Is Having A Tattoo A Sin In Christianity

Tattoos have a long-standing history and have been embraced by many cultures throughout the world. Few people are aware, however, that there is a profound debate stemming from the Christian faith among those who enjoy body art over whether having tattoos is a sin or not. This article delves into the debate in order to inform and educate those of the Christian faith who may be wondering the same thing.

Ancient origins of the art can be traced back to the Neolithic period in Europe and parts of the Middle East, where it is believed tattoos symbolized rites of passage in some societies. Tattoos were also used for other purposes like tribal marks and marks of ownership in human trafficking. Fast forward to modern times and tattoos have become more associated with religious and spiritual beliefs. According to a recent poll, about half of Americans, who were born between 1945 and 1965, have had tattoos done. Still, there is a debate raging among Christians on whether having a tattoo is a sin in Christianity or not.

Biblical Teachings On Tattoos

The Bible is mostly silent on the matter of tattoos, but there is an oft-cited verse that states: “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord.” (Leviticus 19:28, KJV). This has been taken by some to mean that tattoos are not permissible according to the Bible. It is important to note, however, that other translations of the bible make this verse more ambiguous, with some versions stating that the verse is prohibiting mourning practices, and others omitting the phrase altogether. Furthermore, there are some more positive verses about body art, with some even claiming that it is permissible in Christian doctrine.

Theological Perspectives

Though there is no single definitive answer as to whether having a tattoo is deemed ‘sinful’ according to Christian faith, there are some prominent Christian theologians who have weighed in on the matter. For example, some believe that tattoos are a ‘taboo’ due to its association with ungodly acts like body piercing, gambling, and even prostitution. Some stringent religious groups also regard tattoos as ‘sinful acts’ as they deem it to be unholy. Other theologians have taken a more open-minded approach, accepting it as long as the tattoo does not symbolize something “sinful”.

The most well-known example is the Catholic Church, which has declared that tattoos should be done according to Christian faith if they do not generate any negative effects. Additionally, there are some denominations like Episcopal Anglicans and Methodists who are more ‘pro-tattoo’ than others, with some even suggesting it is for self-expression and a way to express one’s love for God.

Attitudes Towards Tattoos

Though there are varying opinions among Christians on whether a tattoo is a sin, the attitudes towards them have drastically changed over the recent decades. In the past, tattoos were seen as a negative thing and associated with ‘sinful behavior’. Nowadays, however, opinions have softened, as tattoos are seen as a form of artistic expression. Furthermore, it can be argued that tattoos can be a way of honoring or memorializing loved ones, or a means of conveying religious and spiritual beliefs.

In fact, recent polls have found that about two-thirds of adults in the United States agree tattoos should be accepted in the general public. This showcases how much attitudes have changed, and that tattoos are increasingly viewed as okay in our society even by those of Christian faith.

Should I Get A Tattoo ?

Ultimately this is a question of personal belief and, ultimately, no one can make a decision for you. However, if you are a Christian and you feel tugged by this desire, it is important to take the time to research and pray about it. Ask yourself what your main motivation is, and consider what symbolism that tattoo carries. Are you looking to get a symbol of spiritual growth or a memoriam or to express yourself? Once such questions have been considered and answered, it becomes easier to make a decision that is right for you in your unique circumstances.

Reasons To Get A Tattoo

There are numerous reasons why people may choose to get a tattoo. For many, it is a way to honour a loved one, a special occasion, or a memorable event. It can also be a meaningful symbol of spiritual growth or a platform to express different emotions. Additionally, tattoos can be a source of joy and offer a newfound sense of confidence. For example, some find the pain associated with getting the tattoo and the physical evidence of it liberating and gratifying.

Reasons To Not Get A Tattoo

On the other hand, there are many valid reasons why one may not want to get a tattoo. Immediate risks include infection and negative reaction to the materials used. Furthermore, it is important to take into account the permanence of tattoos and if the meaning of the tattoo is something that would be sustainable in the long run. Other risks can include the potential of the tattoo becoming ‘outdated’ or that it clashes with the dress code of one’s workplace. More importantly, it can be argued that if the tattoo causes any harm or distress to oneself or others, it should be avoided.

Self Reflection

Those debating whether have a tattoo is a sin in Christianity or not also need to take a step back and consider their personal beliefs as well. For example, one must consider if they would be okay with God seeing them with a tattoo and if it signifies something that is counter to that God is teaching. Also, questions of vanity and pride may arise and would need to be addressed in this self-reflection. Lastly, it is important not to jump into a permanent decision like getting a tattoo and to evaluate the impact it will have on oneself in the long run.


In conclusion, the debate as to whether having a tattoo is a sin in Christianity is likely to continue, as it does not have a straightforward answer. While there is still an overarching stigma towards tattoos within the Christian faith, opinions on them have become more open-minded in recent years. Ultimately, the decision to get a tattoo or not hinges on an individual’s own beliefs, but understanding both sides of the argument and being informed on the topic can certainly help in that decision-making process.

Jennifer Johnson is an experienced author with a deep passion for exploring the spiritual traditions of different cultures and religions. She has been writing about religion and spirituality for the past ten years in both print and digital platforms, engaging readers in meaningful dialogue about the soul's journey through this life. With degrees in Comparative Religion and English Literature, she brings an insightful perspective to her work that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern theories. A lifelong traveler, Jenn has lived in multiple countries exploring various paths to understanding faith, and her dedication to learning new things is palpable in every piece she creates.

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