{"id":12694,"date":"2024-02-25T23:40:19","date_gmt":"2024-02-25T22:40:19","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.believerspray.com\/?p=12694"},"modified":"2024-02-25T23:40:19","modified_gmt":"2024-02-25T22:40:19","slug":"where-is-judaism-mainly-located-today","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.believerspray.com\/where-is-judaism-mainly-located-today\/","title":{"rendered":"Where Is Judaism Mainly Located Today"},"content":{"rendered":"

Where Is Judaism Mainly Located Today<\/h2>\n

Judaism, one of the world’s oldest monotheistic religions, is practiced by millions of people around the globe. Its followers adhere to specific religious observances, traditions and beliefs, and can be found gathered in communities in many countries. But where exactly is Judaism mainly located today? <\/p>\n

According to the Pew Research Center, the largest population of Jews is found in the United States, where there are over 5.7 million self-identified Jews. In terms of overall population, Israel has the highest number of people who adhere to Judaism, with over 6 million followers. After the U.S. and Israel, France comes in third, with around 465,000 Jews. <\/p>\n

There are smaller populations in the United Kingdom and Canada, with just over 300,000 and approximately 390,000 Jews respectively. Other countries where Jewish populations are relatively high include Germany, Australia, Brazil, and Russia. But even in these countries, the numbers are much smaller. <\/p>\n

It’s clear that the majority of Jews today are concentrated in the United States and Israel. The reasons for this are varied and include religious, cultural and political factors. The U.S. is often seen as a welcoming country for immigrants of all backgrounds, and many Jews have taken advantage of this by immigrating to the United States throughout the years. Likewise, Israel is perceived as a haven for Jews and many see it as the fulfillment of the ancient prophetic promise of a Jewish homeland. <\/p>\n