{"id":11872,"date":"2024-04-05T12:05:29","date_gmt":"2024-04-05T11:05:29","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.believerspray.com\/?p=11872"},"modified":"2024-04-05T12:05:29","modified_gmt":"2024-04-05T11:05:29","slug":"who-was-the-first-woman-on-earth-according-to-hinduism","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.believerspray.com\/who-was-the-first-woman-on-earth-according-to-hinduism\/","title":{"rendered":"Who Was The First Woman On Earth According To Hinduism"},"content":{"rendered":"

The formation of humanity is veiled in mystery and shrouded in myth, but Hinduism provides an interesting account of the origin of humanity, and the first woman in particular.<\/p>\n

For Hindus, it is believed that the first woman on Earth was Aditi, the mother of all gods and goddesses, who was created before time existed. According to scripture, Aditi was born during the churning of the great ocean by the gods and demons, known as samudra manthan. This churning is represented in the iconic image of Vishnu in the form of a great serpent, Kurma, surrounded by a plethora of gods and demons.<\/p>\n

When the gods rose from their duelling, Aditi emerged from the depths of the sea in fully formed adult form. She was also known as ‘the infinite mother’, representing her infinite power and strength. She was, as per Hindu scripture, fully conscious of the power within her and used it to birth all the other gods.<\/p>\n

Aditi was seen as a symbol of fertility, strength, and abundance. She was revered by many who believed that the female power of the world is manifested through her. Aditi was considered to be the mother of freedom, and many early scriptures described her as the symbol of ultimate liberation, of divine sources, and the vehicle of grace.<\/p>\n