Christianity began as a sect of Judaism, specifically a belief within the Judaic religion that Jesus Christ was the son of God and the messiah. Christianity and Judaism share many of the same beliefs and values and have their origins in the Hebrew Bible or Torah. They both have a set of core beliefs about God, salvation, faith, and spirituality. Over time however, the two religions have developed in different directions, largely due to Christianity’s acceptance of Jesus Christ as the messiah and its centralization of the Bible. Although the two religions have become distinct from one another, there are still many similarities between Christianity and Judaism, making it difficult to determine when exactly the two faiths have diverged.
Similarities Between Christianity and Judaism
The similarities between Christianity and Judaism are undeniable. Both religions believe in the same God, although Christians believe in the Trinity of God-the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Both religions recognize the Ten Commandments as holy law and look to the Hebrew Bible-the Old Testament to the Christian faith-for spiritual guidance. Jews and Christians alike share the same religious festivals and holidays that are seasonally celebrated. Moreover, both Jews and Christians often participate in prayer and worship services, such as formal gatherings or informal meetings.
Divergence of Christianity and Judaism
The primary point of divergence between Christianity and Judaism lies in the belief in Jesus as the messiah. Christians believe in the divinity of Jesus, his atoning sacrifice for mankind, and his resurrection. Moreover, since Christianity has accepted the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, as its scriptures, it has placed much more emphasis on gospel accounts like the birth, life, and death of Jesus, the mission of the apostles, and other stories concerning Jesus’ life and teachings. On the other hand, Judaism does not recognize Jesus as the messiah and does not accept Christian texts in its scriptures. This has led to a number of distinct differences between the two faiths, including differing beliefs about who is deemed righteous and accepted by God, who can properly interpret and explain scripture, and the value placed upon the Ten Commandments and other Judaic laws.
Christianity’s Influence on Judaism
It is important to note, however, that Christianity has had an undeniable impact upon Jewish culture and religious life. Christianity has forcibly impacted Jewish beliefs and practices and in some cases even altered them. Judaism is far more diverse today than it was before the advent of Christianity, and it owes much to the new theological and social forces which Christianity brought forth and which profoundly influenced Judaism at nearly every level. Today, there are several branches of Judaism-Reform, Conservative, and Orthodox, along with other minority branches-that all serve to illustrate the influence of Christianity on the once unified faith of Judaism.
Although Christianity and Judaism have their differences, their shared origin in the Hebrew Bible, some of the same core beliefs and values, and the undeniable legacy and influence of Christianity upon Jewish culture prove that Christianity did, in fact, come from Judaism. Perhaps this is best articulated by the famous first-century rabbi, Hillel the Elder, who said, “That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn.” These simple words provide a telling reminder of the origins of Christianity and the close connection between Christianity and Judaism.