How Did Jesus Influence The Development Of Christianity

One question that commonly arises concerning Jesus and Christianity is: How did he influence its formation? To answer this question, we must first understand what makes Christianity unique from other religions. Christianity is based upon the teachings of Jesus, a first-century Jewish rabbi, who was born in Bethlehem and had traveled the land for about three years teaching about God’s kingdom and his teachings. He often explained how we should live our lives through principles of love, forgiveness, and compassion. Jesus ultimately died on the cross, but as Christianity teaches, he rose from the dead after three days. This event has been traditionally regarded as the founding of Christianity.

In its earliest form, Christianity was quite different from modern versions. Initially, it was a Jewish religious movement with a focus on following the teachings of Jesus and studying the Old Testament. The early Christians were seen as a sect of Judaism, and followers were known as “the Way.” As Christianity spread and evolved, a unique set of beliefs emerged that separated it from Judaism. One of these tenets was the belief in Jesus’ resurrection.

Until the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE, Christianity was still largely considered within the scope of Judaism. However, as Christianity became more popular in the Roman Empire, it slowly began to diverge from its Jewish roots. During this time, Jesus’ teachings gained more importance and a canonical Bible, with the Gospels as its core, was written.

The teachings of Jesus are foundational in Christianity, and at the very core of its beliefs is the belief that Jesus was an incarnation of God, sent to bring peace and joy to the world. This idea was revolutionary, and it provided a framework for a new understanding of who God is and how we should live our lives. It is this belief that served as a catalyst for Christianity’s growth.

In addition to his moral teachings, Jesus also developed a new understanding of faith and prayer that encouraged intimate relationships with God and an understanding of his will. Jesus taught his disciples to call God their father, while also emphasizing the importance of faith and prayer. These ideas fundamentally shifted the way people viewed God, as he was no longer seen as a distant figure but instead as a loving source of comfort and guidance.

Apart from his teachings, Jesus is also revered in Christianity for being a martyr and a symbol of hope. In his death, he showed his commitment to people and God, and this message of hope and salvation has been an integral part of Christianity since its earliest days. This message has also been said to have helped inspire the conversion of many people to Christianity over the years.

Ultimately, Jesus was the foundation upon which Christianity was built. His teachings, sacrifice, and resurrection provided the groundwork for Christianity’s development and growth over the centuries. His moral teachings continue to offer guidance and comfort to believers, while his role as a martyr is seen as a source of salvation and hope. Without Jesus, Christianity as we know it would not exist.


Jesus performed many miracles during his ministry, which can be found in the Bible. These included healing people from physical, mental and spiritual illnesses, casting out demons, walking on water, feeding multitudes from a small amount of food, calming a storm, and raising the dead. These miracles served as a powerful demonstration of God’s power and showed Jesus’ divine nature.

The miracles also served as a way of confirming Jesus’ teachings and offering proof that he was sent by God. They also showed his compassion and mercy towards the people he interacted with. These miraculous events are remembered and celebrated by Christians today, providing further evidence of Jesus’ divine mission.

The fact that many of the miracles allegedly occurred in front of large crowds of people is a testament to their significance. The reports of these miracles were so well-known that it is highly unlikely that a conspiracy could have been kept up for very long. In other words, Jesus’ miracles make an indisputable case that he has a special connection with God.

The miracles of Jesus are seen to have had a profound impact on the early Christian church. They provided tangible evidence of the power and authority of Jesus, and helped to foster an atmosphere of faith and trust in his divinity. This, in turn, helped in the spread of Christianity and contributed to the growth of the church.


The ascension of Jesus is another important element of the Christian faith. It is believed that Jesus rose bodily into heaven forty days after his crucifixion, in full sight of his disciples. This event is mentioned in the Bible in the Book of Acts and the Gospel of Luke, which describe the disciples witnessing the ascension in great detail.

The ascension of Jesus is seen by many Christians as a symbol of his exaltation and victory over death, and of his ascension to glory in heaven. It has traditionally been used to represent Jesus’ return to the Father and to signify the beginning of the church’s mission on earth. This event is celebrated in the church as a reminder of the power of Jesus’ resurrection and of the Christian faith.

Christian theologians have used the ascension of Jesus to interpret the concept of salvation. According to the New Testament, Jesus’ ascension marked the culmination of his mission on earth, which was to restore a broken relationship between humans and God. This restoration is seen as the source of human salvation and is a central concept in Christianity.

The importance of Jesus’ ascension has been at the forefront of Christian thought for centuries. It is often used as an example of Jesus’ power and authority, and is seen as a clear demonstration of the glory of God. This event is central to the Christian faith, and is an integral part of the Christian belief system.

Influence In Modern Times

The influence of Jesus on the development of Christianity can still be seen in modern times. As mentioned before, his teachings are at the core of Christianity and they are still being used to guide individuals and communities on how to live a life of faith and hope. His death and resurrection are still remembered and celebrated and serve to inspire people to continue to spread the gospel.

In addition, Jesus’ miracles are still seen as an important reminder of his divine power and authority. Christians often look to Jesus’ miracles for guidance and inspiration, holding onto them as evidence of his divine mission. The ascension of Jesus is still a significant event, and is used to represent the culminating moment in Jesus’ earthly mission, and it serves to remind Christians of God’s power and glory.

Finally, Jesus’ role as a martyr is still remembered by many Christians. The story of Jesus dying on the cross is seen to be a powerful symbol of hope and salvation, and it continues to serve as an inspiration to many individuals and faith communities.

Persecution And Prejudice

Jesus’ teachings have also been a source of persecution and prejudice throughout history. The early church was persecuted by the Romans and other Pagans for its beliefs and teachings, and this continued for centuries after. Jesus and his teachings were seen as a threat to political and religious authorities and so they often refused to accept them.

The modern world is still not immune to this kind of persecution, as there are still instances of people being persecuted, ostracized and even killed for following the teachings of Jesus. These types of events are still a tragically common occurrence in many parts of the world.

Christians today face prejudice and discrimination in many areas of life. This can take the form of religious persecution, where individuals are targeted due to their faith. It can also take other forms such as racism, sexism and homophobia. These forms of discrimination are rooted in prejudice and ignorance and they inhibit the spread of the faith and the development of the Church.

In contrast to this, there are also many examples of people from all different backgrounds embracing the teachings of Jesus and embracing Christianity in its many forms. This demonstrates that Jesus is still an influential figure in the world today, and that his teachings have had a positive effect on the development and growth of the Church.


In summary, Jesus had a profound impact on the development of Christianity. His teachings provided a unique perspective on faith and provided a framework for the growth and expansion of the Church. His miracles provided tangible evidence of his power and authority and helped to build a level of trust between him and his followers. The ascension of Jesus was an important event that was seen as a symbol of power and victory, as well as a demonstration of the glory of God. His role as a martyr is still seen as an inspiration to many today. Finally, Jesus’ teachings have also been a source of persecution and prejudice throughout history. Despite this, his influence and legacy continues to be seen in the modern world.

Jennifer Johnson is an experienced author with a deep passion for exploring the spiritual traditions of different cultures and religions. She has been writing about religion and spirituality for the past ten years in both print and digital platforms, engaging readers in meaningful dialogue about the soul's journey through this life. With degrees in Comparative Religion and English Literature, she brings an insightful perspective to her work that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern theories. A lifelong traveler, Jenn has lived in multiple countries exploring various paths to understanding faith, and her dedication to learning new things is palpable in every piece she creates.

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