How Long Ago Did Christianity Begin

How Long Ago Did Christianity Begin

The origins of Christianity date back over 2,000 years ago to the first-century. It began as a small Jewish sect in the city of Jerusalem, with Jesus of Nazareth at its center. Jesus’ teaching and ministry spread through the region and eventually spread to the entire world. It eventually became the dominant religious faith in the world, with over two billion adherents.

Christianity is founded on the teachings of Jesus and those of his Apostles. Its adherents gathered together in the early Church, which was characterized by its liturgical style, its communal prayer, and its dedication to evangelizing its message to the world. It was this Church that helped shape the faith and spread it to other parts of the world.

The history of Christianity is long and complex, but can be broken down into four main eras. The first era, the Pre-Reformation, is when various denominations emerged such as Lutheranism, Catholicism, Calvinism, and Anglicanism. The second era is the Reformation, which was marked by Martin Luther’s publication of the 95 Theses and the subsequent division of Christianity into Roman Catholic and Protestant denominations. The third era was the Enlightenment, which brought about the development of reason and science and the gradual dissolution of absolutism. This was followed by the Modern era, which saw further fragmentation of the Church as new denominations and varieties of Christianity emerged.

Though Christianity is a global faith with over two billion adherents, there has been some disagreement about exactly when it began and when it came to its status as a world religion. Some scholars point to the first century, when Jesus began his ministry, and his teachings were written down in the New Testament. Others suggest that Christianity fully flourished and spread to all corners of the world by the fourth century, when the first Council of Nicaea was held and Christianity was declared the official faith of the Roman Empire. Some also claim that it is only in the twentieth century that Christianity has become a truly global religion.

The spread of Christianity was helped by its doctrines, which emphasize the importance of love, mercy, and compassion. Its teachings were seen by many as a revolutionary message of hope and redemption, in stark contrast to the harsh and oppressive social and political systems of the day. This message was attractive to many non-Jews, and Christianity spread rapidly in the Roman Empire and elsewhere. Its adherents often founded communities and schools and spread the gospel of Jesus’ teachings to the surrounding areas.

Today, Christianity is one of the world’s major religions and embraces many different denominations, from Catholicism to Pentecostalism. While there is still debate over the exact origins of the faith, it is generally accepted that Christianity began in the first century and has been spreading its message of love, mercy, and compassion to the world ever since.

Persecution of Christians

The spread of Christianity in its early years was not always smooth and peaceful. Throughout history, Christians faced persecution and oppression by the governments and authorities of the time. This was due to the fact that Christian beliefs and practices often clashed with the accepted social norms, or were perceived as a threat to political or religious rule. This has led to the arrest, torture, and even death of countless faithful believers.

The persecution of the early Church is a dark and shameful period of history. Nevertheless, the faith survived, despite all the adversity, and over time became a prominent and integral part of many societies. This is perhaps a testament to the strength of Christianity and its ability to transcend time and adversity.

Today, persecution of Christians is still a reality for many. In some parts of the world, it is even more dangerous to be a believer than it was in the early days of the Church. According to Open Doors, an international advocacy group that works to protect Christians facing persecution, an estimated 245 million Christians around the world are suffering for their faith.

Despite this, there are still countless people who are willing to risk their lives and those of their families to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. This shows the indomitable faith and the courage of believers, who refuse to be silenced in the face of oppression and injustice.

Influence of Christianity

Over its two thousand year history, Christianity has been a major force in shaping both society and culture. Its teachings have had a profound impact on laws, humanitarianism, and social justice. For example, Jesus taught us to turn the other cheek, forgive, and show love and kindness to our enemies. This has inspired countless acts of mercy and charity throughout history, and continues to do so today.

The Church has also used its influence to promote peace and justice in many areas of the world. From its advocacy for the abolition of slavery in the 19th century to its work combating modern day injustices, the Church has had a powerful impact on society. In addition, Christian values have been a major force for good in the advancement of human rights, particularly in the fields of education, healthcare, and poverty alleviation.

The widespread effects of Christian ideals can be seen in many aspects of modern life. From the arts to politics to economic policy, Christianity has been a major influence on countless global issues. Thanks to Christian beliefs and teachings, the world has benefitted from numerous advances in social, political, and economic fields.

Christianity has had such a profound impact because of its ability to reach the hearts and minds of people of all ages, backgrounds, and beliefs. This is due to its message of hope, love, and unity, which have resonated throughout the centuries and inspired people to strive for a better world.

Contemporary Christianity

In the modern day, Christianity is still an integral part of many societies around the world. It is estimated that two billion people identify as Christian, making it the largest religion in the world. But while Christianity remains a popular faith, its adherents face a number of challenges. For example, some believe the trend of secularization and the prominence of science and technology may lead to a decrease in the number of people who identify as Christian.

At the same time, Christianity is becoming increasingly diverse. There are now many different denominations and varieties of faith, each with their own beliefs, practices, and traditions. This has allowed for a greater appreciation of diversity within the faith and a greater understanding of how faith can be expressed in different contexts.

Despite the challenges, the future of Christianity is still quite bright. It is the world’s most popular faith, with believers from all walks of life. Its message of hope and love continues to inspire and motivate people to seek justice and peace in the world.

Christianity and Social Issues

The Christian faith has a long history of addressing social issues. From ending slavery to working for justice for the oppressed, Christians have a tradition of standing up for the disenfranchised and marginalized. This is due to the fact that the gospel of Jesus Christ emphasizes love, mercy, and compassion for all people.

In this way, the Church can often be a powerful advocate for social change. In recent years, it has taken a strong stand against racism and intolerance, as well as poverty and exploitation. The Church has used its influence to draw attention to the plight of refugees and asylum seekers, as well as to provide aid and assistance to those in need.

Today, many Christians are actively involved in social activism and are working to make a difference in their communities and beyond. From fighting human trafficking to advocating for environmental protection, Christians are working to make the world a better place.


The history of Christianity is a long and complex one, but the faith’s core message of love, mercy, and compassion have consistently been a powerful force for good. This message has been inspiring believers for over two thousand years and continues to do so today. Despite the challenges ahead, there is no denying that Christianity is still a major influence in the world and will continue to be for many years to come.

Jennifer Johnson is an experienced author with a deep passion for exploring the spiritual traditions of different cultures and religions. She has been writing about religion and spirituality for the past ten years in both print and digital platforms, engaging readers in meaningful dialogue about the soul's journey through this life. With degrees in Comparative Religion and English Literature, she brings an insightful perspective to her work that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern theories. A lifelong traveler, Jenn has lived in multiple countries exploring various paths to understanding faith, and her dedication to learning new things is palpable in every piece she creates.

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