{"id":9019,"date":"2023-12-03T10:05:11","date_gmt":"2023-12-03T09:05:11","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.believerspray.com\/?p=9019"},"modified":"2023-12-03T10:05:11","modified_gmt":"2023-12-03T09:05:11","slug":"can-you-sleep-with-your-wife-during-fasting-christianity","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.believerspray.com\/can-you-sleep-with-your-wife-during-fasting-christianity\/","title":{"rendered":"Can You Sleep With Your Wife During Fasting Christianity"},"content":{"rendered":"

What is Fasting Christianity?<\/h2>\n

Fasting Christianity is a spiritual practice where followers are asked to abstain from food and water for a period of time with the purpose of regular prayer and meditation. It is believed that during the fasting period, the individual has a spiritual detox, drawing closer to a relationship with God by increasing their focus on prayer, bible study and worship. Those who follow the practice of Fasting Christianity can fast over a day, week, or even longer to achieve a spiritual connection that brings inner peace.<\/p>\n

Can You Sleep With Your Wife During Fasting Christianity?<\/h2>\n

The Christian Bible does not explicitly forbid marital relations during fasting. There are stretches in the Bible where both Moses and Jesus went for 40 days without food, and it is assumed that marital relations during these fasts would have been a part of their natural daily activity. So it can be l concluded that it is perfectly acceptable to have marital relations while observing Fasting Christianity.<\/p>\n

However, there is some disagreement on when a believer can have marital relations during the fast. Most preachers, pastors, and theologians agree that some believers need to abstain from this kind of act when fasting in order to achieve their spiritual goals. Detaching oneself from one’s own needs and wants is thought to be beneficial spiritually, even in the realm of physical needs.<\/p>\n

Pros of Sex During Fasting Christianity<\/h2>\n

There are some Christian denominations which firmly advocate for marital relations during fasts and look positively on the spiritual growth potential it could offer. These denominations are of the opinion that observing Fasting Christianity can only bring couples closer together, as abstaining from physical intimacy brings a sense of self-mastery and discipline. This helps to encourage greater communication and understanding of one another’s spiritual views.<\/p>\n