Is Masturbation Wrong Christianity

Is Masturbation Wrong According to Christianity?

Masturbation is a deeply personal topic that many people struggle to talk about. It is seen as a taboo in society and there is rarely a discussion around the topic of whether or not it is a wrong act according to the Christian faith.

The bible does not say much about masturbation and does not provide a clear stance on its morality. It does however contain some references that sexual arousal and acts should be used for the purpose of expressing love and forming a married bond.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that “both the Magisterium of the Church, in the course of a constant tradition, and the moral sense of the faithful have been in no doubt and have firmly maintained that masturbation is an intrinsically and gravely disordered action”.

Christian theology professor Brent D. Slife believes that masturbation can be seen as an act of self-assertion and also a form of defiance against God due to its indulgence of personal pleasure without being guided by God.

Many Christian denominations state that although there may be moral implications involved in the act of masturbation, they should not be judged, as God’s unconditional love remains. They also urge people who are struggling with their faith, due to doubts and fears to be open with Him and seek guidance, so they understand how the Spirit is guiding them in all aspects of life.

The Lutheran Church believes that masturbation can be seen as a sin in some cases, as it can have an effect on relationships, when taken in excess or used in an inappropriate manner. This means that intimacy and sexual closeness, which are essential for a healthy relationship, may be harmed due to excessive and addictive masturbation.

On the other hand, the United Church of Canada believes that masturbation is an activity in which many people find pleasure, when done in moderation and responsibly. It is often seen to be a safe and healthy way to explore one’s body and sexuality, and the results of scientific studies support this claim.

Psychologist Jay Watts believes that masturbation should not be seen as something shameful, as it can help to release tension in the body as well as increase a sense of wellbeing. He also states that healthier approaches to it can be encouraged, such as not relying on fantasy to be aroused, instead focusing on feeling present in the moment.

Is Masturbation Affecting My Relationship?

The answer to this question is complex. Masturbation can sometimes be used as a substitute for real intimacy and this can be damaging to relationships. When done in moderation, masturbation may actually improve relationship intimacy, since it decreases anxiety about sexual performance and enables couples to focus on pleasure and achieving orgasm during intimate moments together.

In some instances, masturbation can have positive effects on relationships. For example, it can reduce stress and tension that can lead to conflict, allow for greater self-expression, increase the comfort level of discussing sexual desires and needs, and even help to build intimacy with a partner.

However, it is important to keep in mind that the use of pornography, indulging in fantasies or having excessive sessions of masturbation to the point of addiction are not healthy forms of masturbation and should not be practised.

Can Repentance Reduce the Guilt Around Masturbation?

It is important to remember that many Christians believe that the grace of God and repentance are key components of forgiveness and that no mistake is too great for him to forgive. It is often recommended that guilt caused by certain acts, including masturbation, should be relieved by praying and seeking repentance through the use of support groups or seeking professional Counselling.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church reminds that “all should be persuaded that the grace of God offers us the hope of repenting and receiving forgiveness.”

The church also encourages people to focus on the real issue which is disordered lust, rather than focusing on the act of masturbation itself.

What About Masturbation and Sexual Education?

Many proponents of Christian sexual education believe that masturbation should be addressed honestly and non-judgmentally in dialogue with those seeking an answer to the question of its morality. It is recommended that the primary goal should always be to help them understand how to express sexual relationships that expresses love in a healthy and responsible manner.

When teaching sexual education, people should be encouraged to receive information that both informs, educates and empowers them to make decisions that are in accordance with their beliefs and values, so that they feel supported, respected and accepted.

At the end of the day, the question of whether or not masturbation is a wrong act should be answered by each individual in accordance to their religious and moral beliefs. It is important to remember that it is best addressed as part of a wider discussion on human sexuality, intimacy and relationships.

Does Masturbation Connect Us with God?

Individuals often struggle with the duality of both acknowledging and accpeting pleasure as a form of holiness, but also conforming to the expectations of their faith.

Modern theologian Margaret Farley suggests that all kinds of physical pleasure, including masturbation, should not be denied and should be accepted as part of sexual relationships which express love, mutual respect and a commitment to personal and spiritual growth.

Although masturbation is seen as a sin by some Christian denominations, it is possible to recognise and embrace the positive elements of it. It is important to remember that God is the creator of all things and does not condemn our human pleasures and desires, but rather asks us to contextualise them in an appropriate framework.

Christian feminist theologian Letty M. Russell believes that it is essential for us to embrace our sexuality, in order to experience physical pleasure that deepens our love for God, ourselves and our partners. She believes that sexual pleasure is a gift from God and can be used to bring us closer to Him so long as the act is performed consensually, respectfully and in the context of love.

Can Masturbation Help to Reduce Stress?

Masturbation can be a great way to reduce stress. It is a healthy and natural outlet to explore one’s body and sexuality, while also providing a sense of pleasure and well-being.

Sexual pleasure can release oxytocin, endorphins and a variety of other hormones that help to reduce anxiety and improve self-esteem. It can also be used as a tool to aid relaxation and help cope with difficult feelings and emotions.

Studies have even shown that experiencing sexual pleasure through masturbation can help to induce a more profound state of relaxation, much like when meditating or practising yoga.

However, some individuals may feel guilt or shame after masturbation, due to it being associated with immorality and sinful behaviour in their religious beliefs. It is important to remember that just like with any activity done in moderation, it can help reduce stress and provide a sense of release that can provide relief from mental and emotional burdens.


While strong religious beliefs may encourage individuals to practice restraint when it comes to masturbation, the truth is that no one knows the correct answer as to whether or not it is wrong according to Christianity. It is often up to each individual to interpret their spiritual beliefs and morals when it comes to this subject.

Although some may see it as sinful, many also believe that it can be a healthy and natural way to experience physical pleasure. Considering the lack of clear guidance from most denominations and the private nature of the act itself, it is up to the individual to determine whether masturbation is wrong according to their faith.

Jennifer Johnson is an experienced author with a deep passion for exploring the spiritual traditions of different cultures and religions. She has been writing about religion and spirituality for the past ten years in both print and digital platforms, engaging readers in meaningful dialogue about the soul's journey through this life. With degrees in Comparative Religion and English Literature, she brings an insightful perspective to her work that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern theories. A lifelong traveler, Jenn has lived in multiple countries exploring various paths to understanding faith, and her dedication to learning new things is palpable in every piece she creates.

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