Does Tapping Go Against Christianity

The topic of tapping and its potential implications on the Christian faith is a complex one that requires careful consideration. While tapping has become popular in recent years in many forms of healing and mental health practices, we must take a look at the biblical perspective and see what God planned for us to do and how we should go about it. Tapping can be seen as a way to overcome our human limitations, but there are some aspects of this technique that may go against the very core of Christianity.

To begin, let’s look at the basics of tapping. It is a form of alternative medicine that involves using rhythmic tapping on certain points of the body while focusing the mind on a specific goal or emotion. It is said to be very effective in clearing out repressed emotions, restoring balance, and improving overall health. What makes it controversial when applied to Christianity is that some believe that it goes against the idea of “healing” being able to be done through prayer alone. This is because, when done correctly, tapping is not a form of prayer, but an action taken to manipulate the body’s energy systems.

At its simplest, tapping is a way of accessing energy fields in the body. Pressure is applied to certain points on the body to stimulate areas that are blocked or congested with energy. While the use of energy fields is not found explicitly in the Bible, it is a fundamental principle in traditional Chinese medicine and part of the ancient practice of qigong. So there is an argument to be made that tapping is not entirely at odds with Christian teachings.

When it comes to whether tapping is acceptable or not, we must consider the purpose or goal. If the purpose is to bypass the power of prayer and replace it with something else, then it crosses a spiritual boundary. However, if the purpose is to clear internal blockages and create balance within the body, then tapping could be seen as a way to align the body with God’s will. In this case, it could be used as a form of self-care and healing in order to better serve God.

Yet, there are a few more aspects to consider. Tapping could be seen as a form of self-help, and many Christians reject this approach because it is seen as giving oneself too much importance or autonomy. Additionally, the act of tapping itself could be interpreted as an attempt to control the environment or manipulate the body instead of trusting in the Lord.

As previously mentioned, tapping is a form of alternative medicine and some people may be concerned with its traditional roots and the religious beliefs associated with it. In this case, it is important to remember that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever and that He is same for all people regardless of their stage of spiritual development or cultural background.

Tapping vs Prayer

At its core, tapping could be seen as empowering the individual to help themselves instead of relying completely on the power of prayer. Prayer and tapping both have their place in the spiritual life, but it is important to understand the differences between them and the consequences of relying on one over the other. Prayer is an act of surrender and faith, while tapping is an act of taking control of the situation and being proactive in one’s healing.

There is also the potential benefit to using tapping in conjunction with prayer, as it can help to release blocked energy and create a better connection with God. When done with an open heart and the proper intention, tapping can be used as a way to free up the energy needed for greater spiritual connection and awareness. As long as it is done with the proper respect and humility, tapping can be seen as a tool to be used in service to the Lord.

Using Tapping for Self-Love

Another way tapping can be seen as beneficial to Christianity is when its purpose is to foster self-love. Jesus’ message of unconditional love is something many of us struggle with, and sometimes tapping can help to foster a sense of worthiness, acceptance, and love. Releasing those deeply embedded beliefs that we are not good enough can open the door to deeper spiritual understanding and make us more open to love and grace.

When using tapping to foster self-love, it is important to have a clear and strong intention of love in order to ensure the greatest benefit. A good starting point is to tap through positive affirmations such as, “I am worthy of love,” “I am in line with God’s will,” and “I embrace my true worth.” Doing this while focusing on the words and letting them sink into the higher self can create powerful shifts in the spiritual landscape.

Tapping is also seen as a way to rid the body of negative emotions, long-held negative beliefs, and mental blocks. When used to clear out old patterns, beliefs, or blocks that may be hindering your spiritual journey, it can be beneficial and lead to more meaningful connection with God

Creating Balance and Harmony

When done with full acceptance of one’s humanity, tapping can be a powerful tool to help us create balance and live a harmonious life. It can be an integral part of developing a closer relationship with God as it enables us to move through our issues and experiences with self-love, acceptance and trust. Being consciously aware of the energy we are juggling with our daily lives is a huge step toward being in alignment with the divine force.

Tapping is meant to be integrated into our daily lives rather than practiced as a separate exercise. This can include tapping during prayer to create an alignment of the soul with God or it can include tapping during meditation to clear out blockages or open up information. It is important to keep an open heart and be in tune with what the body is telling you when tapping as sometimes we can be resistant to the process.

Using Tapping as a Spiritual Tool

Tapping can be very helpful when used as a spiritual tool to cope with the difficult times. It can be used to create greater awareness and acceptance and to create more alignment with God’s will. By doing so, we can become more open to receive blessings and direction, ushering in deeper levels of faith and spiritual formation.

When incorporated into personal spiritual practices, tapping has the potential to open up the energy systems of the body and create a foundation for greater spiritual awareness. This helps to foster a closer relationship with God and can provide clarity and wisdom as we move on our spiritual journey. It also helps to create a deeper connection with our higher self and inner wisdom.

Taking the Next Steps

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to use tapping should be made according to the individual Christian’s conscience. Tapping can be seen as a beneficial tool for creating balance in the body, fostering self-love and awareness, and deepening a connection with God, however, it should always be done with the right motivations, intentions, and reverence to respect and honor the Lord.

If tapping is something that is desired to be used, it can benefit from diving deeper into its teachings as they pertain to Christianity and discernment can be practiced to ensure that any practices are in line with God’s will. Making sure to stay in a continual state of prayer can also help to ensure that we are on the right path and that tapping is being used only with the right intentions.

Affirming Our Belonging to God

When looking at tapping and its implications for Christianity, it is important to remember that no matter where we are on our spiritual journey, we always retain our connection with God. We are always accepted and loved, no matter if we take the route of prayer or tapping or a combination of both. By affirming this universal truth, we can be open and accepting of our ever-deepening relationship with God, through all the ups and downs and our own personal spiritual walks.

Using Wisdom & Discernment

It is imperative that we approach this topic with great discernment and strong spiritual practice. Taking time to contemplate and consult the scriptures can bring forth divine knowledge and wisdom to ensure that our choices are in line with God’s will. Through contemplation, prayer and discernment, Christians can find the answers they need to the questions of whether tapping is right for them.

It is also important to question and research the sources of any tapping practice that we are engaging in. By doing so, we ensure that we are participating in activities that honor and glorify God. Additionally, it can help us to avoid engaging in activities that could be interpreted as manipulating the environment, instead of relying on divine grace.

Creating a Sacred Space

During tapping or prayers, it is important to create a sacred space. To do this, you can establish a private and quiet space free from distractions. You can go further to set up a small altar with spiritual items that inspire you and evoke the feeling of being in the presence of the Divine. Then, you can use this space as an area to quiet your mind, pray, and practice tapping.

In any practice, it is also important to come to God with an open heart and a willingness to follow his lead. By having an open heart, we can more easily follow the spiritual path that we have been called to. We can listen more carefully to our inner guide and can more easily discern God’s will for our lives.


Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to practice tapping goes against Christianity depends on the individual Christian’s conscience. As long as it is done with respect, humility and the right intentions, tapping can be viewed as a beneficial tool that can help us fulfill God’s will. When done mindfully and with an open heart, tapping can be an important aspect of a Christian’s spiritual journey.

Jennifer Johnson is an experienced author with a deep passion for exploring the spiritual traditions of different cultures and religions. She has been writing about religion and spirituality for the past ten years in both print and digital platforms, engaging readers in meaningful dialogue about the soul's journey through this life. With degrees in Comparative Religion and English Literature, she brings an insightful perspective to her work that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern theories. A lifelong traveler, Jenn has lived in multiple countries exploring various paths to understanding faith, and her dedication to learning new things is palpable in every piece she creates.

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