2>\n

The origin of Kama can be traced back to the relevant Hindu scriptures or vedas. It is said that the Sanskrit word ‘Kama’ originates from the word ‘Kam’ that means ‘to desire’, ‘to wish’ or ‘to yearn’. The word ‘Kama’ is also associated with a number of deities, including Krishna or Kama Deva, who is regarded as the Hindu god of love and is associated with fertility. Kama is also closely linked to its other concepts, such as Dharma (related to duties, obligations and responsibilities) and Karma (related to the consequences of one’s actions).<\/p>\n

Significance Of Kama In Hinduism<\/h2>\n

Kama is significant in Hinduism for its different interpretations and its holistic approach to life. In Hinduism, Kama has been seen not only as a way of life but also as an ethical imperative. Kama is seen as an ethical principle, in the sense that it is used to fulfil obligations towards family, friends and the society. It is seen as the basis for all ethical behaviour and is seen as the key determinant for good conduct. Kama is also an important part of Hindu philosophy as it is seen as an important way to bring balance and harmony to life. Kama is not just used in a romantic or physical way, but also in a spiritual way as a means of transcending or connecting to a higher spiritual being.<\/p>\n

Kama According to Hindu Mythology<\/h2>\n

In Hindu mythology, Kama is portrayed as an entity that is both physical and spiritual. It is portrayed as a god by itself and is also seen as an aspect of gods such as Shiva and Vishnu. Its figure is often associated with Hindu deities like Krishna, who is regarded as the Hindu god of love and fertility. In the Mahabharata, the great Hindu epic, the character of Kama Deva is portrayed as a powerful being that is not only capable of creating love and desire but also of commanding it.<\/p>\n

Kama And Its Place In Today’s Society<\/h2>\n