Christianity is one of the major religions of the world, with many different denominations and sects. There are estimated to be over 2 billion people who are followers of Christianity, making it the largest religion on the planet. While Christianity is often thought of as a single religion, there are actually many different types of Christianity, each with its own history, teachings and beliefs. So, what are these different types of Christianity?
The first type of Christianity is the Catholic Church, which is the largest Christian denomination. Catholics believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ and follow the teachings of the Bible and Church Fathers. They believe in the Four Cardinal Virtues of prudence, justice, temperance and fortitude. They also believe in the seven sacraments, which are baptism, confirmation, marriage, holy orders, extreme unction, and penance.
The second largest denomination is Protestantism. Protestantism is made up of countless denominations, each with its own unique beliefs and practices. Common beliefs of Protestantism include the belief in the Bible as the inspired word of God, the afterlife, and salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Some Protestant denominations also include the belief in miracles, such as the Virgin Birth, and the belief that God performs works of healing and provision.
Another branch of Christianity is Eastern Orthodoxy. This branch dates back to the early church and is made up of several churches in the Eastern Hemisphere. Eastern Orthodox churches share many of the same beliefs and practices as the Catholic Church, such as the belief in the Trinity, the Communion of Saints, and the veneration of Mary. Eastern Orthodoxy also has its own liturgy and sacraments such as the Anointing of the Sick and Holy Unction.
Anglicanism is another type of Christianity. This denomination dates back to the sixteenth century when King Henry VIII broke ties with the Catholic Church. Anglicans are a middle way between Catholic and Protestant beliefs, combining the authority of Scripture with the authority of tradition. The Anglican Church holds to many of the same beliefs as the Catholic Church, such as the doctrines of the Trinity and Incarnation, but reject some practices such as the veneration of saints.
The Pentecostal movement is another type of Christianity. The Pentecostal movement emphasizes the importance of the Holy Spirit, encouraging believers to seek the infilling of the Spirit and to confess the Lord Jesus with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Pentecostalism is a highly experiential faith, and its adherents often emphasize the sanctification of the believer and a personal relationship with God.
Evangelicalism is another type of Christianity. Evangelicals believe in the authority of scripture and in salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. They emphasize evangelism and the preaching of the gospel to a lost and broken world. Evangelicals also often emphasize the importance of personal holiness, ethical living, and prayer.
The last major type of Christianity is non-denominational Christianity. This type of Christianity is typically made up of small groups of Christians who reject traditional denominational labels and focus instead on being devoted followers of Jesus. They are usually informal in their beliefs and practices, often taking their cues from Scripture and the life of Jesus. Non-denominational believers often strive to be “in the world but not of it,” seeking to live out the gospel message in their daily lives.
How they Make a Difference
The different types of Christianity have different beliefs and practices, which can make a big difference in how believers live and how they relate to each other. For example, Catholics believe in the authority of the pope, whereas Protestants and Evangelicals typically do not. Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and Anglicans practice a liturgical form of worship, while Pentecostals and Evangelicals often practice a highly experiential worship style. These various forms of worship and practices of Christianity can give believers a unique perspective on God and on the world.
Different types of Christianity can also have a powerful influence on culture and society. For example, the Catholic faith has been a force for social and economic change in many countries in South America and Africa. Protestantism has been a major influence on the development of democracies around the world. Pentecostalism has also had an effect on culture, with some of its teachings influencing popular music.
It is important to recognize the diversity within Christianity, as it is a reminder that while we may disagree on certain issues, we should still be able to find common ground and work together. By understanding and respecting the differences between different types of Christianity, we will be better equiped to be bridges amongst each other and bring the different streams of faith together in their common belief that Jesus is the Son of God.
Effects of Pragmatic Thinking
Because different types of Christianity often have different beliefs and practices, there can sometimes be an emphasis on being pragmatic rather than living in accordance with one’s faith. This can mean believing in things simply because they “work” or “get the job done” rather than because of there being doctrinal support for them. While a certain measure of pragmatism can be helpful to make Christianity applicable for people in the modern world, it can also lead to a “pick and choose” mentality in which certain elements of faith are discarded and replaced by worldly values.
To counteract this, it is important to remember that Christianity is deeply rooted in the Bible, and it is important to stay true to its core beliefs. Pragmatic thinking should not be confused with being faithful to what the Bible teaches. It is important to discern between truth and pragmatism, which is sometimes hard to do in today’s world where pragmatism is often presented as if it were the only way to make Christianity relevant to the modern world.
At the same time, it is also important to remember that while Christianity is rooted in the Bible, its expressions in the world can be quite diverse. We should not judge different types of Christianity as “right” or “wrong”, but rather seek to understand them and recognize the many benefits of practicing our faith in different ways.
Role of Ecumenism
One way to promote understanding and unity amongst different types of Christianity is through ecumenism. Ecumenism is the promotion of unity amongst Christians from different denominations and streams of the faith. It involves striving for the understanding and accepting of different views, while also seeking to discover common ground. Ecumenism seeks to promote unity within the body of Christ, while also affirming each group’s individual beliefs and practices. It seeks to bring together different types of Christianity in an effort to make the world a more tolerant and peaceful place.
Ecumenism is not about diluting or denying differences, but about recognizing them and striving for unity in spite of them. It is not about trying to make everyone the same, but rather to recognize and appreciate diversity and to work together to foster understanding and peace. By showing respect for one another’s beliefs and practices, we can come together to recognize our shared faith and promote unity over division.
Growing Number of Converts
Another factor that has affected Christianity in recent years is the growing number of converts to the faith. There are now many people who are converting to Christianity from other religions and cultural backgrounds, often bringing with them different beliefs and practices. As a result, different forms of Christianity are increasingly becoming more accepting of each other and more willing to learn from one another. Through dialogue and mutual understanding, these converts can help bridge the gaps between different types of Christianity and foster unity and understanding.
Conversion to Christianity is often a difficult and intense process, as it involves leaving behind one’s former beliefs and practices in search of a new faith home. Yet it can also be a time of tremendous growth and discovery, as the new Christian discovers the richness of their adopted faith and learns from other Christians from different backgrounds. Through this process, converts can help bring new life and vitality to the various forms of Christianity.
Increased Dialogue
Finally, increased dialogue between different types of Christianity is helping to bring them closer together. This can range from local efforts such as churches discussing and learning from each other’s beliefs, to global initiatives such as World Council of Churches and the World Evangelical Alliance. These conversations can help Christians from different backgrounds understand each other better and work together to foster greater unity and understanding amongst the worldwide Christian community.
Dialogue can also help all Christians to better understand and appreciate the Biblical, theological, historical, and practical issues at stake in our differences. This increased understanding can lead to changes in how different forms of Christianity view each other and ultimately to a deeper unity and appreciation for our differences.