What Is The Difference Between Islam And Hinduism

Hinduism and Islam are two of the world’s most popular religions and have significant differences as well as similarities. Both of these faith traditions have existed since ancient times, and yet both continue to evolve in response to modern changes and developments in the world. Each religion has its own rules and customs, as well as its own set of ethical principles. To understand their distinctions and similarities, it is important to learn about their histories, beliefs, and traditions.

One of the major differences between Hinduism and Islam is their respective origins. Hinduism began in India and is the oldest living faith tradition in the world. Hinduism is considered to be a polytheistic or pantheistic religion, as it includes many gods and goddesses. Meanwhile, Islam originated from the teachings of the prophet Muhammad in Arabia in the 7th century and is considered a monotheistic religion as it views Allah as the single, supreme deity.

In terms of their beliefs, Hinduism is rooted in the concept of karma and reincarnation, while Islam is based on the Five Pillars of Faith. Hindus believe that karma is the result of one’s past life actions, and those who have led morally good lives will be reincarnated in higher forms. In contrast, according to the Five Pillars of Islam, Muslims must submit to the will of Allah, practice daily prayer, fast during Ramadan, make the pilgrimage to Mecca, and give to charity.

In terms of practices, Hindus have a variety of ritualistic practices and customs. These rituals can include cleansing ceremonies and chanting mantras, which is the practice of reciting holy incantations. Meanwhile, the five pillars of faith are the main tenet of Islam and are a set of moral duties that must be practiced by adherents. Additionally, Muslim devotees can practice their faith in different ways, such as making a pilgrimage to Mecca and Hajj.

Hinduism and Islam also differ in terms of sacred texts. Hindus mainly follow the Vedas, however, many of the other sacred Hindu texts predate the Vedas. These include the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita, which outlines the path of justice and devotion to god. Meanwhile, Muslims follow the Qu’ran, which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad and is the central text of Islam. In addition to the Qu’ran, Muslims also draw their beliefs from the Prophet Muhammad’s teachings, known as Hadith.

In terms of their beliefs about the afterlife, Hindus believe in the concept of samsāra, which is the journey of the soul through different lives, while Muslims believe in janna, which is the final destination of a person in the afterlife. Ultimately, both faiths have beliefs related to the afterlife that guide adherents in the present life.

Role of Guru

In Hinduism, the role of Guru is highly important as he is the spiritual guide and mentor for a devotee. Hindus believe that the Guru can unlock the spiritual potential of a believer and help them on their journey to spiritual growth. Meanwhile, in Islam, the role of Imam is just as important in helping devotees on their journey. An Imam is believed to guide and teach Muslims to adhere to the teachings of the Qur’an.

Treating Animals

In contrast to the role of Guru and Imam in the Hindu and Islamic faith respectively, animals are treated differently in both religions. In Hinduism, animals are worshiped and considered to be a part of the divine order, while in Islam, animals are cared for, but are not worshiped. In both faiths, they are seen as valuable parts of the world and treated with respect.

Fasting Practices

The practice of fasting is also distinct in Hinduism and Islam as each faith has its own set of fasting protocols and traditions. In Hinduism, devotees typically fast for health purposes and for spiritual cleansing, while in Islam, fasting is an obligatory practice to honor God, and is typically done during the month of Ramadan.

Gender Equality

When it comes to gender equality, Hinduism and Islam have distinct beliefs and practices. In Hinduism, women are typically viewed as being equal to men, although there are discrepancies within this, such as the preference for sons over daughters and dowry systems. Meanwhile, Islam is often seen as one of the most egalitarian religions in terms of gender as both men and women are viewed as having equal responsibilities and rights before God.


Hinduism and Islam also differ in terms of theology. For example, in Hinduism the Supreme Being is viewed to be formless and without gender, while in Islam, Allah is viewed to have a specific form and gender. Additionally, Hindus believe in the concept of Moksha which involves the liberation from the cycle of birth and death, while Muslims believe that a believer can reach Paradise after death if they are obedient to the will of Allah and live a righteous life.

Role of Idol Worship

In terms of idol worship, Hindus place a great emphasis on it, whereas, in Islam, idolatry is strictly forbidden as it is seen as a violation of the principle of monotheism, which is a core tenet of Islam. Therefore, Hindus often have idols in their homes while Muslims usually abstain from it.


To conclude, Hinduism and Islam are two distinct religious traditions that have their own sets of beliefs, practices, and traditions. Hindus tend to emphasize reincarnation and idol worship, while Islam is a monotheistic faith focused on the Five Pillars of Faith. Both faiths have similarities such as a commitment to charity and kindness, as well as differences such as their respective beliefs about the afterlife, gender equality, and idol worship. Ultimately, understanding these distinctions and similarities is an important part of understanding each of the faiths.

Jennifer Johnson is an experienced author with a deep passion for exploring the spiritual traditions of different cultures and religions. She has been writing about religion and spirituality for the past ten years in both print and digital platforms, engaging readers in meaningful dialogue about the soul's journey through this life. With degrees in Comparative Religion and English Literature, she brings an insightful perspective to her work that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern theories. A lifelong traveler, Jenn has lived in multiple countries exploring various paths to understanding faith, and her dedication to learning new things is palpable in every piece she creates.

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