Overview of Christianity and the Reasons People Leave
Christianity is one of the world’s largest religious groups and traditionally has a conservative view of the world. Christianity is practised by more than 2.3 billion people worldwide, as of 2019. Traditionally, it is based on the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, who is commonly regarded as the Son of God.
In recent years, however, Christianity has seen a rapid decline in the number of members leaving the religion, often citing a lack of belief in the core values, or feeling the church has become too political or outdated. For some people, the departure is a gradual process, which can span years, while others abruptly leave the faith after a devastating event or a life-changing experience.
Impact of Social Media and Hypocrisy
One of the main factors driving people away from Christianity is the proliferation of social media and its ability to connect millions of people and provide news and opinions from around the world. In the age of information and near-universal internet access, the traditional teachings of Christianity are finding it hard to resist the onslaught of new opinions, philosophies and values.
Additionally, the perceived hypocrisy in religious teachings and in church-goers has dissuaded some people from engaging with the faith. Many people have grown disenchanted with Christianity, taking note of its past mistakes such as its mistreatment and oppression of women and other minorities, blurring the lines between government and religion, and its lack of inclusivity.
Reconnecting to Young Adults
In an effort to prevent further decline, the Christian church is taking steps to modernise its teachings and connect with younger generations. Many churches now offer digital services with streamed sermons, social media campaigns to reach potential new members, and activities such as yoga and mindfulness.
However, some worry that such changes are too little too late, as many young people have already left and cannot be reached, or simply do not find Christianity relevant to their lives. Additionally, the changing values and attitudes of younger generations means that many simply cannot relate to the traditional teachings of Christianity, or find that their views are antithetical to it.
Checking Preached to Practised Practices
While the church has traditionally been a place of peace and solace, it has sometimes fallen short of its own preachings. The recent revelations of the many sexual misconducts of priests have been deeply damaging to the picture of Christianity as a benevolent faith, and many former Christians have cited this as a reason they no longer find solace in the church.
The discrepancy between the values preached and the often-flawed actions of adherents also causes distrust amongst potential new members, who may feel that the church’s message is just empty words. Many people have become very aware of the societal influence that churches have, and question the authority of the church and have grown to oppose it.
Data and Research
In the US, the rate of people leaving Christianity is increasing, with survey data from the Pew Research Centre showing that from 2007 to 2019, the number of people identifying as Christian dropped from 77% to 65%, with the population of non-believers rising from 16% to 26% in the same period. While religious people tend to be more conservative and traditional, there has been a shift in attitudes towards the church in recent years, particularly among young people, with only 43% of millenials identifying as Christian in 2019, a stark contrast to the 61% of baby boomer respondents who did.
In Europe, the rate of decline is even greater, with Europe as a whole predicted to be ‘post-Christian’ by 2041. This reflects a wider trend of secularisation, with Europe’s historically Christian countries now having a much larger proportion of non-religious people, with surveys showing that France, for example, is 80% non-religious.
Changes in Society
In this secularising world, society’s attitudes towards Christianity have changed drastically in the last few decades. For example, in the UK, religion is no longer seen as a requirement for moral values, with people increasingly looking at science, psychology and philosophy for guidance. Additionally, the idea of a God-given purpose or fate has been eroded in the age of technology, where scientific evidence is becoming the preferred explanation of many aspects of life.
As a result, those who do not believe in Christianity often find that their beliefs are depicted as ‘evil’ or inferior. This further contributes to the feelings of mistrust and alienation many people have with the faith.
Concerns Around Historical Events
The legacy of Christianity’s past actions and involvement in historical events also plays a role in distrust of the church, particularly when it comes to colonialism. The heavy hand of the Christian church in colonialism, often manifesting itself in a form of cultural genocide, has cast a dark shadow over Christianity, with many people feeling that the church had been complicit in the subjugation of their ancestors.
Even today, Christianity has not made amends for the wrongdoings of its past, making it difficult for many to find solace in its teachings.
Public Perception and Stereotypes
The public perception of Christianity is often tainted by the idea of a ‘good Christian’, leading to many feeling like they must hide aspects of themselves in order to fit into the church. This is further exacerbated by negative stereotypes and the common idea of faith as something oppressive and outdated, causing more people to leave than join.
Additionally, the perceived rigidity of the faith has caused some to view Christianity as a religion that requires conformity and dogmatism, rather than an empowering and inclusive faith. This has caused a lot of people to feel disconnected from the faith and to leave, as they no longer feel that they have a place in it.
Competing Religions and Perspective
In recent years, a multitude of new religious movements have emerged which present an alternative to Christian faith. Movements such as Paganism, Wicca and New Age beliefs posit a different perspective on the world, often with a more open approach to faith and personal relationships, which appeal to many people.
Additionally, the rise of anthropology and philosophy has led to a much broader understanding of the world and how it works, which has allowed many people to view Christianity in a different light. The non-dogmatic and open-minded approach of these fields has allowed them to become increasingly popular, providing an alternative to Christianity and convincing some people to leave.
Conflict and the Influence of Politics
The political environment has also had a significant effect on Christianity and its ability to connect with potential new members. In many countries around the world, Christianity is frequently depicted in the media and by politicians as a religion of power and privilege.
This has created a feeling of disconnect amongst those who feel oppressed by Christianity, with many disengaging with the faith due to thoughts of it being an oppressive force. Additionally, the increasingly belligerent rhetoric of some Christians have driven away those who strongly disagree with them, while the politicisation of the religion has convinced some to turn away as they see Christianity as too involved in politics.
Alternative Ideas and Exploration
In recent years, people have become more interested in exploration and self-discovery. In the face of alternative and more open-minded beliefs, the message of Christianity has become less attractive to people searching for freedom and autonomy. This is reflected in the way that many people now choose to look for meaning and fulfilment in art, travel, science and nature, eschewing the traditional approach of religion as a source of comfort and solace.
The growing prevalence of alternative spiritual views has also caused many people to rethink the traditional values of Christianity and seek ways to reconcile them with their personal beliefs. For example, some Christians have adopted elements of Paganism and Wicca into their faith, to provide a more open-minded approach to Christian teachings.
Quality of the Connection and Engagement with Faith
For people to stay connected to Christianity, a certain level of connection is needed. This comes from engaging with the teachings, attending services and feeling a part of the community. In some cases, this connection is too thin or non-existent, leading people to feel isolated and without a support system, which can drive them away.
Additionally, some people have a hard time connecting with Christianity due to its limited explanation of complex emotions and issues, as well as its lack of openness to change. In an increasingly unpredictable world, people yearn for an explanation and guidance that Christianity can find hard to provide, causing many to leave and look for alternative explanations and ways of life.