Does Hinduism Believe In Astrology

Hinduism and Astrology

Hinduism is the oldest living religion in the world, with more than one billion followers. In it, the practice of astrology has a certain place, with the Vedic texts referring to it in several places. Hinduism does not make it mandatory for believers to adhere to astrological practices as part of their faith, but does emphasize its importance and relevance in understanding and predicting the divine will and destiny of an individual.

The majority of Hindus believe that astrology has an effect on the life and circumstances of living things. This includes a person’s health, job, and social life. Astrological influences are seen as being related to the position of planets, their interactions and cycles. This belief has been passed down for generations in Hindu families, where zodiac signs and calculations of positions in the night sky were passed down as part of oral traditions.

In ancient India, astrology was seen as an important part of daily life. Vedic priests and spiritual teachers would refer to astrology in lectures and texts on various aspects of life and living. Astrology was used to make predictions about future events such as births, marriages, deaths and more. It was also used to gain insight into the decisions made by kings and rulers. Even today, astrology is seen as an important predictive tool in Hinduism and can help to direct choices made by believers.

Astrologers are consulted for auspicious occasions and religious rituals. These astrologers can also help to identify the ‘muhurta’ or the best time and day for important events. Birth charts are calculated from the time and place of birth, and interpreted to provide unique insights into the character and destiny of a person. Astrology is also consulted for life, career and relationship guidance.

Hindu astrology is different from Western astrology in that the former uses ‘sidereal’ methods, meaning it calculates positions based on the actual position of the stars in the night sky at the time, rather than the ‘tropical’ methods used in Western astrology, which is based on the position at the time of the vernal equinox. This has led to some discrepancies between the two systems, but Hindu astrology has developed its own interpretations and beliefs which continue to be accepted as valid and viable.

Astrology is seen in Hinduism as a tool to bring one closer to their divinely ordained destiny and provide better understanding of how good or bad choices can affect their lives and those of others. This understanding is seen as important to develop faith in divine will and destiny, and while astrology provides insights and guidance, it is not seen as being ultimately authoritative or able to override or deny the will or fate of an individual.

Historical Perspective

The origins of astrology as a system of predictive practice in Hinduism can be traced back to the Vedic texts, which date back to around 1500 BC. These texts are full of references to astrology, astronomy and other forms of divination and predictive thinking. Vedic astrology is related to the motions of celestial bodies, their position and movements and how they will influence human destiny and life on earth. This developed into the Vedanga, a set of six subjects which includes astrology and which is mentioned in several books of the Vedas.

Ancient texts, including those focused on astrology, such as the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, are still consulted for astrological advice and guidance. This form of astrology has evolved over thousands of years, and is today considered to be a valid system that can be used to gain insight into an individual’s fate and destiny. In Hinduism, astrology is not seen as a form of superstition, but as a valid and reliable method to gain insight into the divine will.

Hindu astrology is related to the constellations and sign of the zodiac, the planets and their influence, the twelve houses, and the yogas or combinations of planets. This system is then used to make predictions and provide advice related to individual destiny, health, wealth, relationships, and more. It is not seen as an infallible system, but as one which can provide useful advice and clues towards the paths that individuals should take in life.

Astrologers are held in high regard in some Hindu cultures, with the understanding that astrology is something which has been practiced for millennia and can be a valuable part of navigating difficult questions in life. It is also understood that our fate or destiny can be shaped by our choices and decisions, but astrology can provide valuable insight into understanding divine will and how our choices may be affected by our individual destinies.

Relevance Today

In modern Hinduism, astrology is still seen as being of relevance, particularly in areas such as marriage, naming of children, embarking on a new project or venture, or seemingly small decisions such as booking travel. This practice is not mandatory, but many Hindus choose to consult an astrologer prior to any important life decisions, or to gain advice and insight into their lives.

The prevalence of astrology within Hinduism is still strong today, and its presence can be felt in both urban and rural areas of India. Astrology online has opened up the practice to people of other faiths as well, as predictions and readings can now be done from anywhere in the world. This has led to an increase in its popularity, and it is likely that this practice will remain a part of Indian culture and Hinduism for many years to come.

Hindu astrology can provide useful guidance, insight and understanding into important life decisions. It is not seen as being infallible, but as a way of understanding divine will and exploring the best paths to follow. It is still an important part of Hinduism today, and it is likely that it will be practiced for many generations to come.

Scientific Standpoint

While many Hindus believe in the validity of astrology, it is not seen as an accepted Science. Modern-day science has been unable to prove or disprove the claims of astrology, and remains divided on its efficacy. This has resulted in a lack of recognition of astrology as a legitimate practice, particularly among educated circles. This has led to astrology being viewed as more of a ‘pseudoscience’ in the modern era.

The debate around astrology and its efficacy will likely continue for some time, as its ability to provide insights and guidance to difficult questions in life remains a popular and widely accepted practice. While modern science continues to deny its validity as an exact Science, many Hindus continue to consult astrological readings and use the results of predictions as a way to navigate their lives.

The role of astrology and its place in the pantheon of Hinduism is likely to remain a source of debate in the years to come, as the validity of the practice continues to be challenged. While it will not be accepted by everyone, its importance as a source of guidance and understanding received from the divine remains powerful.

Stereotypes and Criticism

Despite its popularity in Hinduism, astrology has been the subject of much criticism and ridicule. This is due in part to the stereotypes that have been built up around it in recent years, which portray it as a form of mysticism or superstition that “should be taken with a pinch of salt”. As such, it can be difficult to have an open and honest conversation about astrology and its role in Hinduism, as there is a tendency to view it as being “outdated” or “irrelevant”.

Interestingly, there are also criticisms of astrology within Hinduism itself. This comes in the form of a perceived overemphasis on astrology, with some belief that individuals rely too heavily on advice from astrologers and do not use their own judgment or take responsibility for their own decisions. This has led to some Hindu families not practicing astrology at all, or not using it as part of their daily lives.

It is also important to note that not all Hindus believe in astrology or follow its teachings. While there are those who rely on astrological readings for guidance, there are also those who choose to forgo the practice, or view it with scepticism. Ultimately, it comes down to the individual’s own understanding and beliefs in the power and efficacy of astrological readings.


Astrology has been present in Hinduism for thousands of years and remains a major part of many believers’ lives today. It is seen as a tool to gain insight into divine will and destiny, and to make decisions in the face of uncertainty. Despite the criticisms, astrology remains popular in Hinduism and many people rely on it as a source of guidance and understanding.

Jennifer Johnson is an experienced author with a deep passion for exploring the spiritual traditions of different cultures and religions. She has been writing about religion and spirituality for the past ten years in both print and digital platforms, engaging readers in meaningful dialogue about the soul's journey through this life. With degrees in Comparative Religion and English Literature, she brings an insightful perspective to her work that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern theories. A lifelong traveler, Jenn has lived in multiple countries exploring various paths to understanding faith, and her dedication to learning new things is palpable in every piece she creates.

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