Section 1: Background of Renewal Judaism
Renewal Judaism, also known as Jewish Renewal, is an influential spiritual movement within Judaism emphasizing spiritual engagement with Jewish teachings and practice, as well as concern for social justice, ethical behavior and environmentalism. Renewal Judaism is primarily based on the teachings of Abraham Joshua Heschel and Shlomo Carlebach, and its emphasis is on developing an individual spiritual life within an organized Jewish framework. Renewal Judaism has its origins in the mid-1960s, when Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi began to explore the possibilities of creating a new, more experiential form of Judaism that would be both spiritually vibrant and socially relevant. Renewal Judaism has spread throughout the Jewish world, revolutionizing the way Jews practice their faith and shaping the way contemporary Jews see themselves and the world around them.
Section 2: Sense of Community in Renewal Judaism
Renewal Judaism emphasizes the importance of developing a sense of community. From its inception, Renewal Judaism has sought to create an accepting and open atmosphere, where differing opinions are respected and personal growth is encouraged. Renewal Jews come together to study, to celebrate, to experience and to just hang out. While Renewal Jews can be found in traditional temples and synagogues, many services take place at retreat centers or outdoor locations, where Jews can connect not only to their tradition but also to nature. For example, some Renewal Jews will meet for Tu b’Shvat ceremonies in a forest or for Passover seders for nature hikes.
Section 3: Practices of Renewal Judaism
In Renewal Judaism, traditional Jewish rituals such as praying, fasting and studying the Torah have taken on a greater spiritual significance. Praying is no longer a mere recitation of words, but an experience of connection to the Divine. Similarly, fasting and Torah study, while still obligatory on certain occasions, are also seen as opportunities to connect with the spiritual world, to gain insight and inspiration, and to manifest God’s presence in our lives. Additionally, Renewal Judaism has adopted many new practices such as meditation, chanting and the use of musical instruments in order to facilitate connecting with the sacred. Renewal Jews also strive to make their practice of Judaism relevant to the world outside their community.
Section 4: Engagement with Social Justice
Renewal Judaism is committed to social justice and encourages its adherents to engage in activism, charity and other forms of communal service. Renewal Jews have been at the forefront of numerous social justice movements, from civil rights to environmentalism. Renewal Jews believe that Jewish practice should involve not only spiritual contemplation, but tangible action. Additionally, Renewal Judaism emphasizes the need to be open and accepting of all people, regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation. Renewal Jews have created networks of communities where people of all backgrounds can come together to find acceptance and fellowship.
Section 5: Ecological Concerns
In recent years, Renewal Jews have taken an increasingly active role in environmentalism and ecological concerns. Renewal Jews have internalized the belief that every single human being, regardless of religion, race or gender, is responsible for the planet, and must strive to protect it. Renewal Jews advocate for policies to limit climate change, reduce our carbon footprint, and protect endangered species. Additionally, Renewal Jews are active in promoting sustainable farming and renewable energy practices, as well as an appreciation for the natural beauty of the world.
Section 6: Renewal Judaism and the State of Israel
Renewal Judaism holds complex and various views regarding the State of Israel. While many Renewal Jews are committed supporters of a two-state solution, others are critical of the policies of current Israeli governments. Some Renewal Jews are committed to working towards a more just Israeli society, while others believe that Jews should focus their energy on social justice issues outside Israel. Regardless of their opinion, Renewal Jews see Israel as an integral part of Jewish life and believe that Jews should show sensitivity and respect to all sides of the debate.
Section 7: Renewal Judaism and Other Religions
Renewal Jews are committed to asserting the relevancy of Judaism and the Jewish faith in a modern world. While Renewal Jews strive to maintain the specific traditions of their own faith, they also believe strongly in interfaith dialogue and understanding. Renewal Jews recognize their common thread with other religious faiths and are committed to working for peace and understanding. In this way, Renewal Judaism serves not only as a modernizing force within traditional Judaism, but also as a bridge towards dialogue and understanding with other faiths and cultures.
Section 8: Impact of Renewal Judaism
Since its emergence in the mid-1960s, Renewal Judaism has had a profound impact on the faith and culture of contemporary Jews. By creating a sense of open, spiritual community and by emphasizing a commitment to social justice and the environment, Renewal Judaism has deepened the spiritual lives of its adherents and created an atmosphere of social inclusivity and compassion. Additionally, Renewal Judaism has encouraged an appreciation of the diversity of modern Jewry and fostered respect and understanding among all religious faiths. Through its emphasis on spiritual engagement, political action and interfaith understanding, Renewal Judaism is helping to create a more just, open and spiritually vibrant Jewish community.