What Is Om In Hinduism

Hindu Origin of Om

Om, also known as ‘Aum’ or ‘Prana’, is an important symbol in Hinduism, originating from the ancient Vedas. It can be found in the Upanishads, or sacred Hindu scriptures. Om is often used as a mantra or a sacred chant of Hinduism and is now one of the most recognised symbols in the world, having recently become popular with the rise of yoga and mindfulness. The vibration of the syllable Om is said to represent the three states of consciousness – waking, dreaming, and dreaming without awareness – as well as the three Gunas, or spiritual qualities.

The symbol itself is believed to be related to the representation of the divine in Hinduism. According to Hindu cosmology, the universe is composed of five elements – air, fire, water, earth and space. Om is said to represent the fifth element, the all-encompassing energy of the Universe, which is known as Akash. The syllable is also believed to represent the four Vedas, and is the source of life.

Om is also a powerful tool for invoking the divine. Hindus believe that when this sacred syllable is chanted, it can bring forth a divine presence, peace, and harmony. It is said to purify and heal negative energies, and to renew spiritual awakening. As such, it is an integral part of Hindu worship, and is chanted as part of daily mantras and rituals.

In terms of its use in yogic practice, Om is used to regulate the breath, focus the body and the mind and bring about a sense of balance and wellbeing. It is also used during meditation to help the practitioner focus and journey inward to the depths of their subconscious mind.

Understanding The Meaning Of Om

Om is composed of three Sanskrit letters, A, U and M. The a is said to represent the creation of the universe while the U is said to represent the maintenance of the universe and the M, the dissolution of the universe. Together, the three letters are said to be the mantra that encapsulates the entirety of the universe, and its interconnectedness.

The ultimate goal of chanting Om is to tap in to the power of the divine, and to cultivate an inner awareness of the outer world. The practice of chanting continuously and mindfully is said to bring balance and harmony to the practitioner as it acts as a form of meditation.

The beauty of Om lies in its simplicity and universality; everyone can relate to it, regardless of cultural or religious background. It existed before and beyond religious boundaries and is believed to be the universal sound of the Universe.

Om is an incredibly powerful symbol, having been used for centuries in Buddhism and Hinduism and is now recognised as a symbol of peace, rejuvenation and spirituality.

The Importance of Om in Hinduism

Om is widely acknowledged as a spiritual chant and symbol in Hinduism. It is thought to represent the gods and goddesses, but also the four directions – east, west, north, south – and the four Vedas, or sacred texts. Many Hindus begin and end their prayers with the Om symbol, and much of the yoga and meditation practices are based on it.

Om is called the ‘pranava-mantra’, or the ‘sound of the Universe’. It is said to emanate a cosmic vibration of life energy, and to have a transformative power to purify the soul and bring about unity consciousness. It is also believed to bring about a state of peace and bliss in the individual, and to create an environment of deep relaxation and spiritual connection.

In addition, Om is also used in Hindu rituals and ceremonies as an invocation of the gods and as a way to tap into divine energy. Hindus believe that by chanting Om, they are connecting to the source of all life, and to the eternal energy that permeates the Universe.

The Significance of Om in Everyday Life

Om has become an integral part of many people’s daily lives and an easy way to feel connected to the divine. In its simplest form, chanting or simply repeating the sound of the Om helps to bring about calmness and peace of mind. It can also be used to clear negative energy and to deepen relaxation.

Om’s resonance makes it well-suited to meditation practices, where it helps to focus the mind on the present moment and to clear any mental clutter. However, it can also be used in any situation where one wishes to refocus and bring back clarity. For example, chanting it in times of stress or anxiety can help to bring back a sense of peace and balance.

The power of Om lies in its universality; it is a calming and connection to a higher consciousness, which is integral to the Hindu faith. The meaning of Om can be interpreted differently by each person, and thus it becomes a powerful tool to connect an individual to the divine and to turn inward in search of a deeper understanding.

Modern Relevance of Om

Today, we find Om in many forms; it is used in advertising and brands to invoke a sense of spiritual connection and promote health and wellbeing. The resonance of Om is also often used in music, both in and out of spiritual retreat centres, to invoke a feeling of peace and belonging.

Om has become so popular that it is now seen and heard in many everyday situations, from film, to literature, and even on social media. It is clear that Om still resonates with many people all over the world, regardless of cultural or religious backgrounds.

The beauty of Om lies in its simplicity and profundity; it is a mantra that brings peace to the individual and connects them to the divine. It is the ultimate reminder to ‘stop and breathe’ and to remember to turn inward and connect to the divine source of life.


For Hindus, Om is a reminder of their spiritual power, and a connection to the divine. It is a tool to be used when searching for personal peace, in times of stress and worry, and to invoke a sense of mindfulness and life energy. Om is believed to have the power to cleanse and heal, and to bring balance and harmony into our lives.

Applications Of Om In Different Cultures

The symbolism of Om transcends culture and religion, and has been adopted into several religious practices in both Hinduism and Buddhism. In Buddhism, Om is often used as part of the mantra, ‘Om Mani Padme Hum’, which translates to ‘the jewel in the lotus’ and is meant to invoke spiritual growth and enlightenment. In Hinduism, Om is used to invoke specific deities during puja, or sacred rituals, and to call upon higher energies for support during difficult times.

The ongoing relevance of Om indicates its ability to transcend cultures and religions. It is used by many people all over the world to bring clarity, focus, peace of mind and a sense of peace and harmony. Whatever the application of Om, the ultimate result is a feeling of spiritual connection, and an awareness of life energy, clarity, and purpose.

The Use of Om as a Healing Tool

Om is also recognised as a powerful and transformative healing tool. Many people use it as part of their daily meditation practice, finding it to be particularly effective in helping to reduce stress and clear negative energy. They believe that the vibration of the syllable has the power to realign energies within the body and to create a sense of inner peace and wellbeing.

In addition to its use in meditation, Om is also used in a variety of other wellness practices, such as yoga and reiki. Its vibration is believed to help to clear blocked channels in the body, and to reconnect the practitioner to their inner power and life force.

Ultimately, the power of Om lies in its ability to invoke divine presence and to bring balance and peace to the individual. It is an immensely powerful symbol, and an accessible reminder of the interconnectedness of all life.

A Global Movement of Consciousness

The universality of Om reflects a global movement towards spiritual awakening. We are now seeing the rise of mindfulness practices all over the world, and Om has become a powerful symbol of the interconnectedness of all life and our connection to the divine.

The power of this sacred syllable transcends religious and cultural boundaries, yet it is still recognised and embraced by people from all walks of life, who use it as a way to reconnect to their inner power and life force.

By chanting Om and connecting with its life energy, we are able to reconnect to our inner power, recognise our interconnectivity with all life, and experiences states of peace and wellbeing that come with spiritual awakening.

Jennifer Johnson is an experienced author with a deep passion for exploring the spiritual traditions of different cultures and religions. She has been writing about religion and spirituality for the past ten years in both print and digital platforms, engaging readers in meaningful dialogue about the soul's journey through this life. With degrees in Comparative Religion and English Literature, she brings an insightful perspective to her work that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern theories. A lifelong traveler, Jenn has lived in multiple countries exploring various paths to understanding faith, and her dedication to learning new things is palpable in every piece she creates.

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