How Many Holidays Does Christianity Have


Christianity is one of the most wide-spread religions in the world, with adherents of the religion in virtually every corner of the globe. Despite its wide reach, however, there are fewer holidays celebrated in Christianity than in many other religions. This article will explore how many holidays Christians observe, and some of the important aspects of major Christian holidays.

The Holidays of Christianity

There are 7 major holidays that are commonly celebrated in Christianity: Christmas, Easter, Ascension Day, Pentecost, All Saints Day, Lent, and Epiphany.
Christmas is a time for celebrating the birth of Jesus and is marked by special religious services and the singing of Christmas carols. Traditionally, gifts were exchanged and the holiday was observed by decorating houses with holly and ivy and staying up late to greet the new baby Jesus.
Easter marks the resurrection of Jesus and is considered to be the high point of the Christian year, although it is not considered to be one of the seven major feasts. Traditionally, Easter eggs are hidden and hunted by children and families celebrate with a special Easter meal.
Ascension Day is celebrated on the fortieth day after Easter, when it is believed that Jesus ascended into heaven. On this day, Christians will often travel to Jerusalem and take part in a religious service commemorating the ascension.
Pentecost is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter and marks the day when the Holy Spirit descended onto the Apostles. It is connected to Easter, as it is the time when Jesus’ followers heard his message for the first time.
All Saints Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in November, and commemorates the lives of all saints and martyrs, as well as all deceased Christians.
Lent is celebrated each year in the lead-up to Easter and involves a period of fasting and reflection.
Epiphany is celebrated on the twelfth day of Christmas, and marks the visit of the Magi to the baby Jesus.

Significance of the Major Holidays

Three of the major Christian holidays are considered to be of particular importance: Christmas, Easter and Pentecost. Christmas is generally seen as a time of joy and celebration, as Jesus was born to save mankind from its sins. Easter, meanwhile, is seen as an important celebration of resurrection and redemption, as Jesus’ death on the cross was seen as a sacrifice for mankind’s sins.
Pentecost is seen as the birthday of the church, as it was on this day that the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles and enabled them to share Jesus’ message with the world.

Purposes of the Major Holidays

The primary purpose of the major Christian holidays is to commemorate the major events in Jesus’ life. By celebrating these events, Christians are reminded of the sacrifice that Jesus made in order to save mankind, which serves to strengthen their faith.
The holidays are also a time for Christians to gather together in fellowship and to celebrate the mercy and grace of God. By gathering together, Christians are able to build friendships and enjoy the company of one another, thus strengthening the bond of the Christian community.

Celebrations of the Major Holidays

The celebrations of the major Christian holidays tend to vary from culture to culture, although some common themes can be seen in the celebrations of each holiday.
At Christmas time, many churches will hold special services and carol-singing events, whilst special meals and gift-giving are also popular activities. At Easter time, Easter eggs are hidden and hunted by children, whilst special Easter parades and meals are also important components of the celebrations.
At Pentecost, many Christians will take part in a special service, often travelling to Jerusalem in order to do so, whilst families will gather together to read the Acts of the Apostles, reflecting on the Holy Spirit’s descent.

Frequency of the Major Holidays

Christmas, Easter and Pentecost are the three major Christian holidays that are celebrated each and every year, as they mark significant events in the life of Jesus. The other holidays, including Ascension Day, All Saints Day, Epiphany and Lent, occur on specific dates each year, but are not observed annually by all Christians. Some denominations may, however, observe all the holidays, whilst others may opt not to observe any of the minor ones.

Christian Holidays Around the World

The way in which Christian holidays are celebrated around the world is largely dependent upon the culture and country in which they are observed. For example, Christmas celebrations in the United States tend to be different to those seen in the United Kingdom, whilst Easter time in continental Europe is often very different to Easter time in Australia.
In addition to this, differing denominations of Christianity tend to observe holidays in different ways. For example, Catholics may observe Lent in a very different manner to Protestants, whilst Orthodox Christians may have different traditions for celebrating Epiphany.


Christianity is a huge part of the cultural heritage of many countries, and its associated holidays are often the time when families come together for celebrations and reflection. Although there are seven major Christian holidays, not all of them are observed by all denominations and ways of celebrating them can vary greatly due to cultural differences.

Jennifer Johnson is an experienced author with a deep passion for exploring the spiritual traditions of different cultures and religions. She has been writing about religion and spirituality for the past ten years in both print and digital platforms, engaging readers in meaningful dialogue about the soul's journey through this life. With degrees in Comparative Religion and English Literature, she brings an insightful perspective to her work that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern theories. A lifelong traveler, Jenn has lived in multiple countries exploring various paths to understanding faith, and her dedication to learning new things is palpable in every piece she creates.

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