How Does Evolution Fit Into Christianity

What is Evolution?

Evolution is the process of change over time — the change in the inherited traits of a population of organisms from one generation to the next as adapted to their environment. It is a slow process, occurring over millions of years, as organisms slowly become better adapted to their environment and their genes change in response to natural selection. Evolution is a well-accepted scientific fact and a cornerstone of biology.

Do Christians Believe in Evolution?

Despite the long-running debate between science and religion, most Christians accept evolution. According to a 2016 survey by the Pew Research Center, 67% of practicing Christian Americans believe in evolution — far higher than the number of Americans who believe in creationism (24%). Many Christians view evolution as a part of God’s plan, rather than a challenge to their faith. In an August 2018 article for Christianity Today, Dr. Michael Gorman wrote, “When we accept evolution as God’s chosen form of Creation, and that it has been obediently sustaining the created order for several billion years, it takes on a new significance.”

How Does Evolution Fit Into Christianity?

Evolution fits into Christianity in a few different ways. For some Christians, evolution is seen as a result of the Creator’s clever design. A growing number of Christian scholars believe that the theory of evolution can work side by side with Christian faith — if seen in relation to the Bible’s teachings. Dr. Gorman writes, that “while evolution may not be “derived” from Scripture, it can be seen through Scripture when viewed through the lens of an appropriate hermeneutic, or a methodology of interpretation.”

The Long-Term Debate

The debate between science and religion is a long-standing one, with both sides presenting strong arguments. This debate has also been present within the Christian church, with some rejecting all evolutionary ideas, while others have accepted them with some reservation. However, in recent years, many Christian leaders have come to a consensus: evolution fits into Christianity and can be compatible with it. Dr. Gorman states that “science and faith are not to be seen as points of opposition, but rather as different but complementary ways of seeing the world.”

Challenging the Status Quo

While there has been a shift in the Christian community towards acceptance of evolution, there are still many who oppose it. Such individuals may challenge the status quo and present arguments that challenge evolutionary theory. For example, creationists may argue that the fossil record does not prove that evolution has occurred, and that the complexity of organisms could not have arisen through random mutations. Yet, as Dr. Gorman writes, “there is now a growing consensus that Christian doctrine is consistent with the evolutionary account.”


Evolution is a complex subject, and one that has been debated for many years within the Christian community. Yet, while there are still some that oppose the idea, it is generally accepted that evolution can fit within Christianity — as long as it is seen as part of the Creator’s plan. And while there are still debates to be had, it is increasingly recognized that evolution and religion do not have to be seen as opposing forces.

God’s Inexistence in Evolution

It is important to note that evolution does not answer questions about the existence of God or how He might be involved in the process of change. This is because evolution does not explain the origin of life — it only explains how life changes over time. The debate about God’s involvement in the evolutionary process is an ongoing one, and one that will likely continue for years to come.

The Role of Faith in Evolution

Though evolution does not answer questions about God existing, it does not discount the role of faith in the process. While some may view faith and science as opposing forces, many Christians see evolution as an opportunity to explore their faith and make connections between science and their beliefs. Dr. Gorman writes, “Evolution requires faith — faith that the earth is billions of years old, that the universe is changing and developing, and that the Creator God has witnessed it all.”

Conflict and Compromise

The debate between Christians and evolution has been a contentious one, and it is likely to continue for many years to come. Yet, despite the opposing views, there is a growing consensus that both sides can learn from each other. It is possible to accept evolution and still maintain one’s faith. As Dr. Gorman writes, “we can both accept the Truth of science and the Truth of faith. We can both study the fascinating discovery of evolutionary science, and reverently acknowledge the Creator’s ongoing actions.”

The Ethics of Evolution

The debate between Christians and evolution is made even more complex by the ethical implications. Evolution brings with it the idea of “survival of the fittest,” which has been interpreted by some as advocating a selfish attitude. Yet, Dr. Gorman suggests that Christians can look at evolution as a tool for progress — “Evolution is God’s chosen method of revealing truth and virtue to humankind, by perfecting the human soul in each generation.”

The Creation of New Species

Evolution is an ongoing process, with new species being created as existing species change. It is a concept that has been explored by many Christian theologians. In his book, “God’s Big Picture,” Dr. Vaughan Roberts writes, “there is no contradiction between what the Bible teaches about creation and the scientific evidence for evolution. Indeed, God’s creative power is seen most clearly when we understand that he has used evolution to bring about variety, order and complexity in creation.”

Interpreting the Bible in Relation to Evolution

The Christian community is divided on whether the Bible can be interpreted in relation to the theory of evolution. Some argue that the Biblical texts are incompatible with the idea of evolution, while others view them in a different light. For example, Dr. Peter Enns, Professor of Biblical Studies at Eastern University, believes that understanding the Bible in light of science can help provide insights into the nature of God and His relationship to the world He has created.

The Merging of Science and Faith

For many Christians, the acceptance of evolution is a sign that science and faith can be compatible. By viewing evolution as part of God’s plan, many Christians have found a way to reconcile their beliefs with science. As Dr. Enns writes, “we can appreciate beauty and goodness and the intricacies of life without having to pick sides.” For these Christians, evolution is an opportunity to explore their faith in a new way and to find a merging of science and faith.

Jennifer Johnson is an experienced author with a deep passion for exploring the spiritual traditions of different cultures and religions. She has been writing about religion and spirituality for the past ten years in both print and digital platforms, engaging readers in meaningful dialogue about the soul's journey through this life. With degrees in Comparative Religion and English Literature, she brings an insightful perspective to her work that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern theories. A lifelong traveler, Jenn has lived in multiple countries exploring various paths to understanding faith, and her dedication to learning new things is palpable in every piece she creates.

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