How Many Realms Are There In Christianity

From a religious perspective, Christianity is thought to be divided into two main realms: Catholicism and Protestantism, which are then further split into different denominations. These realms therefore form the Christian tradition and can be distinguished from one another by their theological and liturgical practices. Essentially, a realm within Christianity is the belief system supported by its adherents. Around the globe, many other different kinds of Christianity exist within those two established realms that have their own unique set of beliefs, practices, and culture.

A large number of Christians are followers of Protestantism, the biggest realm amongst Christianity. Protestantism is a tradition that includes evangelical, pentecostal and charismatic forms of faith. The practices, beliefs and teachings of Protestantism stem from the insights of Martin Luther. It promotes the idea of placing a greater emphasis on Jesus’ words in the Bible rather than the teachings of the Catholic Church which traditionally worked to interpret these texts. This realm is divided further into Anglicanism, Lutheranism, Calvinism, Anabaptism, Methodism and even mainline Churches such as Presbyterianism, Congregationalism and Baptist.

The second realm of Christianity is Catholicism, which is the largest group among all denominations globally. Catholics adhere to a common set of beliefs and interpret scripture in the same ways. It is organised through the hierarchical structure of the Roman Catholic Church and its teachings are heavily influenced from the Latin Traditions, which can be found in Christianity’s earliest version. Along with Eastern Orthodoxy, Catholicism is responsible for the preservation of its roots and doctrines, focusing on the seven sacraments and the mediation of the Pope rather than individual interpretation of scripture. Alongside the Roman Catholic Church, Oriental Orthodoxy, the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Coptic Orthodox Church are also Orthodox denominations. These Orthodox Churches typically have similar beliefs and liturgical practices.

These two realms of Christianity are thus separated by their differing interpretations of scripture and liturgical practices, along with other doctrines and perspectives. It is thought that those within the realms of Christianity vary in their interpretation of scripture, which is often based on geographical, cultural and ethnic backgrounds. In some cases, followers of Protestantism or Catholicism subscribe to similar beliefs while also keeping some of their own spiritual traditions. Ultimately, each realm within Christianity may differ in some aspects, but overall are united in their belief in the Holy Trinity.


Evangelicalism is considered to be the most recent realm within Christianity. It is a movement that is rooted in fundamentalism and Biblical literalism, focusing on a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It rejects the hierarchical structure of Catholicism and supports the idea of individual interpretation and experience of scripture, as well as personal salvation. Evangelicals emphasise free will and the significance of believing in Jesus as the only pathway to salvations, as well as immediate repentance for sins and a strong mission for conversion throughout the world. This form of Christianity grew significantly in the 19th and 20th centuries, with priests and figures such as William Wilberforce and Billy Graham being prominent figures of the movement.


Pentecostalism is another Protestant-type of Christianity and is a charismatic Evangelical movement. It concentrates on the idea of a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit and emphasises the importance of speaking in tongues, divine healing and baptism by immersion. This form of Christianity grew in popularity in the early 20th century and can be seen in many protestant denominations, such as Assemblies of God, the Church of God, and the Apostolic Church.

Global Christianity

While the two realms of Protestantism and Catholicism are the most pervasive, other groups exist around the world such as the Church of Jesus Christ, the Latter Day Saints, Greek Rites and Armenian Catholic Communities, which have different liturgical practices and beliefs. Additionally, there has been a surge in the importance of Pentecostalism and Charismatic movements in certain countries, meaning that Christianity is ever changing and evolving. Hence, the exact number of realms within Christianity is difficult to define due to its global presence and deep cultural and historical ties.

Religious Divide

The two realms of Christianity, Catholic and Protestant, are divided based on different interpretations of scripture and liturgy. Traditionally, Protestants focus on the teachings of Jesus from the Bible, while Catholics prefer relying on tradition and the Bible as interpreted by Church authorities. Individually, denominations within the two realms have slightly different principles of doctrine and practices, making each distinct yet familiar. As a result, believers within each realm identify with its core beliefs and traditions and are often seen to be in disagreement with one another.

Religious Unity

Despite the divide between Protestants and Catholics, there is still a sense of unity that exists in the realms of Christianity. Both Protestant and Catholic churches have tendencies to support the idea of coexistence and the importance of communal bonding. Groups from both realms have often come together to participate in services and activities, promoting the idea of unity, community and understanding. Such actions are integral to preserving the more unified side of Christianity.

Modern Christianity

In this day and age, Christianity is known to be both a diverse and a holistic religion, with its own intrinsic complexities and nuances. It is composed of many realms and denominations from around the world, which are united by core beliefs and practices. Due to recent developments such as access to technology and media, the importance of Christianity has been emphasised more in different societies and its influence has grown. Tolerant attitudes towards other religions and denominations have also been adopted by many to ensure the further growth of Christianity.


The realm is the broadest kind of classification within Christianity. It is sometimes referred to as the “branch” or “denomination”, which is a more specific categorisation. In other words, realms of Christianity are “umbrella” categories that encompass many subgroups or denominations. Furthermore, Protestant and Catholic are not the only two realms that exist: others include Orthodox, Anglican, and Non-Denominational.

Cultural Impact

Christianity, with its many realms, has had a major cultural impact on many countries around the world. This can be seen from the ways in which culturally important events, such as Easter and Christmas are celebrated, to even the core values present in different nations. These realms also differ in terms of the practical application of faith, influencing the way in which people live their everyday lives. Therefore, it is fair to say that Christianity has had a deep and lasting impact on both small and large societies worldwide.

Political Involvement

Various realms of Christianity have influenced local and global politics, leading to the emergence of certain political movements. For example, Catholic social teaching has been extremely influential in the realm of social justice, strongly condemning certain issues such as racism, poverty and war. Additionally, Protestant ideas such as the privatization of religion and direct religious action are evident in America today. Thus, different realms of Christianity have provided insight and motives for a variety of political movements, both simultaneously promoting and questioning the values of a nation.

Jennifer Johnson is an experienced author with a deep passion for exploring the spiritual traditions of different cultures and religions. She has been writing about religion and spirituality for the past ten years in both print and digital platforms, engaging readers in meaningful dialogue about the soul's journey through this life. With degrees in Comparative Religion and English Literature, she brings an insightful perspective to her work that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern theories. A lifelong traveler, Jenn has lived in multiple countries exploring various paths to understanding faith, and her dedication to learning new things is palpable in every piece she creates.

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