Is Buddhism Hinduism


Buddhism and Hinduism can be difficult to differentiate as both religions originated in India and share many common beliefs and practices. It is generally accepted that Buddhism developed within the Hindu tradition, and many aspects of Hinduism can be found in Buddhism. Despite their similarities, there are some key differences that distinguish these two religions. This article will explore the history between Buddhism and Hinduism, the beliefs and practices of each religion, and their respective global followings.


Hinduism was established around 1500 BCE and is today one of the oldest surviving religions. The Hindu belief system includes multiple gods, the notion of karma, and the conceptions of samsara, or reincarnation. Buddhism, meanwhile, was founded in the 5th century BCE by Siddhartha Gautama, also known as ‘the Buddha’, who was an enlightened spiritual teacher and leader. After his death, Buddhism spread throughout Asia and is now the fourth largest religion in the world, having been spread to all continents by the approximately 520 million adherents, according to a 2020 Pew Research Center survey.

Beliefs and Practices

Both Hinduism and Buddhism are systems of beliefs and practices, or Dharma, that are intended to lead adherents to enlightenment or liberation. Hindus and Buddhists also share several common beliefs, such as karma and samsara, which are distinct and different to those found in other religions like Christianity.
Hitting the core of Hinduism, the so-called Vedic tradition is a polytheistic religion and the concept of Brahman. Hindus believe that there is one universal energy, Brahman, which is present in all things and represents an inner knowledge that all true followers should strive to understand and recognize.
In contrast, Buddhism is non-theistic and does not have an official belief in a supreme being or creator. The core of Buddhism is the belief in the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. Buddhists believe that the suffering one experiences in life exists because of craving and attachment to material possessions, and that the only way to escape suffering is by letting go of attachments and struggling to reach enlightenment.


The differences between Hinduism and Buddhism are embedded in their respective ways of life and religious beliefs. While Hinduism is polytheistic and focuses on achieving union with Brahman through rituals and the caste system, Buddhism is non-theistic and focuses on achieving enlightenment through meditation and service. Besides this, there are several small differences in terms of diet, daily routines, and spiritual practices.
Unlike Hinduism, Buddhism also emphasizes individual salvation, as opposed to salvational efforts by gods and supernatural deities. Furthermore, in Hinduism one achieves salvation by leading a moral life, while Buddhists are expected to practice meditation, morality and self-reflection. Other noteworthy differences exist in the beliefs and symbols associated with each religion. For example, Hinduism has richly-decorated its temples and religious artifacts with gods and goddesses, while Buddhism does not.

National Religions

Hinduism is practiced mainly in South Asia, particularly India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. Buddhism is also practiced primarily in South Asia, but it has a wider global following due to centuries of missionary work, and is now practiced in China, Japan, Thailand, and other countries. Both Hinduism and Buddhism have millions of devotees, and both have attracted followers from all walks of life. In India alone, there are over 1 billion adherents of Hinduism, and more than 500 million of Buddhism, according to a 2020 Pew Research Center survey.

Modern Influence

The beliefs of Hinduism continue to have a powerful influence on modern culture and language. For example, terms such as karma and samsara are now used daily by millions of people. Buddhism, meanwhile, continues to have a strong presence in many spiritual centers across the world.
In recent years, Buddhism has been popularized in the West through literature, movies, and celebrities who are followers of the faith. Buddhism has also been embraced in the environmental movement. Many environmental organizations, such as, are inspired by Buddhist teachings, incorporating concepts such as interconnectedness and interdependence between all living things.


Despite some distinct differences between Buddhism and Hinduism, they continue to closely and inextricably intersect, demonstrating their common heritage and practices. Both religions are part of India’s great spiritual legacy and continue to have global followings and influence. In this sense, Hinduism and Buddhism are respectively different paths to the same ultimate goal of liberation from suffering.

The Meaning Of Karma

Karma is an integral part of both Hinduism and Buddhism. In Hinduism, karma is a way of describing the effects of one’s actions, and how the consequences of one’s choices will unfold in the future. This concept is often referred to as the law of cause and effect. In Buddhism, karma is understood as the web of action and reaction in the present moment. Both faiths believe that what one does in this lifetime will affect them in their future lives.

The Significance Of Dharma

In Hinduism, Dharma is understood to be the moral, spiritual, and cosmic order that a person must uphold if they are to achieve liberation. It is the law of truth and justice which governs the universe and is based on the principles of truth, duty, law, and order. To practice Dharma is to develop a sense of morality and complete loyalty towards the divine. In Buddhism, Dharma refers to the teachings found in the Buddha’s sermons and the Buddhist scriptures. Buddhists believe that following the Dharma can help them to achieve enlightenment.

Rituals In Both Religions

Hinduism and Buddhism also have many common rituals. In Hinduism, certain rituals are performed to appease the gods and goddesses, as well as to seek protection from bad luck and obstacles. Such Hindu rituals include daily prayers, the celebration of festivals, and offering gifts and food to the deities. In addition, Hinduism also includes the practice of meditation, yoga, and the performance of chanting, drumming, and mantras.
Buddhism also has a number of rituals and practices that are meant to bring inner peace and insight. These include meditation, mindfulness, chanting, and the performance of mantras. Furthermore, some Buddhists also practice rituals such as bowing, prostrating and offering incense as a way of showing respect and reverence to the Three Jewels of Buddhism which are the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.

Unique Beliefs

Buddhism and Hinduism also have some unique beliefs that distinguish them from each other. In Hinduism, the concept of moksha or liberation is achieved by transcendence of the material world and merging with Brahman. In Buddhism, the concept of nirvana is the ultimate goal of enlightenment, and it is achieved through the release from attachment and desire. Furthermore, Buddhists believe in a cycle of rebirth that is based on the law of karma, while Hindus maintain that there is a single life and rebirth.
Additionally, Buddhism does not believe in the existence of a single Supreme Being, while Hinduism does. Moreover, in Hinduism, the caste system is used to differentiate individuals, while in Buddhism there is no division based on caste or class. Additionally, Hindus generally have a more positive view of material possessions and experience, while Buddhists tend to be more ascetic in their approach.

Conclusion Of Differences

In conclusion, while Buddhism and Hinduism are both ancient philosophies that originate in India and share many common beliefs and practices, there are numerous distinct differences that set them apart. Comparing and contrasting these two religions brings about an understanding of the unique foundations on which each is based and the unique practices that are evolved from them. Knowing the differences between these two religions can help one better appreciate their rich history and customs.

Jennifer Johnson is an experienced author with a deep passion for exploring the spiritual traditions of different cultures and religions. She has been writing about religion and spirituality for the past ten years in both print and digital platforms, engaging readers in meaningful dialogue about the soul's journey through this life. With degrees in Comparative Religion and English Literature, she brings an insightful perspective to her work that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern theories. A lifelong traveler, Jenn has lived in multiple countries exploring various paths to understanding faith, and her dedication to learning new things is palpable in every piece she creates.

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