Beliefs in God
At the heart of Judaism and Catholicism is the belief in a single God, who created the universe and governs all justly. Jews and Catholics accept that God is creator, preserver, and completely in control of his creation. Both faiths adhere to a belief in God’s omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence. This belief informs their ethical and moral decision-making, as decisions must measure up to the standard of God.
Furthermore, both religions accept that God is loving and merciful, and that he loves all that is good and beautiful, shown through both Judaism and Catholicism’s teachings on mercy and forgiveness, traits which are highly valued.
Catholics further their belief by worshipping the Trinity, a Christian doctrine of the three persons of the One God, and Mary, the mother of Jesus. Jewish belief, on the other hand, is based on a commitment to a covenant relationship between God and the Jewish people in which all the People of Israel are bound together as part of a single community.
Judaism and Catholicism both value traditional prayer and liturgy. Praying and worshipping God is seen as important to both faiths, with services being held in synagogues and churches on a weekly basis.
Moreover, Judaism and Catholicism acknowledge major annual celebrations, many of which celebrate life-cycle events such as births, marriages, and deaths. Both faiths also feature several key holy days,including the Jewish Passover and Yom Kippur and the Catholic Easter, Christmas and other Holy Days of Obligation.
In both religions, prayer and liturgy is often chanted in a traditional manner,from the heart, whether in Hebrew and Yiddish in Judaism or in Latin in Catholicism.
Judaism boasts several core rituals, including the mikveh, where converts immerse themselves in water three times to signify their conversion and mark their new status as a Jew. Another ritual is the b’rit milah, or circumcision, which is the ritual circumcision of a male infant eight days after his birth. Catholic rituals include baptism, which is the official entry into the Church, and holy Communion, which Catholics partake in to receive Jesus.
Both religions have certain dietary laws which dictate what can and cannot be eaten. For Catholicism, this includes the avoidance of meat on Fridays during Lent. For Judaism, pork, rabbit and shellfish, for example, may not be eaten at any time.
Sacred Scripture
Judaism and Catholicism share the same sacred scripture – the Bible. Both faiths regard the Bible as the written revelation of God’s Word, and the basis of their faith and spiritual lives. Jewish sections of the Bible consists of the Torah, or Five Books of Moses, and additional books of the prophets and writings, which together are known as Tanakh. Catholics not only accept the Tanakh as revealed, but also consider the New Testament as narrated in the Christian Bible.
For Catholics, the Bible is read in light of an Oral Tradition which is said to have been given by Jesus to the Apostles and passed on from generation to generation. It is believed that the Oral Tradition, known as the Magisterium, is part of the evolving understanding of the faith. For Jews, Scripture is seen as the uncorrupted word of God, and thus is to be taken as absolute.
The ideas and teachings of both faiths have also contributed to their similarities. For example, both faiths strongly support acts of charity and kindness as a way to demonstrate God’s love and power. Both religions emphasize the importance of hierarchical social structure, with the highest being that of God and the lowest being humans. Judaism and Catholicism also adhere to the belief that each generation should pass on the legacy of faith to the next.
Social justice and peace are also central to both faiths, with the prophets of Judaism and Jesus advocating in particular the concept of brotherly and sisterly love,which has been transferred to modern times in both Communism and Democracy.
Morals are of dramatic importance in both Judaism and Catholicism. Both faiths share a belief in the innate value and dignity of every human being and advocate for a moral lifestyle as directed by God. This results in a shared emphasis on the Ten Commandments, which are to be respected, as well as guidance provided by the teachings of Jesus for Catholics and dietary laws and customs for Jews.
This is illustrated in attitudes towards sin and behaviour which is deemed to be unacceptable. Both Judaism and Catholics view certain various human behaviours as sinful, such as lying, cheating, and stealing. Additionally, both religions recognize the importance of forgiveness, with both requiring adherents to seek forgiveness if they have sinned.
Symbols shared by both Judaism and Catholicism reflect their common faiths. The Star of David, the six-pointed star, is the symbol of Judaism, while the Crucifix, a symbol of Jesus’ death and resurrection, is the symbol of Catholicism. Similarly, Catholicism and Judaism recognize Israel’s right to exist as a nation, expressing this through the traditional Christian Cross, which is a symbol of the covenant between God and his people.
Additionally, both religions make use of the same spiritual language,such as the ‘Word of God’, ‘kingdom of God’, ‘love of God’, ‘sin’, and ‘baptism’, reflecting their shared origin in monotheism.
Jews and Catholics practice their spirituality in different ways, reflecting their individual beliefs and practices. Jews meditate on the words and stories of their scriptures and carry out daily mitzvahs, or good deeds, such as charity, prayer and meditation. Catholics meditate on scriptures and connect with God through prayer and the sacraments in churches and other spiritual retreats.
Both faiths also stress the importance of community and fellowship, expecting adherents to support each other’s spiritual journeys and help each other live a spiritual life. This is seen in the emphasis placed on regular meetings in synagogues and churches, and the importance placed on reaching out and connecting with others.
In conclusion, it is clear that Judaism and Catholicism share many similarities. Both acknowledge the belief in one God, value prayer and worship, rituals, scripture and symbols, and embrace a morality and spirituality associated with their respective faiths.