How To Understand Christianity

How To Understand Christianity

Christianity is the world’s largest religion, with some 2.4 billion followers across the globe. It’s a faith that adherents draw on for guidance and support in their everyday lives, and yet it can be difficult to understand its foundation and basic teachings. To help, this article will provide an overview of the core tenets of Christianity, with insight from various Christian experts offering their perspectives.

At its heart, Christianity is centered around a belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, who lived in Israel some 2,000 years ago. As laid out in the Bible, Jesus was born of a Virgin, died a sacrificial death, and rose again to fulfill the promise of salvation and life after death. This is the core tenet of Christianity, and it binds followers together into one body, no matter their specific denomination.

Christianity is comprised of two primary branches, Catholicism and Protestantism. Catholics look to a global hierarchy of leaders, and generally adhere to a more formal, ritualistic service. Protestants look to pastors, elders, and boards of directors of local churches and may have a more relaxed form of worship. The Catholic faith is deeply rooted in tradition, having endured for centuries, while Protestantism has become more ecumenical, adapting to the needs of an increasingly diverse and changing world.

The Bible is regarded as the fundamental text for Christianity and is comprised of both Old and New Testaments. It tells of God’s plan for salvation for mankind through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Further, it offers guidance for living to adherents of the faith and speaks to the human condition, providing comfort and reassurance from difficult times. As such, Christians are encouraged to use the Bible as a guide for virtuous living.

Within Christianity, believers are encouraged to put their faith into action and subscribe to the two greatest commandments: to love God with all of your heart, mind and spirit, and to love one another as yourself. As professor and Biblical studies scholar Chantelle Sealy explains, “this is the fundamental law of Christianity—to love and show mercy to each other, and to receive mercy from God in return.”

At the same time, Christian beliefs vary according to denomination, ranging from a stricter interpretation of the Bible to more liberal interpretations, and adherents can be as strict or versatile in their beliefs as they choose. For example, some denominations allow for abortion and same-sex marriage, while others still hold fast to the belief that such actions are wrong.

Understanding the basic tenets of Christianity is not difficult, but it does require a willing heart. As David Kim, a pastor and theology professor, explains, “At its heart Christianity is a faith-based religion. It calls us to believe in something that cannot be seen, and for that reason many people find it hard to grasp. But when accepted, this faith-based belief can be a powerful source of comfort and support.”

The Role of Jesus

At its core, Christianity is premised on the belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and savior of mankind. It’s this foundational belief that binds the faith together, and it explains why Jesus is so revered and central to the religion. As Christopher Turoci, a Christian theologian, explains, “Jesus transcends all earthly boundaries. He is the living embodiment of God’s unconditional love for humanity. He offers a way to transcend our mortal boundaries and attain eternal life through grace.”

Believers attribute a variety of characteristics to Jesus’ life and legacy, such as eternal life, justice and fairness, and forgiveness of sins. As such, Jesus is a beacon of hope to followers of the faith and something they aspire to. He embodies the very essence of Christian beliefs, and is often referred to as an example of how to live a “perfect” life.

For those just beginning to explore Christianity, understanding the role of Jesus is perhaps the most essential part of the faith. It’s important to note that no one is expected to be a perfect Christian, but rather, each is asked to strive to emulate Jesus’ example in whatever ways they can.

Day to Day Practices

To live as a Christian, day-to-day practice is paramount. From worship to prayer, believers are encouraged to stay the course in leading a life according to Biblical teaching. Worship typically involves congregating together to sing praises and read from the Bible, depending on one’s denomination. Meanwhile, prayer is seen as a means of connecting with God, expressing one’s innermost thoughts and thanking Him for his many blessings.

Christians are also encouraged to take part in acts of charity and goodwill, often referred to as “doing unto others as you would have them do unto you”. From tithing to giving to the poor, such acts of service demonstrate adherence to the Bible’s teachings, such as “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Matthew 7:12), and serve as a way to honor God.

Additionally, many denominations observe certain religious holidays and special days. For example, Christians observe Good Friday as the day Christ died and Easter as the day He rose from the dead. These and other celebrations are often associated with traditional meals and activities that serve to spread the joy of the Bible.

Taking the First Steps

For those just beginning their journey of understanding Christianity, it’s important to jump in with both feet and stay open-minded. Attending church, or a service of some kind, allows new believers to connect with the faith and get to know other Christians. It’s also a time to learn more about the teachings of Jesus and how to apply them in daily life.

Finally, reading and studying the Bible is a great way to gain insight into Christian beliefs. There are numerous translations, commentaries, and other resources to help along the way, and the more knowledge one gains, the better off they’ll be in their journey.


Feminism has been a cornerstone of Christian thought throughout the modern era, with many Christian theologians and scholars advocating for equal rights and broadening the definition of God’s love. As such, feminism and Christianity are often viewed as complementary, rather than conflicting, beliefs.

In recent years, some denominations have moved to incorporate a more modern, feminist point of view into their interpretation of the Bible and overall world view. By doing so, they seek to create a more inclusive and equitable environment that respects and honors women, and opens up new paths for them to seek spiritual fulfillment and growth.

Not all Christian denominations embrace feminism, though those that do understand its importance and practice it in their everyday lives. Feminist theologians, such as Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza and Rosemary Radford Ruether, seek to make the Bible more female-friendly and to open up new pathways for female spiritual growth.

Relationship with Science

Christianity is often viewed as a faith that is at odds with science. The modern trickle-down effect of this perception is still seen today, with many individuals struggling to reconcile their beliefs with the realities of a scientific world. But according to modern-day Christian scholars, a healthy relationship between the two isn’t a contradiction but rather, just the opposite: a marriage that can be advantageous for both.

As Susan Luczak, a professional in science and religion, explains, “The relationship between science and religion doesn’t have to be seen as an either/or construct. It is perfectly possible to be a religious person and also be a scientist. Science can help us to understand the natural world and religion can help us to understand the spiritual world. Together, they can give us a deeper understanding of the world.”

In light of this understanding, churches are beginning to embrace science and integrate its teaching into their preaching and service programs. From biology to physics, scientists are welcomed into church services and encouraged to share their findings with congregants in a respectful and open-minded manner.

Importance of Community

At its heart, Christianity is a religion that thrives in community and finds its strength in numbers. From small prayer groups to large churches, Christians find comfort in the presence of like-minded believers, sharing experiences and forming strong bonds that carry each other through difficult times.

Fellowship is a key part of the Christian faith and something that is strongly encouraged. Churches host social events, retreats, youth groups, and more, all of which are designed to bring believers together in a positive and productive atmosphere.

Though not strictly part of the Christian faith, forming a local church community is a great way to build relationships and gain spiritual support. What’s more, in today’s digital age, you can find a supportive Christian community online if you don’t have one locally.


Christianity is a religion that respects and embraces diversity, with various denominations across the globe reflecting the different beliefs and practices of believers. That said, it’s important to remember that, in the end, the core message of Christianity is that of unity and love for one another, regardless of differences.

It’s for this reason that denominational divisions are often viewed as a secondary issue. Instead, the primary focus is on finding common ground and areas of agreement, as well as understanding and embracing our individual and collective differences. By doing so, Christians are able to foster greater understanding and strengthen their relationships with one another.

From the core beliefs of the faith to day-to-day practices, Christianity is a religion centered around love and grace. Whether you’re a new believer or an experienced adherent, the understanding and practice of these core tenets is an ongoing journey that helps one to gain a better connection to God and to become a truer embodiment of His teachings.

Jennifer Johnson is an experienced author with a deep passion for exploring the spiritual traditions of different cultures and religions. She has been writing about religion and spirituality for the past ten years in both print and digital platforms, engaging readers in meaningful dialogue about the soul's journey through this life. With degrees in Comparative Religion and English Literature, she brings an insightful perspective to her work that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern theories. A lifelong traveler, Jenn has lived in multiple countries exploring various paths to understanding faith, and her dedication to learning new things is palpable in every piece she creates.

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