Can Cousins Marry In Christianity

Background Information on ‘Can Cousins Marry in Christianity?’

The traditional view in Christianity is that marriage should take place between a man and a woman, as stated in the bible, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” Therefore, marriage comprises of a single man and a single woman, and the two can’t be siblings or relatives.

Nevertheless, the debate on whether cousins can marry in Christianity is still ripe and yet to be determined. Some Christians strongly believe in the biblical principle of marriage while others believe more in biological and cultural concerns. Therefore, there is still much confusion and controversy surrounding the matter.

Expert Perspectives on ‘Can Cousins Marry in Christianity?’

Barnwell et al (2014) state that in the bible, God expressly forbids marriage between a man and his niece or half sister, because such marriages are seen as going against the divine plan. Similarly, Barnwell et al (2014) note that even though certain cultures in Africa, Asia and the Middle East recognize marriages between cousins, most Christian denominations do not follow custom and usually strictly forbid cousin marriage.

Moffitt (2008) states that marriage between cousins is considered wrong by the Church because it breaks the biblical rule. He further explains that if two cousins have married in spite of this prohibition, the Church may condone the marriage, as long as the couple agrees to receive counseling and guidance.

Provide Own Insights and Analysis

The bible warns committed Christians against marrying persons with whom they are related – be it directly or secondarily. Thus, these guidelines span different generations and thus differentiate between brother and sister, aunt and uncle and finally, cousins. The biblical warning encompasses all relatives and therefore, direct cousins are not an exemption.

When it comes to cultural factors, a lot of commentators note that First or Second Cousin Marriages are legal in most states in the US, as long as the two involved are of age and not otherwise legally forbidden to marry. Similarly, in India, there are numerous instances of weddings between cousins being conducted by custom.

Educate and Engage the Reader on the Pros and Cons of ‘Can Cousins Marry in Christianity?’

When it comes to the pros and cons of marrying cousins, some of the advantages of marrying their close kin are that it is believed to keep wealth within a family and hence, family businesses, property and finances can be kept within the same family circle, regardless of the geographical space involved. It is also deemed as advantageous to have children with similar family backgrounds, as these kids grow up in similar families surrounded by the same values and tradition.

While, the cons or rather disadvantages might include the risk of genetic defects, as children of cousin couples may inherit diseases from both their parents, since they may share similar genetic traits. Further, the disapproval of friends and family, who do not carry the same views on cousin marriages, may also cause some turmoil.

Overcoming the Stigma Attached with ‘Can Cousins Marry in Christianity?’

Notwithstanding the cultural and religious connotations, some Christian groups and believers suggest that relationships between cousins do not have to always be condemned and viewed with contempt. Proponents of marriage between cousins suggest that one may marry their close relative in order to fulfill the biblical commandment to procreate. Additionally, they state that close relative marriages can be unique opportunities to share the same values, culture, traditions and even the faith.

Furthermore, some Christian churches are, in fact, opening up to the idea of cousin marriages, as long as the couple agrees to undertake counseling prior to the marriage and demonstrate a readiness to receive spiritual guidance. Moreover, some churches assert that individuals engaged in close relative marriage can still lead a fulfilling marital life and be in a position to serve an exemplary example to other couples.

Reconciling ‘Can Cousins Marry in Christianity?’ with Genetics and Science

Despite the various religious perspectives, when it comes to the wider picture, scientists caution against marrying close relatives since it increases the risk of recessive genes combining and that in turn, could lead to the emergence of genetic problems. For instance, Cockayne Syndrome and Down syndrome are two serious birth defects which can result from close relative marriages.

Thus, when it comes to balancing the contradicting views of science with religion in this matter, the verdict leans more towards refraining from marrying close relatives. That said, while it is not forbidden, Christians are strongly advised against marrying close relatives and to use natural procreation methods to preserve the family’s lineage.

Current Debates on ‘Can Cousins Marry in Christianity?’

The debate on ‘Can Cousins Marry in Christianity?’ is still ongoing and will more than likely break different points on the compass, depending on the current political, social and religious environment. Nonetheless, it is widely accepted that when it comes to cousin marriages, each individual is responsible for determining whether or not their actions are biblically justified.

Alternatively, some may hold the opinion that cousin marriages are permissible in Christian communities if the couple agrees to receive guidance and counseling prior to marriage. Similarly, there are those that accept cousin marriages as for long as the two partner approves it. It is, however, suggested that one should consult with their church leader, to find out what the church’s stance on the matter is before making a decision.

Teachings of the Bible on ‘Can Cousins Marry in Christianity?

The bible doesn’t specifically state whether or not cousins may marry. Instead, it speaks to the issue of marriage to close relatives and how such unions go against the divine plan laid out for marriage. Therefore, if two cousins wholeheartedly believe that there is nothing prohibited in the bible regarding their marriage and want to consummate the union, then it would be their individual belief that no sin is being committed.

In the end, when it comes to cousin marriages, the bible advises against mixing genes too closely as this may result in illness or birth defects down the line, but it does not explicitly forbid marriage between cousins. Ultimately, whether or not one allows such unions, is a personal decision.

The Role of the Church and the Society in ‘Can Cousins Marry in Christianity?’

When it comes to the moral status of cousin marriage, the church plays a huge role. Marrying one’s close relative is highly frowned upon and many churches take a firm stance against such unions. Alternatively, some churches are starting to open up to the idea of counselling couple’s prior to couple marriage if they are both greatly motivated to enter into the union.

Additionally, society also plays a role in this matter, as cousin marriage is becoming more prevalent in many neighborhoods, including those closer knit to their ethnic community or those living in rural areas. Moreover, some commentators argue that cousin marriages are gaining more acceptance in the job market, especially for immigrants, as employers often prefer to hire family members.

What Are the Negative Perceptions Associated with ‘Can Cousins Marry in Christianity?

One of the most popular manifestations of negative perception against cousin marriages is seen in old folk tales, fairy tales and movies, where couples getting married with close relatives are often depicted as having physical deformities and mental disabilities. Furthermore, many societal prejudices exist against close relative marriages and thus, the couple and the family have to undergo extreme levels of shameful scrutiny, accusations and taunts.

Interestingly, several countries in Europe have adopted laws that prohibit cousin marriage or prescribe limitations – such as checking for genetic disease factors before allowing a marriage license for relatives. Nevertheless, such laws are becoming lax, as some countries begin to accept these marriages as long as the couple complete a health test before coming in to court and are of legal age.

Jennifer Johnson is an experienced author with a deep passion for exploring the spiritual traditions of different cultures and religions. She has been writing about religion and spirituality for the past ten years in both print and digital platforms, engaging readers in meaningful dialogue about the soul's journey through this life. With degrees in Comparative Religion and English Literature, she brings an insightful perspective to her work that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern theories. A lifelong traveler, Jenn has lived in multiple countries exploring various paths to understanding faith, and her dedication to learning new things is palpable in every piece she creates.

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