How Many Members Does Christianity Have

Christianity is one of the world’s oldest and largest religions, with over two billion adherents in more than 180 countries. It is the major religion of Europe, the Americas, Africa and Australia. Christianity is divided into many different denominations, including Roman Catholic, Protestant, Eastern Orthodox and Anglican, with the major groups having an estimated membership of more than one billion people. Christianity is also one of the most diverse religions, with many different languages, cultures and beliefs.

When determining the estimated number of Christians in the world today, it is important to note that the figures can vary significantly, depending on the source. The Pew Research Center, for example, estimated that there were approximately 2.2 billion people who identified as Christian in 2020, while the World Religion Database estimates that it is closer to 2.9 billion. Both figures include those who are baptized and who are Christian by tradition.

In addition to adherents in traditional Christian countries, there is a sizable number of Christians in Asia and Africa. In some areas of sub-Saharan Africa, for example, it is estimated that more than 90 percent of the population is Christian. This indicates that Christianity is still a major religion in regions where religion was once greatly suppressed.

Often, the figures for how many members Christianity has can also include people who don’t consider themselves to actively practice the religion. This could include people who identify as Christian culturally or ancestrally, but who no longer observe religious practices or take part in Church activities. These figures are known as ‘passive Christians’ and can also be included when working out the total membership numbers.

A number of surveys have been conducted over the years to gain insight into the attitudes and beliefs of Christians around the world. These surveys have revealed that while the majority of Christians are still devoted to the religious principles of their faith, there are also many who are more passive or even completely non-practising. The concept of moral relativism, which promotes the idea that any value system is equally valid, has been gaining more acceptance in recent years, particularly in western countries.

The power of Christian influence extends beyond the church walls and into wider society, where the teaching and beliefs of the Church are often influential despite the lack of active participation by many members. For example, laws and policies concerning marriage, abortion, and social issues have often been shaped by Christian values. Additionally, political movements have been formed on the basis of Christian beliefs and moral principles.

Church Membership Statistics

Christianity has always been an organized religion with a central leadership, divided into denominations and congregations. In order to better understand how many members Christianity has overall, it is important to consider the figures for Church membership. The Church of England, for example, recorded an estimated 1,842,732 members in 2018. By comparison, the Roman Catholic Church reported 1,214,368 members.

Other denominations have their own individual membership figures. The Assemblies of God, for instance, reported a membership of nearly 11 million people in 2018. The Southern Baptist Convention, another major Protestant denomination, reported around 15 million members in 2019. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a non-denominational Christian religion, had more than 16 million members worldwide in 2020.

Christianity is also recognised as one of the world’s largest communities of faith-based organisations. According to statistics published by the World Council of Churches, there are approximately 560,000 churches, institutions and organisations affiliated to the WCC, representing 261 churches in over 200 countries.

The Effects of Atheism on Christianity

The decline of Christianity has been linked to the growth of atheism in recent years. Atheists have become more vocal in their opposition to religion and have had a significant impact on the decline in Christianity. In the United States, for instance, the percentage of people identifying as atheist or agnostic grew from 5 percent in 2007 to 8 percent in 2017. In the UK, the number of people with no religion rose from 25 percent in 2011 to 48 percent in 2019, according to the Office for National Statistics.

As more people move away from faith in God, some fear that Christianity’s influence may wane, as it is already perceived to be in decline in many developed countries. But it is also worth noting that atheism and agnosticism are often more of a generational phenomenon. That is to say, that younger people are more likely to be nonreligious than their parents and grandparents, and that this may not always translate into a permanent shift away from Christianity.

Although it is clear that Christianity is not experiencing the same level of growth as it was in past centuries, it remains one of the most popular and influential religions in the world today. This is evidenced by the large number of members it continues to have and the substantial impact it has had on numerous societies throughout history.

Christianity in the 21st Century

Today, Christianity continues to be a powerful force in many parts of the world, and it is growing in some areas. There are currently 1.2 billion Catholics, which is the largest group of Christians. Christians also dominate more than 160 countries worldwide and can be found in every continent on earth, ranging from the Middle East, to Africa, Asia and the Americas.

In the United States, as an example, Christianity is still the dominant religion. According to a 2018 survey by the Pew Center for Religion & Public Life, nearly 70 percent of Americans identify as Christian. Even in Europe, where there has been a drop in church attendance, Christianity still makes up the largest portion of the population.

However, in the 21st century, Christian organisations have had to face a number of significant challenges, such as increased competition from other religions, diverse religious views within Christian denominations, and a growing cynicism towards religion. There are also a number of issues related to globalisation, such as increased immigration and the spread of religious extremism.

Despite these challenges, it is still clear that Christianity has maintained a substantial following and continues to be one of the most influential global religions. It is also likely that Christianity will continue to be an important factor in world affairs for many years to come.

The Future of Christianity

In the coming years, it is likely that Christianity will continue to experience changes, particularly given the fact that the religion is always in a state of flux and evolution. The diversity of denominations and the emergence of new Christian forms have increased the need for the denominations to work together, while the rise of the global internet has provided new opportunities for the sharing of ideas and resources.

Overall, it is clear that Christianity has experienced a resurgence in recent years and that it continues to be an important part of people’s personal faith and public life. As more and more people search for meaning in a rapidly changing world, it is likely that Christian organisations will continue to play an active role in providing spiritual comfort and guidance.

The Impact of Social Media on Christianity

In recent years, social media has had a profound impact on how Christianity is perceived and practised. Many churches now have social media accounts which can be used to share faith-based messages, engage with their members and reach out to those who may be seeking spiritual guidance. Social media has also been used to help spread the word of Christianity in areas that would otherwise be difficult to access.

In addition, social media can also help to connect Christians around the world, enabling them to share their beliefs and experiences on a global stage. This has allowed Christians to create networks of shared faith, which can lead to the growth and spread of Christianity to new areas.

Finally, social media has also been used to help spread awareness of different faith-based opportunities. Through these platforms, religious and spiritual organisations can promote their events and activities, allowing more people to get involved and participate in their efforts.

The Challenges Facing Christianity

Despite the many benefits that can be gained from modern technology, there are still challenges that Christianity continues to face today. For example, there is evidence that discrimination against Christians is still prevalent in many parts of the world. In fact, the Pew Research Center found that Christians are the most harassed religious group in the world, with many facing persecution and discrimination from both non-Christians and those of other religions.

Additionally, there is a growing trend of secularisation in many parts of the world. This has caused some to feel that Christianity is becoming increasingly irrelevant in society, while others are concerned that traditional moral and ethical values are being eroded by modernity. These challenges, along with the ever-changing cultural and technological landscape, will likely ensure that Christianity remains a religion of constant adaptation.


In conclusion, it is clear that Christianity is still one of the world’s major religions despite the challenges it faces in the 21st century. With over two billion adherents, many of whom remain devoted to their faith, the Church has been able to maintain a significant presence in numerous countries and cultures. Modern technology has also enabled Christians to spread their faith beyond the traditional boundaries, allowing more people to become part of the Christian community.

Jennifer Johnson is an experienced author with a deep passion for exploring the spiritual traditions of different cultures and religions. She has been writing about religion and spirituality for the past ten years in both print and digital platforms, engaging readers in meaningful dialogue about the soul's journey through this life. With degrees in Comparative Religion and English Literature, she brings an insightful perspective to her work that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern theories. A lifelong traveler, Jenn has lived in multiple countries exploring various paths to understanding faith, and her dedication to learning new things is palpable in every piece she creates.

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