{"id":8832,"date":"2023-11-10T02:35:12","date_gmt":"2023-11-10T01:35:12","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.believerspray.com\/?p=8832"},"modified":"2023-11-10T02:35:12","modified_gmt":"2023-11-10T01:35:12","slug":"how-did-christianity-come-to-india","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.believerspray.com\/how-did-christianity-come-to-india\/","title":{"rendered":"How Did Christianity Come To India"},"content":{"rendered":"


India has been a land of numerous religious beliefs and worshipping practices since the ancient era. Christianity dates back to the 1st century when Saint Thomas, one of the Apostle’s of Jesus, arrived in India and stayed here for several years preaching and propagating Christianity. From that time, Christianity has become an integral part of Indian society and culture. This article will explore the history of Christianity’s presence and influence in India from the time it was established until now.<\/p>\n

Global Reach and Early Indian Presence<\/h2>\n

Christianity, with its global reach, transcended national boundaries and eventually penetrated into India. Its wide dissemination and recognition in many countries across the world saw a rise in the number of followers. During the first century AD, Saint Thomas the Apostle, one of the primary apostles of Jesus, arrived in India to spread Christianity. He is believed to have landed in Kerala and set up few churches in the area. There is considerable evidence of the early centuries being well-populated by Syriac speaking Christians in the region using East Syriac liturgy. Additionally, some of the ancient texts such as the one found in Syria, a Commonitorium by Dionysius Bar Salibi, also mentions about Christianity being present in India.<\/p>\n

The Portuguese Colonization<\/h2>\n

The Portuguese colonization from the 16th century acted as a major force in propagating Christianity in India. They arrived in Goa in 1510 and soon succeeded in conquering most of the important trading ports in India. With the establishment of their own churches and expanded trading network, there was a significant rise in the population of Christians in India. The activity of missionaries also became widespread and Christianity was propagated among a majority of the Indian populace. The Portuguese favored the establishment of the Roman Catholic Church and hence, despite limited success in areas like South India, it played an important role in the diffusion of Christianity in India.<\/p>\n

The East India Company<\/h2>\n

The East India Company was the next major catalyst in the spread of Christianity in India. Established in 1600, they soon became a major political and economic force in India. They actively supported the growth of Christianity and provided funds for the construction of churches and other religious infrastructure. They also encouraged the activites of prominent missionaries like William Carey and Robert Morrison. In addition to this, a number of schools, colleges, and universities were set up by them for the propagation of the religion.<\/p>\n

Anglican Churches<\/h2>\n