How To Talk About Christianity With A Non-Believer

Building Common Ground

When talking about Christianity with a non-believer, it is important to start by building common ground. Letting your conversation partner know that you respect their beliefs, or lack thereof, is the first step in having a constructive conversation. This can be done by posing questions that ask for their feelings, thoughts and opinions about the faith, and then listening to their answers before responding.

Asking why someone is not a Christian can be a helpful way to begin this part of the conversation. Non-believers may protest to misrepresentations, lack of understanding and past experiences. By addressing any of these, you can give them the validation they need to trust that you are interested in having an open dialogue.

This will also give you the opportunity to get to know someone better and build on the common ground your conversation partner has with Christianity. If they were once a believer, ask them to explain why they stopped believing. If they are just not interested, ask what aspects of Christianity they hadn’t heard of yet. From here, you can provide a better understanding of Christianity as a whole, allowing your conversation partner to form their own opinion.

Challenging Ideas

Once trusting, you can start to challenge any false or “garbled” information about Christianity your conversation partner may have heard. Doing this politely and with an understanding of why they may have these incorrect ideas is the most effective way to keep the conversation on the constructive path.

Provide different points of view and discuss different topics from a Christian perspective. This may challenge the predominant ideologies of your conversation partner and push them to think through their non-beliefs more carefully. Point out how Christianity is relevant to the modern day, particularly how it has influenced aspects of society—politics, culture, relationships and family life. This could help your partners to develop a more objective view and consider Christianity without bias.

It can also be helpful to explain the similarities between Christianity and other religions. Showing them how the core of Christianity has not significantly changed since its founding can help your conversation partner to understand why Christianity has endured for such long periods of time.

Empathy and Compassion

Empathy and compassion are essential aspects when trying to humor someone who is unwilling to believe in Jesus. Even if you do not share the same beliefs, it is important to show that you understand and respect the beliefs held by your conversation partner. Without empathetic and compassionate communication, it will be difficult to continue the conversation.

Asking your conversation partner to explain their own beliefs without discrediting them is key. This will help to open up more meaningful levels of dialogue and understanding. Showing that you are really listening and engaging with their perspectives can do a lot to foster trust in the conversation. Encouraging them to talk about their belief system can also help to debunk common misconceptions, which can work to educate both parties involved.

Empathy does not require you to succumb to their beliefs, but simply by expressing understanding, you can build relationships with those who have different perspectives and challenge your own worldview.

Connecting Spirituality

When discussing Christianity with non-believers, it is important to also note that spirituality is something that we can all relate to. Discussing our shared spiritual experiences can help bridge divides, as we can all relate to the feeling of “something bigger” than us.

Exploring this topic can help non-believers to connect to Christianity in a more personal way, as the collective experience is often a comforting one. It is also an opportunity to speak to the non-believer’s own spirituality and how it fits into the shared narrative. This can create a sense of understanding, as this shared spirituality can be seen as a bridge between the two perspectives.

If your conversation partner is open to it, you can also use this as an opportunity to discuss the spiritual journey of Jesus and invite them to join you on the journey. This can be an effective way to show your conversation partner the beauty of Christianity and its connection to universal spiritual emotions.

Encouraging Reflection

One of the most effective ways of communicating about Christianity with a non-believer is to encourage reflection. This can be done by posing questions that invite the conversation partner to consider their own beliefs and experiences in life. Ask them if they believe in a higher power or if they meditate or pray in any way. This will help them to open up more easily, as the questions are non-directive and more inviting to their own individual experience.

Encourage them to think about the journey that led them to this point and how their beliefs have evolved over time. Point out how certain experiences may have shaped their beliefs, referring to concrete examples to illustrate the points. This will help make the conversation more engaging and easier to connect to.

Tying together the ideas explored in the conversation so far can also give your conversation partner a better understanding of how they fit in the grand scheme of things. Invite them to reflect on their beliefs and ask them to consider how Christianity may fit into their lives in the future.

Do Not Push for Conversation

Above all, it is important to remember not to push for the conversation. The most effective way to have constructive conversations about Christianity with non-believers is by not forcing them to believe in Jesus, or to even be interested in such topics.

Be mindful of other people’s feelings, as this will make them feel respected and acknowledged. If your conversation partner does not seem interested in continuing the discussion, do not pursue it further. Let the conversation die off naturally, as this will show your respect for their beliefs.

It is also important to remember that everyone is at a different place in their spiritual journey. If your conversation partner is not ready to accept Christianity, and may never be, then that’s ok. Respect their decisions and remain non-judgmental.

Openness and Respect

Finally, practicing openness and respect is pivotal when engaging in conversations about Christianity with non-believers. Openness helps to identify others’ perspectives, so remaining respectful and open to different ideas will be paramount.

You must have the courage to listen to the questions and be present in the conversation. Keep your guard down and be willing to change your views if appropriate. Connecting to your conversation partner’s needs and honoring their beliefs is the key to an effective dialogue.

Be aware of your language, as the wrong words can easily be misinterpreted. Speak openly, honestly and with compassion. When the conversation has concluded, remain open to dialogue in the future. No matter your conversation partner’s beliefs, it is important to keep respecting them and their journey.


When talking about Christianity with non-believers, it is important to start by building common ground and trust. By challenging false or “garbled” information, you can help your conversation partner to formulate their own opinion. Empathy, compassion and spirituality are also key to any conversation about Christianity. Encouraging reflection and not pushing for the conversation is also essential. Ultimately, remain open, respectful and understanding of your conversation partner’s beliefs.

Jennifer Johnson is an experienced author with a deep passion for exploring the spiritual traditions of different cultures and religions. She has been writing about religion and spirituality for the past ten years in both print and digital platforms, engaging readers in meaningful dialogue about the soul's journey through this life. With degrees in Comparative Religion and English Literature, she brings an insightful perspective to her work that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern theories. A lifelong traveler, Jenn has lived in multiple countries exploring various paths to understanding faith, and her dedication to learning new things is palpable in every piece she creates.

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