Bathing and Anointing the Body
Indian culture is famously known for the various rituals that are proudly part of the Hindu faith. Hindus often practice rituals such as bathing and anointing the body as part of their spiritual routines. Bathing and anointing is done daily by some or weekly by others and has significance in Hindu spiritual life as it is believed to purify both the body and soul.
It is not just about keeping clean for Hindus, bathing and anointing the body has deeper roots in the religion. It is believed that during the bathing ritual, a person is symbolically bathing with water from the sacred rivers Ganges and Yamuna. Hindus honor these rivers as the rivers are said to have the power to cleanse sins and that any being that bathes with the waters of these rivers can be cleansed of their sins.
Aside from purifying the body, the ritual of anointing the skin with fragrant oils is believed to help meditate and bring the body and soul to peace. According to Sushri Kalrav, an adviser in spiritual and sacred matters, applying fragrant oils helps to achieve physical and spiritual peace. “When applying a fragrant oil to the body, Hindus close their eyes and meditate,” explains Kalrav, “The scent of the oils invites peace, relaxation, and can even help to connect a person to their inner consciousness or soul.”
Chanting Mantras
Another ritual that is widely practiced by Hindus is chanting mantras. These mantras are found in some of the oldest of Hindu texts, such as the Vedas and Upanishads. According to K.V. Rao, a professor of Hinduism, the act of chanting mantras can help to connect with a higher power. He says, “Mantra chanting is believed to create a connection between a person and their chosen deity. Hindus believe that when a person chants a mantra, their soul is being connected to a higher power”.
Mantras are traditionally chanted in either Sanskrit, the ancient language of India, or as part of modern Indian languages such as Hindi. In addition, some mantras are also chanted in English. Regardless of language, the vibration created by the chanting of mantras cannot be denied. According to Dr. Schiele, a professor of Sanskrit studies, “When chanting mantras, one is creating a vibration that is believed to be powerful enough to bring a person to a spiritual level or higher harmony.”
Using Incense and Fire Rituals
Using incense and engaging in fire rituals is another major ritual for Hindus. The ritual of offering incense to one’s chosen deity is said to be highly auspicious. The belief is that when offering incense, the smoke from the incense carries prayers towards the divine. Furthermore, offering incense is also said to attract good vibes, divine love, and help to create a connection to something higher. Additionally, offering incense is also believed to cultivate one’s energy and keep negative energy away.
Engaging in fire rituals is also said to be highly auspicious. Fire is offered to a deity along with items such as fruits and flowers in order to please the deity and bring them closer to a person. According to Jagat Chaturvedi, a Hindu priest, the fire ritual is meant to bring the individual closer to their deity. He says, “The fire ritual is a way to create a connection between the person and their chosen deity. A person can make a spiritual connection to the divine when they offer fire along with fruits and flowers”.
Rituals of Prayers and Offerings
Aside from offering incense and engaging in fire rituals, Hindus offer other forms of prayers and offerings as part of their spiritual rituals. One of the main rituals is chanting prayers, often called stotras, which are found in Hindu texts, such as the Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita. The prayers are chanted with the intention to be closer to the divine and to gain spiritual insight.
Hindus also offer items such as fruits and flowers to their chosen deity as a sign of respect and reverence. Chaturvedi explains that this ritual is meant to keep the divine close and to cultivate one’s spiritual energy. She states, “The offering of flowers, fruits, and other items is an act of love and devotion to one’s chosen deity and a way to keep the divine close.”
Participating in Puja Rituals
Puja rituals or ceremonies are one of the core rituals of Hindus. Pujas are performed to honor and pay respects to a chosen deity or to celebrate major life events. Kalrav explains that puja ceremonies are viewed as auspicious and that Hindus believe it is important to perform such rituals in order to gain a divine connection. She says, “When performing a puja ceremony, Hindus are trying to connect to their chosen deity as well as purify their soul and body”.
The ritual of performing puja consists of offering items such as flowers, fruits and incense to the divine, as well as chanting mantras and reciting various prayers. Puja ceremonies also involve offering traditional cooked food items such as rice and wheat to the deity, which is then offered to the guests at the ceremony as prasad. Prasad is believed to have spiritual properties and to be a blessing from the divine.
Gifting One’s Diety
Gifting a deity is another ritual for Hindus. This ritual typically involves gifting the chosen deity with items such as clothing, jewelry and other items that the individual wishes to offer. Gifting a deity is believed to bring divine blessings and to create a strong connection to one’s chosen deity. It is believed that when an individual gifts their chosen deity, the deity blesses them with power and luck.
Gifting a deity is meant to be done with utmost reverence and respect. It is believed that when gifting a deity, it is important to keep the right attitude and intention to make sure the gesture of gifting is accepted. Chaturvedi shares, “When gifting a deity, it is important to make sure that one’s intention is pure in order to earn the blessings of the divine.”
Holding an Aarti Ceremony
Another Hindu ritual is holding an Aarti ceremony. Aarti is a Hindu ritual involving lighting a small fire in the center of a bowl or platter made of metal and having one or more people go around the fire with a candle and incense, chanting mantras and spinning the bowl or platter slowly. This ritual is typically done during special occasions such as festivals, religious gatherings and holidays.
The significance of Aarti is to offer respect to one’s chosen deity and to make offerings such as flowers, fruits, and incense. It is believed to be completed as a sign of respect and love for the divine. Rao shares, “Hindus believe that the Aarti ceremony brings them one step closer to their chosen deity. It is a way to show their love, admiration, respect and gratitude for their chosen deity.”
Fasting and Abstinence
Fasting and abstinence is a ritual practiced by many Hindus. Fasting is a spiritual ritual practiced with the intention of connecting the individual with their chosen deity. Abstaining from pleasurable activities is also part of fasting. The purpose of abstaining from activities such as drinking alcohol, eating non-vegetarian food, or engaging in immoral activities is to cultivate self-discipline and gain control over oneself.
Fasting is also believed to cleanse a person’s spirit as well as their body. Hindus believe in the power of fasting and that when done correctly, it can cause a transformation in a person’s life. Rao shares, “Fasting is believed to cleanse the soul and to bring one closer to the divine. Hindus believe that when done correctly, fasting can bring good fortune and divine blessings in one’s life.”
Observing Rituals of Silence and Meditation
Another important ritual for Hindus is observing silence and meditation. Watching silence or mauna is believed to bring peace to a person’s inner self and to help cultivate a connection to the divine. Meditation is also believed to help a person attain spiritual insight as well as inner peace.
In addition to cultivating peace within, silence and meditation are also thought to help cultivate self-awareness. This is because when observing silence, one is able to reflect on their thoughts without any external distractions. Schiele explains, “When observing silence and practicing meditation, Hindus believe one is able to gain a better understanding of who they are, their purpose in life, and to develop an intimate relationship with their chosen deity.”