Does Hinduism Believe In Abortion

One of the oldest religions in the world, Hinduism is full of complex beliefs and philosophies. When it comes to determining whether Hinduism believes in abortion, there is no clear-cut answer. Hindu beliefs about abortion vary from person to person, from one sect to another, and from one region to another. Some sects and individuals consider any kind of abortion to be wrong, while others are more open to the idea.

The Hindu scripture and the Vedas do not mention abortion. Instead, most views about abortion are based on personal and cultural beliefs about the sanctity of life and the potential for a soul to enter the body at any point during a pregnancy. Within Hinduism, there is a general consensus among scholars that abortion should be avoided when possible, as it is generally seen as a form of murder. However, it is also generally accepted that there may be circumstances in which abortion is necessary to protect a mother’s health and well-being, or in cases of rape or incest.

Although the decision to have an abortion is a deeply personal one, many Hindus believe that it should be made with the consent of the family and their community. Communities often provide guidance and support to families facing difficult decisions about pregnancy, including abortions.

While there is a degree of acceptance of abortion within Hinduism, the religious practice of having an abortion differs between families. Some families choose to have one performed in a temple and offer prayers to their gods for a safe procedure, while others do so without any type of religious ritual. Some also participate in rituals to honor the child and seek forgiveness from the gods after the procedure.

Despite the fact that many Hindus consider abortion to be wrong, the fact remains that it is a reality in many parts of the world, especially in India, where it is estimated that 6.4 million abortions are performed annually. Abortion rates in India are among the highest in the world, due to poverty, a lack of access to contraception, and traditional cultural beliefs that favor male children. Many Hindus choose to have abortions, even when they are against the religious teachings, in order to protect their own health and well-being or in cases of unwanted pregnancies.

Hindu beliefs and practices also vary greatly across India and other regions, so it is difficult to make any sweeping statements about Hinduism and abortion. It is clear, though, that the religious views on abortion vary widely, and that individuals and communities have different opinions and approaches to the practice. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to determine their own views and beliefs.

Hinduism and Reproductive Rights

When it comes to reproductive rights, Hindus’ view of abortion often falls directly in line with their beliefs on a women’s right to choose. The concept of reproductive autonomy is fundamental to Hindu beliefs, as it is embedded in the concept of Dharma, or ‘duty’ — an individual’s moral responsibility to live according to the correct moral path. Individuals who believe in reproductive autonomy are typically in favor of a women’s right to choose whether or not to terminate a pregnancy.

This view is particularly evident in India, where the Supreme Court and the legislature have both adopted gender-neutral language when discussing reproductive rights. In particular, this gender-neutral language applies to the right to access contraception, reproductive health services, and abortion. This view is further supported by the fact that most of the major Hindu gods are portrayed as females, representing a godly respect for reproductive autonomy.

Furthermore, many sects of Hinduism have begun to recognize the importance of family planning and the need to ensure access to contraception and education regarding reproductive health. This emphasis on reproductive health means that contraception is considered a part of Dharma, or a moral duty, for a woman’s health and wellbeing. Ratifying this attitude further is the fact that most sects of Hinduism believe that a woman’s body is her own and she should be able to make decisions concerning it without interference from a third party.

The Hindu tradition is one of the oldest religious practices in the world and, although practices may vary between sects and regions, a general consensus exists among the majority of its followers. As such, it is clear that Hindu views on abortion are deeply rooted in their culture and belief systems, and the decision to terminate a pregnancy is ultimately up to the individual.

Familial Considerations of Abortion in Hinduism

When it comes to making decisions about abortion, Hindus often consider the opinions of the family members. Hindu families are often tightly knit, and family members are expected to look out for each other. Therefore, if a family member is considering an abortion, the other family members will often weigh in with their opinion.

Hindu families may also choose to involve the broader community in their decision. These community members may provide support, guidance and advice when it comes to making a decision about abortion. They may also advise other family members on the best course of action. This sense of community is an important part of Hinduism, as the family is seen as the foundation of a moral and social order.

Although family and community figures may play an important role in Hindu decisions about abortion, ultimately it is the individual who makes the decision. Therefore, it is important to respect the individual’s autonomy and right to make their own choice.

Hinduism and Abortion in Modern India

When it comes to modern India, the decisions about abortion fall into the hands of individuals, their families, and their communities. In many cases, the decision to have an abortion is based on the individual or family’s own beliefs and values.

The legal system in India also plays a role in decisions about abortion. Indian law allows for a woman to terminate her pregnancy up to 20 weeks, but in some states the limit is 20 weeks or less. Some states also require a woman to seek permission from a marriage counselor or social worker before being allowed to get an abortion.

At the same time, India’s healthcare system plays an important role in the decision. Access to affordable abortions is limited in many parts of the country and there is often a lack of trained professionals in rural areas. Furthermore, there is often a lack of knowledge and understanding of what abortion is, how it works, and its potential consequences, which can impact the decision.

Finally, the government of India is playing an increasingly important role in providing support and guidance to women, families and communities who are faced with difficult decisions surrounding abortion. In recent years, the government has launched several initiatives aimed at providing information, access to contraception and creating positive attitudes towards reproductive health.


When it comes to the complicated decision about abortion, Hindus have varying beliefs, opinions and views. The Vedas do not provide a clear-cut answer to the question, and individuals and families decide for themselves based on their beliefs. The concept of reproductive autonomy is a fundamental part of Hindu beliefs, and many denominations embrace the concept of a woman’s right to choose. At the same time, decisions about abortion often involve the broader family or community and must be made with the consent and support of these important figures. Furthermore, religion is only one part of the decision; the legal system and healthcare system in India also play a role. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to have an abortion is an incredibly personal one.

Jennifer Johnson is an experienced author with a deep passion for exploring the spiritual traditions of different cultures and religions. She has been writing about religion and spirituality for the past ten years in both print and digital platforms, engaging readers in meaningful dialogue about the soul's journey through this life. With degrees in Comparative Religion and English Literature, she brings an insightful perspective to her work that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern theories. A lifelong traveler, Jenn has lived in multiple countries exploring various paths to understanding faith, and her dedication to learning new things is palpable in every piece she creates.

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