What Does Christianity Say About Homosexuality

Identifying the Church’s Position on Homosexuality

Most Christian churches have a firm stance against homosexuality, viewing it as a sin, and a deviation from God’s will. According to St. Paul’s writings, Christians are called to marry men and women, “…so that we may lead a chaste and holy life.” (1 Corinthians, 7:2). This is seen as a binding moral law that requires every Christian to abstain from homosexual relations.
In addition to this, Church teachings state that homosexuality is a sin of pride, based on an irrational and inverted use of sexuality. This is because it acts as an obstacle to procreative love, and defies a person’s will and responsibilities to conform to the divine plan. This is seen as the underlying reason why homosexuality is considered a grave sin.

Christian Beliefs on Homosexuality

The Catholic Church, one of the biggest and most influential branches of Christianity, believes that homosexual inclinations are ‘objectively disordered’., meaning they are contrary to natural law and contrary to proper human growth. This indicates that homosexuality is not viewed as a physical condition or pathology, but rather as an inclination or temptation that one has control over.
This means that it is the decision-making process, efforts and behaviours that make up a homosexual act that are sinful, not the homosexual orientation. In other words, it is the act that is considered a sin, not the thought or inclination.

The Church’s Stance on LGBT Persons

Despite the Church’s clear stance on the matter, Christian faith teaches unconditional love for all people, including those who identify as LGBT persons. Thus, the Church believes it is necessary to welcome those who practice homosexuality with the same respect, compassion and sensitivity that is shown to all people.
It is important to note that the Christian faith seeks to protect both the physical and spiritual integrity of members of the LGBT community. This includes providing ongoing care, support and accompaniment to help them to lead a life in accordance with divine will.
In a 2018 Statement released by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, it stated: ‘The Church also urgently calls on all people of good will to enhance their rejection of all unjust discrimination and hatred directed at LGBT people’.

The Role of the Bible in Shaping Attitudes Toward Homosexuality

The Bible is the crucial document for setting the framework for the Church’s stance on homosexuality. The majority of Christian denominations observe that there are six passages in the Bible which directly address homosexuality, mainly in the books of Leviticus, Genesis and Corinthians.
The main claim in these passages is that same-sex relations are sinful and perverse. This perception has been a central tenet of Christian beliefs for two millennia, and shapes how members of the Church view homosexuality to this day.

How the Christian Church Views Compassion Toward LGBT Persons

While the Church is firm in its stance that homosexual acts are sin, it views compassion and understanding toward LGBT persons as a necessary element of Christian values and beliefs. There is a common misconception that the Church views homosexuals harshly, while in actuality they view it as a grave sin that should be carefully discussed and understood in a respectful and non-condemnatory manner.
This is because within the Christian faith, individuals are called to love and help each other, regardless of their orientation or beliefs. In fact, Pope Francis commented that he believes it is important for the Church to embrace an “attitude of mercy,” and reach out to LGBT persons and provide them support and accompaniment in their journey.

Opportunities and Challenges for Progress

While many Christians and denominations still view homosexuality as a sin, there are some denominations and churches that have adopted a more progressive stance. The Metropolitan Community Church, for example, is an openly LGBT-affirming church, with a membership that is 30% LGBT. This church also rejects the notion that homosexuality is a sin, and provides a safe and open-minded space for LGBT persons to worship.
The Church also faces many challenges in accepting homosexuality, especially in a society where traditional values and beliefs on the topic can be hard to challenge. Despite the development in attitudes and beliefs towards the LGBT community, the Church still largely follows a more conservative approach, meaning that progress towards full acceptance is still a work in progress.

Integrating LGBT Persons in the Church

The Church’s stance towards LGBT persons has changed over the past decades. In comparison to the past, there is a growing acceptance towards LGBT persons, which is encouraging for all members of the LGBT community. This progress has been made in part, due to the bold and public support of LGBT persons in the church.
In fact, some countries, such as Italy and Spain, have allowed gay marriages and unions since 2008. This has enabled many LGBT persons who have traditionally felt unwelcome in the Church to access their rights. On another note, some churches have begun to accept LGBT persons by providing open and safe spaces for worship and fellowship.


Christianity has a mostly negative view of homosexuality and considers it to be a sin. However, in the recent years, with the information available, the church has evolved its stance and has become more accepting of LGBT persons. This is made possible due to embracing an attitude of understanding and support for the LGBT community, recognizing that each person is a child of God and valuable despite their differences. Through this, Christians are opening up the welcoming environment for anyone, regardless of their orientation and beliefs.

Jennifer Johnson is an experienced author with a deep passion for exploring the spiritual traditions of different cultures and religions. She has been writing about religion and spirituality for the past ten years in both print and digital platforms, engaging readers in meaningful dialogue about the soul's journey through this life. With degrees in Comparative Religion and English Literature, she brings an insightful perspective to her work that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern theories. A lifelong traveler, Jenn has lived in multiple countries exploring various paths to understanding faith, and her dedication to learning new things is palpable in every piece she creates.

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