What Does 108 Mean In Hinduism

1:Origin Of 108

The number 108 carries a deep spiritual significance across many religions and philosophies. In Hinduism, the 108 number is known as a sacred, unifying number that carries a powerful energy symbolically. Most of the time in Hinduism, 108 is used to refer to a mala, or a garland of prayer beads. The number is considered sacred by both Buddhists and Hindus, who use it in a myriad of ways to represent their faith.
The Sanskrit word for 108 is “ashta-murti”, which refers to the 8 directions of the cosmos and the angles of the earth. This reflects the belief that the entire universe is interconnected and imbued with sacred energy, often referred to as “Shakti” in Hindu thought. The number 108 is used to symbolize this interconnectedness and represents the unity of mind, body and spirit. Ultimately, it symbolizes the impact of spiritual knowledge on human life.

2: Significance Of 108

The significance of 108 goes beyond geometry and the number’s symbolic representation of the cosmos. The number 108 has many deeper spiritual meanings and is often used in mantras and other religious contexts.
In Hinduism, 108 is an important number as it is seen as a sacred unity of three symbols; the solar system, the stars, and the galaxies. It’s also seen as a way to measure values and ethics, represented by 12 constellations, 9 planets and 108 Hindu gods.
In Buddhism, 108 is considered to be a powerful number that represents the 108 feelings associated with karma. According to legend, there are 108 lies and 108 truthful paths to help one achieve the state of nirvana. Similarly,108 is significant in Jainism since there are 108 virtues to keep in practice and 108 vices to avoid.

3: Practice Of 108

108 is a sacred number for many Hindu traditions, and is used in a number of rituals and practices. Worshippers often chant mantras 108 times and “perform a 108-round puja,” complete with various offerings, such as flowers and incense. Other common practices include taking 108 sips of water to honor the gods, counting 108 beads on a mala during meditation or praying to one of the 108 Hindu gods.
The sacred number 108 is also seen as a way of connecting with divine energy. In Hinduism, it is believed that the chakras – or energy centers – in the body each has 108 energy points, which suggests that the number is closely associated with connecting to the divine consciousness. Mala beads, traditionally used to keep count during meditation and prayer rituals, are made up of 108 beads.

4:Mathematical Representation Of 108

108 is more than a sacred number to Hindus, it is also a mathematical representation of perfect order. The number 1 represents the universe, 0 stands for nothingness and 8 for infinity, so 108 stands for the union of the universe and the soul.
The number 108 is seen to reflect the underlying harmony of the universe. According to the Ancient Indian mathematican Satyadeva, it is said that the inner space – the akasha – is made up of 108 tiny elements. Additionally, 108 is also the product of two other sacred divine numbers – 12 and 9. Multiplied together, these two numbers equal 108, representing both completeness and perfect harmony.

5: Symbolism Of 108

The symbolism of 108 goes beyond religion and culture. In Tibetan Buddhism, the “Emerald Tablet,” an ancient set of teachings of Buddhist philosophy, is composed of 108 verses. Additionally, the 108 vital points on an 18-point compass are said to represent all the directions of the universe. In other religions, 108 is seen as the sum of the mathematically perfect number 3x3x3x3 and the number 1 that is created when 1 is tripled three times.

6: Geometry Of 108

The geometry of 108 is of particular interest to Hindus, as it is seen as a sacred way of balancing energy. It is believed that the metaphysical universe is made up of hundreds of thousands of tiny energy points, which are connected by the energy of 108 lines, known as “praan lines.”
The complexity of the geometry of 108 suggests that the power of the number is much greater than what meets the eye. The number is believed to possess a frequency that is said to create a link between one’s heart and the divine. Through this connection, one is said to access greater understanding, insight, and intuition into their life and the universe.

7: Grounding Power With 108

Meditating with a mala of 108 beads is a common practice among Hindus. It is said that when the 108 mala beads are meditated upon, the vibration of the number translates into a powerful spiritual experience, providing strength and grounding for the body and soul.
The practice of yoga also utilizes the power of the number. Each posture, known as an asana, can be repeated 108 times to traverse through the various stages of meditation and explore a deeper level of self-realization.
Many Hindus also link the power of 108 to physical and mental health, crediting the number with helping to reduce stress and anxiety and promoting a greater sense of physical and emotional balance.

8: Conclusion

108 carries a deep spiritual significance in many Hindu, Buddhist and Jain traditions, often symbolizing the unity of the universe, completeness and perfect harmony. The number is used in daily life in a variety of ways, from having 108 mala beads in prayer rituals to repeating mantras 108 times. The number is also seen as having a powerful grounding effect, reducing stress and helping physical, mental and spiritual balance. Ultimately, it is seen as a powerful and sacred number that is intrinsically linked to the divine.

Jennifer Johnson is an experienced author with a deep passion for exploring the spiritual traditions of different cultures and religions. She has been writing about religion and spirituality for the past ten years in both print and digital platforms, engaging readers in meaningful dialogue about the soul's journey through this life. With degrees in Comparative Religion and English Literature, she brings an insightful perspective to her work that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern theories. A lifelong traveler, Jenn has lived in multiple countries exploring various paths to understanding faith, and her dedication to learning new things is palpable in every piece she creates.

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