How Many Puranas In Hinduism

Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world, and has one of the highest numbers of religious texts called Puranas. But just how many Puranas are there in Hinduism? In order to have a complete understanding of Hinduism, it is important to understand how many Puranas are recognized by the religion and what is contained in those Puranas.

Generally speaking, Hinduism recognizes 18 Puranas. These 18 Puranas are classified into three distinct categories: the Mahapuranas (great Puranas), Upapuranas (minor Puranas), and the Sthala Puranas. Each Purana contains a collection of stories, many of which were composed centuries before written texts were used.

The 18 recognized Puranas in Hinduism are the Vishnu Purana, the Naradiya Purana, the Garuda Purana, the Padma Purana, the Varahapurana, the Agni Purana, the Bhagavata Purana, the Brahma Purana, the Brahmanda Purana, the Brahmavaivarta Purana, the Markandeya Purana, the Matsya Purana, the Kurma Purana, the Linga Purana, the Skanda Purana, the Vamana Purana, the Vayu Purana and the Shiva Purana.

The Puranas contain spiritual and philosophical knowledge and provide an insight into the many aspects of Hinduism. They are often used as a reference in religious ceremonies and rituals, and provide valuable information on the history of Hinduism, including the beliefs and practices of the religion. Each Purana is divided into two parts: the first part is devoted to stories and legends, and the second part is focused on philosophical and religious knowledge.

The Puranas are an important text in Hinduism and are seen as having significant religious and spiritual value. They are studied by Hindus to gain an understanding of their religion and to get a deeper understanding of its influence in Indian history and culture. For those who wish to explore the Hindu faith in greater detail, the Puranas are an invaluable source and provide an insight into a range of topics, from the origins of Hinduism to its various practices.

The Cultural Influence of the Puranas

The Puranas have had a strong and lasting impact on the culture of India. These texts have influenced the way in which Hinduism is practiced and are the source of many important Hindu beliefs. The Puranas are credited with having a significant influence on the development of Indian art, music and literature, as well as shaping the customs and traditions of Hindu society.

The stories and legends contained in the Puranas are some of the most popular stories in Indian culture. Many of them have been adapted for film and television and have been made into books and other works of art. These stories, which have influenced and shaped Indian culture for centuries, can still be seen, heard and felt in the everyday lives of many Indians, from festivals and ceremonies to art, literature and music.

The Puranas are also credited with having had an influence on the development of Indian philosophy. These texts are important sources of references for academic research in philosophy and religion, and they often provide insights into the debates and discussions of Hinduism’s ancient philosophers.

The Role of the Puranas in Hinduism

The Puranas are seen as an essential part of Hinduism, and they play a vital role in the growth and development of the religion. Through the stories and legends contained in the Puranas, Hindus learn about their religion and its teachings, as well as its role in Indian culture.

In addition, the Puranas provide an important source for religious rituals and practices. They contain detailed descriptions of Hindu ceremonies and rituals, as well as providing an insight into key beliefs and concepts in Hinduism. Hindus will often refer to the Puranas when performing ceremonies or engaging in religious rituals.

The Puranas also use stories to illustrate important spiritual concepts. These stories are often used as a way to explain and explore different interpretations of Hinduism, as well as providing a spiritual source of inspiration for Hindus. By studying these stories, Hindus gain a deeper understanding of their religion and the spiritual teachings it contains.

Modern Day Interpretations of the Puranas

In more modern times, the Puranas are often seen as a way to explore the many different aspects of Indian culture. These texts are often used to discuss important political and social issues and to make connections between Hinduism and Indian society.

The Puranas are also used to teach important lessons in schools and colleges in India. For example, stories from the Puranas are used to educate children on traditional Indian values and beliefs.

In many communities, the Puranas are still used as a source for moral guidance and spiritual inspiration. Educated Hindus will often refer to them to gain a deeper understanding of their religious beliefs and to provide a source of spiritual reflection and contemplation.

The Significance of the 18 Puranas in Hinduism

The 18 Puranas are seen as some of the most important texts in Hinduism and are seen as having a significant role in the development of the religion. These texts have provided a source of spiritual knowledge for generations of Hindus and have played an important role in shaping Indian culture and philosophy.

Understanding how many Puranas there are in Hinduism is an essential part of comprehending the religion and its teachings. By understanding the different Puranas and their importance in Hinduism, Hindus can gain a better understanding of their own faith and its place in the world.

The Puranas in Different Hindu Communities

Despite the importance of the 18 Puranas in the Hindu faith, they are not the only Hindu texts acknowledged by all Hindus. Within certain Hindu communities, other texts may be seen as important religious texts, or even more important than the Puranas.

For example, in Vaishnavas communities, the Ramayana, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Vishnu Sahasranama are seen as among the most important and revered Hindu texts. Similarly, many Shaivites communities may prioritize the Mahabharata and the Shiva Purana over the other Puranas.

Ultimately, Hinduism is a deeply diverse religion and different communities may prioritize different texts above the 18 Puranas. As a result, the significance and importance of the 18 Puranas in Hinduism may vary, depending on the community in which they are discussed.


In conclusion, the 18 Puranas are important religious texts in Hinduism and are seen as having a strong and lasting influence on the religion and its accompanying culture. These texts are studied by Hindus to gain an understanding of their religion, to discover its ancient history, and to access its spiritual teachings. The Puranas have also had a lasting impact on Indian culture, with their stories and legends continuing to shape and influence society in many ways. For Hindus and scholars of Hinduism, understanding the significance of the Puranas and how many there are in Hinduism is essential to gaining a better understanding of the religion and its many aspects.

Jennifer Johnson is an experienced author with a deep passion for exploring the spiritual traditions of different cultures and religions. She has been writing about religion and spirituality for the past ten years in both print and digital platforms, engaging readers in meaningful dialogue about the soul's journey through this life. With degrees in Comparative Religion and English Literature, she brings an insightful perspective to her work that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern theories. A lifelong traveler, Jenn has lived in multiple countries exploring various paths to understanding faith, and her dedication to learning new things is palpable in every piece she creates.

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