How Did Christianity Come To India


India has been a land of numerous religious beliefs and worshipping practices since the ancient era. Christianity dates back to the 1st century when Saint Thomas, one of the Apostle’s of Jesus, arrived in India and stayed here for several years preaching and propagating Christianity. From that time, Christianity has become an integral part of Indian society and culture. This article will explore the history of Christianity’s presence and influence in India from the time it was established until now.

Global Reach and Early Indian Presence

Christianity, with its global reach, transcended national boundaries and eventually penetrated into India. Its wide dissemination and recognition in many countries across the world saw a rise in the number of followers. During the first century AD, Saint Thomas the Apostle, one of the primary apostles of Jesus, arrived in India to spread Christianity. He is believed to have landed in Kerala and set up few churches in the area. There is considerable evidence of the early centuries being well-populated by Syriac speaking Christians in the region using East Syriac liturgy. Additionally, some of the ancient texts such as the one found in Syria, a Commonitorium by Dionysius Bar Salibi, also mentions about Christianity being present in India.

The Portuguese Colonization

The Portuguese colonization from the 16th century acted as a major force in propagating Christianity in India. They arrived in Goa in 1510 and soon succeeded in conquering most of the important trading ports in India. With the establishment of their own churches and expanded trading network, there was a significant rise in the population of Christians in India. The activity of missionaries also became widespread and Christianity was propagated among a majority of the Indian populace. The Portuguese favored the establishment of the Roman Catholic Church and hence, despite limited success in areas like South India, it played an important role in the diffusion of Christianity in India.

The East India Company

The East India Company was the next major catalyst in the spread of Christianity in India. Established in 1600, they soon became a major political and economic force in India. They actively supported the growth of Christianity and provided funds for the construction of churches and other religious infrastructure. They also encouraged the activites of prominent missionaries like William Carey and Robert Morrison. In addition to this, a number of schools, colleges, and universities were set up by them for the propagation of the religion.

Anglican Churches

The influence and presence of the Anglican Church can also be felt in the spread of Christianity in India. Established in 1813, the Anglican Church started sending out missionaries to India to engage in evangelization activities. The Church focused on providing basic education and medical aid as means of spreading Christianity in India. The Church also actively prohibited slavery and condemned the inhumane practices of the British Raj in India.

The Rise of Charismatic Churches

In the present day, Christianity in India is mainly characterized by the emergence of Charismatic movements and churches. These churches focus more on the spiritual and emotional aspects of Christianity, rather than its traditional and doctrinal aspects. As a result, Charismatic churches are rapidly growing in India and are providing an alternate platform for Indian Christianity.

Indian Christianity Today

Christianity has grown to become an integral part of Indian society and culture. While there is considerable evidence of early Christians in India, the majority of Christians in India today are followers of Protestant denominations. The number of Christians in India is estimated to be around 28 million, constituting 2.3% of the total population. Despite their numerical strength, Christians in India still face significant social, political, and economic discrimination, especially in rural areas.

Christian Education

One significant area of growth for Indian Christianity has been in the field of education. There are numerous Christian colleges, schools, and universities in India that are providing quality education to students from all communities. These educational institutions are also actively engaged in spreading the principles and teachings of Christianity throughout the country.

Role in Politics

The political participation of Christians in India has also increased considerably over the years. There are a number of political parties and organizations working specifically for the welfare and advancement of Indian Christians. These organizations strive to ensure that the rights and needs of Christian communities are recognized and taken into account.

Christian-Hindu Relations

The relation between Hindus and Christians in India is often characterized by mutual respect and open dialogue. Despite the presence of certain religious tensions, there is a considerable amount of cooperation and understanding between the two. This is evident from the increased participation of Christians in public festivities and ceremonies, as well as in religious institutions such as temples and shrines.

Influence of Christianity in Indian Art and Culture

Although Christianity is a relatively new religion in India, it has had a great impact on Indian art and culture. Christian symbols, characters, and stories have made their way into Indian literature, films, and music. In addition, there has been an increasing acceptance of traditional Christian values and practices into Indian society.

Conclusion of Hindu-Christian relations

Relations between Hindus and Christians in India have strengthened considerably, particularly in the last few decades. Despite the presence of certain tensions, both communities have been able to find mutual understanding and acceptance, leading to an increased level of cooperation. Furthermore, Christianity has had an immense influence on Indian art, culture, and religion, thus playing an integral role in its development.

Jennifer Johnson is an experienced author with a deep passion for exploring the spiritual traditions of different cultures and religions. She has been writing about religion and spirituality for the past ten years in both print and digital platforms, engaging readers in meaningful dialogue about the soul's journey through this life. With degrees in Comparative Religion and English Literature, she brings an insightful perspective to her work that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern theories. A lifelong traveler, Jenn has lived in multiple countries exploring various paths to understanding faith, and her dedication to learning new things is palpable in every piece she creates.

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