Did Christianity Steal Pagan Holidays

Christianity and Paganism are two distinct and separate religions that share common beliefs, practices, and holidays. This article will explore the similarities and differences between the two and determine if Christianity has “stolen” Pagan holidays in any way. In doing so, it will delve into the history and practices of both religions in order to reach a conclusion.

One common belief among both religions is the celebration of solstices, equinoxes, and other natural events like thunderstorms as a way to mark the passing of time and give thanks. For example, some Pagan religions celebrate the winter solstice as the rebirth of the sun and the changing of the season. This celebration is similar to the Christian holiday of Christmas, where the birth of Jesus is celebrated. While these two holidays may seem the same, they are actually quite different in their origin, meaning, and practices.

Another common belief among both religions is the concept of rebirth and renewal. This belief was practiced by many ancient Pagans and is still practiced today by some modern Pagans. For example, some Pagans celebrate Imbolc in early February as the passing of winter and the coming of spring. This is similar to the Christian holiday of Easter, which celebrates the resurrection of Jesus. However, modern Easter practices have more of a focus on tradition than their Pagan counterparts due to their ties to the Christian faith.

In addition to celebrating holidays, both religions also have ritual practices associated with them. Pagans often practice ritual magic and meditation in order to create positive energy and bring good fortune. This practice is similar to the Christian practice of prayer or fasting, which are done in order to ask for guidance or strength. Both religions also have traditions centered around the cleansing of the body or soul, such as Pagan dream interpretation or Christian confession.

Despite the similarities between the two religions, there are also some major differences. Christianity is focused on worshiping a single God and adhering to the teachings of Jesus, while Paganism is focused on accepting multiple gods and embracing natural forces. Christianity is centered around a single sacred text, the Bible, while Paganism is more open to interpretation and individual beliefs. Christianity also tends to be more patriarchal, while Paganism tends to focus on the divine feminine.

So, did Christianity “steal” Pagan holidays? While some believers may have appropriated Pagan holidays, most scholars disagree. The two religions have very different beliefs, practices, and holidays that have been around for centuries, and no one religion has exclusive rights to them, despite their similarities. Furthermore, Christianity and Paganism have both evolved over time so that the way they are practiced today is very different from how they were practiced centuries ago.

Cultural Impact

The influence of Christianity and Paganism on culture and society should also be taken into account when exploring the topics of cultural appropriation. Christianity has had a larger influence on the Western world, while Paganism has had a larger influence on the Eastern world. Christianity has heavily impacted laws, education, and moral and social beliefs, while Paganism has heavily impacted the arts, healing practices, and leisure activities.

It is also important to note that some Pagans may feel that their holidays and practices have been appropriated and devalued by Christianity and other religions. This can lead to feelings of alienation and exclusion from the broader religious community, and Pagans may feel disrespected or ignored as their beliefs and practices are now seen as rooted in Christianity.

In contrast, some Pagans may feel that embracing the similarities and differences between the two religions is a positive thing, as it allows them to celebrate and learn from both faiths. This open-minded attitude can create a sense of unity, acceptance, and understanding, which is essential in creating an inclusive and diverse society.


In conclusion, it can be stated that Christianity and Paganism are two distinct and separate religions that have shared beliefs, practices, and holidays for centuries. No one religion can claim exclusive rights to the practices of the other, as both have evolved and diversified over time. While some Pagans may feel their holidays have been appropriated by Christianity and other religions, it is important to recognize that both share common roots and should be celebrated with respect and understanding.

Opposing Viewpoints

The idea that Christianity has “stolen” practices and beliefs from Paganism is a contentious one, and there are those who reject this notion. Some believers argue that these similarities are merely coincidences, and that Christianity has its own unique religious holidays that were not influenced by Pagan practices. They may point to the Bible or other religious texts as proof that the two religions are distinct and separate, and that Christianity has its own distinct traditions.

Even among Pagans, there are differing views on how to view the overlap between the two religions. While some may feel that their holidays and practices have been appropriated, others may embrace the similarities and learn from them. Additionally, some Pagans may choose to embrace Christianity as part of their spirituality, while others may choose to remain completely separate. Ultimately, the decision of how to perceive the relationship between the two religions is up to the individual.


The relationship between Christianity and Paganism is complicated, and there are many different theological perspectives on it. Christianity is based on belief in a single God, while Paganism is polytheistic and embraces numerous gods and goddesses. Some Pagans view Christianity as hostile to their beliefs and practices, while others view it as a source of knowledge and enlightenment. Additionally, some Pagans may choose to incorporate many Christian principles into their practice, while others may choose to remain completely separate.

In addition to differing theological perspectives, there are also differing political or cultural viewpoints. Some Pagans may feel Christian influences are oppressive and seek to exclude them, while others may see them as a source of knowledge and understanding. Others may view Christianity and Paganism as two sides of the same coin, both being valid forms of spirituality, while still others may see them as wholly separate paths which should remain unrelated.

Modern Practices

In the modern day, some Pagans have embraced certain Christian practices in order to make their beliefs more accessible to those of other faiths. For example, some Wiccan rituals may incorporate prayers, readings from the Bible, or other Christian elements. Other Pagans may embrace rituals with Christ-like symbolism, such as Imbolc (the rebirth of the sun) or Yule (the birth of Jesus). Additionally, some adherents to Pagan traditions may choose to attend Christian churches or incorporate Christian prayers into their own practice.

In the same vein, some Christian churches may incorporate Pagan rituals or beliefs into their practices in order to create a more inclusive and accepting atmosphere. For example, some churches may choose to include winter solstice celebrations or other seasonal rituals in their services. Additionally, some churches may embrace Pagan healing rituals or dream interpretation as a way to better understand the natural world.

No matter the perspective, it is clear that Christianity and Paganism are two distinct and separate religions with shared beliefs, practices, and holidays. While some may view them as two sides of the same coin, it is up to each individual to decide how to best view the overlap between the two.

Jennifer Johnson is an experienced author with a deep passion for exploring the spiritual traditions of different cultures and religions. She has been writing about religion and spirituality for the past ten years in both print and digital platforms, engaging readers in meaningful dialogue about the soul's journey through this life. With degrees in Comparative Religion and English Literature, she brings an insightful perspective to her work that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern theories. A lifelong traveler, Jenn has lived in multiple countries exploring various paths to understanding faith, and her dedication to learning new things is palpable in every piece she creates.

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