{"id":3108,"date":"2023-03-16T05:54:12","date_gmt":"2023-03-16T04:54:12","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.believerspray.com\/?p=3108"},"modified":"2023-03-16T05:54:12","modified_gmt":"2023-03-16T04:54:12","slug":"what-is-kadampa-buddhism","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.believerspray.com\/what-is-kadampa-buddhism\/","title":{"rendered":"What is kadampa buddhism?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Kadampa Buddhism is a form of Mahayana Buddhism that stresses the study and practice of the Buddha’s teachings, or Dharma. The Kadampa tradition was founded by the great Indian Buddhist Master Atisha (982-1054 CE) and later propagated in Tibet by his main disciples Dromtönpa (1005-1064 CE) and Potowa (d. 1087 CE). The Kadampa teachings and practices emphasize the importance of individual choice, responsibility and self-discipline in the spiritual life.<\/p>\n

Kadampa Buddhism is a school of Mahayana Buddhism founded by the great Indian Buddhist Master Atisha (982-1052 CE). It is based on the wisdom of the Kadam teachings and stresses the importance of philosophers and Bodhisattvas.<\/p>\n

What do Kadampa Buddhists believe? <\/h2>\n

The great Kadampa teachers were highly influential in the development of the Lojong practice, which emphasizes the transformation of daily life experiences into opportunities for spiritual growth. They placed particular emphasis on the practice of Training the Mind, which they saw as a key to unlocking the full potential of the human spirit. The Kadampa tradition continues to inspire and guide many people on the spiritual path today.<\/p>\n

A Kadampa is someone who integrates Buddha’s teachings into their daily life. More specifically, Kadampa Buddhism is a special tradition of Mahayana Buddhism founded by the Venerable Atisha, an Indian Buddhist Master who revolutionized the way people practiced Buddhism in both India and Tibet in the 11th century.<\/p>\n

What is the history of Kadampa Buddhism <\/h3>\n