How To Do Fasting In Christianity

Fasting has been practiced by millions of people throughout the ages and across different faiths. Christianity has long considered fasting to be an important part of living a devout life and there are a number of ways discussed within the Bible that Christians can go about doing it well. To properly understand and appreciate fasting, here is a guide for how to do it in the Christian ethos.

Preparation & Motives

Before commencing any kind of fast, the first step is to be prepared and clear in mind what the motives are. Jesus emphasized that ‘when you fast’ in several passages so this should be a mindful act willingly undertaken. A useful practice can be to fast in the company of others, either a group of friends or a congregation.

The decision of what kind of fast should be determined. It can be anything from abstaining from food for a certain amount of time, going without something else important to the person such as online devices, or abstaining from certain activities. It is important to keep up the fast as planned, otherwise if broken too soon it loses its meaning and the fast has not been meaningful.

Furthermore, it is important to determine how long the fast lasts. 24 hour fasts are a common practice but longer fasts such as three days were famously practiced by the Prophet Daniel in Holy Scripture. Different interpretations are allowed and can be respected as different methods of fasting can have different benefits.

Mindful Attitude

For fasting to be effective and its motive worthwhile, a level of mindfulness is essential. The fast is an opportunity to reflect and it is important to respond in the right way and have the right motivations that gives the fast purpose. Feelings of guilt, shame or trying to prove something should be avoided as they negate the purpose of the fast.

Furthermore, humility is essential in fasting. Jesus tells us this in His teachings and it is important to keep in mind, along with charity and refraining from gossiping. To get the most out of fasting, these qualities should remain at all times, even when in the company of others.

Meditation is a great way to clear the mind of distraction and negative thoughts and feelings. Focusing on the positive aspects of one’s life can be a gentle reminder and a form of thanks for all the blessings that are present in life. During the fast, these can be given more attention and focus, which promotes a deeper understanding of life.

A Period of Reflection

Fasting should also be seen as an opportunity to catch up with friends and/or loved ones, to reflect and discuss life beyond the things of the world that can often pass us by. The fast is a time to look inwards and so building on conversations is a useful strategy to focus thoughts on important matters that might have been put to one side during everyday life.

Finally, at the end of the fasting process it is essential to recognize, be thankful and appreciate the intensity of this spiritual journey. Jesus noted this and told us to pray together afterward and incorporate what has been learnt in to daily practice.

Using Scripture

The Bible is a great source of reflection, assistance and guidance and can be used to gain knowledge and wisdom about fasting. Jesus particularly stressed the importance of re-reading scripture to get the most out of any spiritual practice. It is important to research the areas of the Bible which relate to fasting, as then the full texts of scripture can be consulted and understood.

The Bible is full of relevant verses and so narrowing down which ones to read can be a difficult task. However, reading the words and understanding the intent behind them is essential as it allows the fast to be fully lived and experienced as a spiritual act.


Communication with God is an important part of any fast, as in praying and asking for support during this testing time. This can be done directly or through reading relevant scripture and taking the opportunity to contact God in meditative practice.

As Jesus addressed us in his teachings, prayer can take the form of supplication or asking God for specific things during the fasting time. Alternately, it can be simply saying ‘thank you’ for the blessings that are present in life. Both forms of prayer are important for getting the most out of the fasting experience.

Additionally, Jesus also taught that prayer should be mindful and taken as an opportunity to ask for guidance, comfort and love from God. We should also pay attention to the answers that come through from these sessions, as often the answers can be subtle but nonetheless obvious signs of what to do.

Gaining Strength

A fast is a trying time and getting through it can be difficult but ultimately rewarding. One way to do this is to take time during the fast to focus on gaining strength and pushing through. Engaging in activities such as physical exercise can be helpful to remain focused throughout a longer fast.

Fasting also provides an opportunity to become closer to God and so being proactive in practicing prayer at regular intervals, as Jesus encouraged in his teachings, is essential. Visit places of worship or take part in activities such as charity work. These actions can be helpful as it keeps the mind focused and also allows for an opportunity for reflection on the prayerful offerings.

Living The Fast

The final aspect of living a successful fast is living out the experience. It is important to diligently continue with the fast in a mindful way and to be sincere in this journey. Reflection throughout the day on scripture, prayer or other means of seeking advice is important throughout the day.

The fast is a time to get closer to God and to understand and appreciate his power. Being open to the possibilities of the message can be difficult but it is a necessary part of any fast. Thinking differently and living differently can be challenging but when the fast is over, it can be a life changing event.

Conclusion of the Fast

Once the fast is complete, it is important to give thanks. This can be done in prayer, meditation or simply enjoying a familiar activity. Taking the time to recognize and appreciate the experience can be a worthwhile reward for completing such a spiritually intensive and mentally taxing fast.

At the conclusion of the fast, it is important to establish a routine that integrates the lessons from the fasting journey. This can be done by engaging in the same activities and thoughts throughout the day to keep the momentum of the fast going. It will be important that when an individual fasts, the lessons learnt during that time are kept alive and present during their day to day life.

Keeping in Mind the Benefits

Fasting is a powerful experience, and as Jesus taught us in the Bible, only through practice can we truly understand it. With preparation, a mindful attitude and focus on communication with God, we can get the most out of this beneficial spiritual practice. These are essential elements to understand, as fasting can provide a strong connection with God that can last a lifetime.

Throughout this process, it is important to think of the ultimate benefits that fasting can bring, such as clarity of mind, living a more humbled life, and a greater appreciation for blessings present in life. In the same way, communication through Scripture and prayer can help keep the fast meaningful and ensure realizations are made that can be used in our everyday life.

Testing Discipline and Mindfulness

Fasting is also a great way to practice discipline, as it helps to control one’s own behaviour and keep oneself focused and mindful of goals. It helps us comprehend the power of our own mind and willpower, especially when one’s own limitations are tested. Additionally, fasting helps to find the balance between self-will and a will that aligns with God.

Fasting also encourages mindfulness of our surroundings and the impact of our actions. Above all, it calls us to step out of our comfort zones and be in touch with our internal selves. This allows us to hear and receive the messages of the divine more easily and to have a deeper understanding of the spiritual life.

Living Out the Lessons

Finally, the process of fasting can be an important transition from any current state of being to a new spiritual lifestyle. Throughout the experience, it is important to remember to be mindful of self and the teachings. Leaving the fast requires us to recognize the valuable lessons learnt and regularly incorporate them in to our daily practice.

Fasting is a difficult journey, hence the advice from Jesus to pray together shortly after completion. This can be both a thank you for the blessings and a reminder of the meaningful connection made with the Divine. With this in mind, when done in the Christian way, fasting can be a rewarding and memorable experience.

Jennifer Johnson is an experienced author with a deep passion for exploring the spiritual traditions of different cultures and religions. She has been writing about religion and spirituality for the past ten years in both print and digital platforms, engaging readers in meaningful dialogue about the soul's journey through this life. With degrees in Comparative Religion and English Literature, she brings an insightful perspective to her work that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern theories. A lifelong traveler, Jenn has lived in multiple countries exploring various paths to understanding faith, and her dedication to learning new things is palpable in every piece she creates.

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