The basic morals of Christianity are love and compassion. While the exact definitions of these things vary from believer to believer, in general, they can be summed up as being compassionate towards all others in your life, including family, friends, and strangers. As an ancient religion, Christianity was built on lessons of service to others, mercy, and justice. Many of the morals of Christianity are based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, as written in the Bible. This includes forgiveness and humility, as kindness and empathy are held in high regard in the Christian faith.
Jesus’ Strategy
Throughout his teachings, Jesus showed the importance of loving your neighbor as yourself, warning against mistreating those around you, regardless of how much power you may have over them. In the Sermon on the Mount, he preaches about “looking on the heart” rather than on outward appearance. This means that as a Christian, one should not judge someone based on their race, gender, religion, or anything that may make them feel lesser. He also mentions that people should be looking for God in the suffering and the lonely.
Love and Forgiveness
In Christian morality, love is the greatest of all virtues. Christians are expected to practice love and kindness towards all people, regardless of differences in beliefs and lifestyles. The book of 1 Corinthians advocates selflessness and patience, as it discusses Christ’s commandment to “love one another as I have loved you”. This can be interpreted as empathy and compassion are key components to being a good Christian.
Forgiveness is another important moral in Christianity, as the Bible teaches that one must forgive the sins of others. Luke 6:37-38 notes that those without sin should forgive those who have wronged them, and be ready to forgive those who apologize. This moral is a reminder that humans are not all-knowing, and they cannot amass knowledge or pass judgement, as only God is perfect.
Humankind and Responsibility
The Christian faith also teaches that humans should show a sense of responsibility for the wellbeing of others. In his teachings, Jesus reminded his listeners to “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This means that people should treat people with the same level of respect that they would like to receive. This is the foundation for many of the moral laws of Christianity.
Humans are also tasked with being guardians of God’s creation, as the Bible speaks of working the earth and cultivating it. This is a moral that speaks to Christ’s disciples, as stewards of God’s gifts and as caretakers of the world.
Nature of Humanity
Christianity also speaks to the nature of humanity, focusing on topics such as doubt and fear, as well as our need to trust in the power of God. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus speaks of fear, saying, “It is not given to you to know times or seasons which the Father has fixed by his own authority.” This can be interpreted as a reminder that humans should work to overcome their fears and trust in God, as he is all powerful.
Societal Morals
Christianity also stresses obedience to authority and social order, usually through a connection to the Ten Commandments that God gave to Moses. These commandments are meant to be guidelines for how Christians should act, such as not committing murder, not committing adultery, and not worshipping false idols. While these laws may not always be applicable in today’s society, it is important to note the morals that can be found in them, such as respecting the people in your life and treating them with love and kindness.
Respect and Tolerance
Christianity teaches its followers to respect one another, regardless of how different they may be. This includes showing respect to those of different ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations, genders, and religions. Jesus himself said in the gospel of Luke, “love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who mistreat you.” The moral here is to respect of difference, and to be empathetic and tolerant of those who may be different than you.
The morals of Christianity can be summed up as love, respect, humility, kindness, forgiveness, and tolerance. It is a religion based on principles of peace and compassion, and it is important for Christians to strive to live up to these ideals. As Jesus said, “love one another as I have loved you.” Ultimately, living according to the morals of Christianity will lead to a better life, both spiritually and physically.