Judaism is one of the world’s oldest monotheistic religions, with followers found all over the globe. While there is no single country or region with an absolute majority of Jews, there are certain countries and regions that have greater concentrations or populations than others. This article delves into where around the world most Jews live and why these places are so hospitable to them.
Over the centuries, hundreds of thousands of Jews have left their homelands in search of new opportunities and found refuge in different countries. This has resulted in a diaspora, with the Jewish population spread across the world. While the majority of the people of Jewish heritage are spread globally, around 40 percent of them live in the United States and more than one million live in Israel. In western Europe, the largest population can be found in France, and in eastern Europe, the largest population lives in Russia. Other countries with a large Jewish population include Argentina, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
As a Jewish person living in some countries can be a difficult and dangerous task, so many Jewish communities have taken to creating and accessing supportive communities, with large numbers living near each other within certain cities. Aside from those in Israel, the most common locations with high concentrations of the Jewish population are in New York City, in the United States, and in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In the United States, Jews make up around 5 percent of the population, according to a 2018 Pew Research Report, while in Argentina, the percentage is around 7 percent.
The question of why Jews tend to cluster in certain communities has been studied by researchers, with a number of theories proposed. These include proximity to other people of Jewish heritage, the fact that their religion may be a unifying factor and a sense of solidarity, and because such communities can be a source of protections from anti-Semitism. This article shies away from religious reasons, but it’s worth noting that for people of Jewish faith, living in a place of relative concentration is likely to provide greater access to religious institutions and places of worship.
The concept of a diaspora, of diaspora Jews, is a broad concept, with ranges of interpretation being used to define the term. Generally, the term “diaspora Jew” is used to refer to those who identify themselves culturally as Jews, while “religious Jews” are those who observe Jewish religious teachings and practices. Many people take a combination of these two meanings and are referred to in Judaism as a “cross between a diaspora Jew and a religious Jew.”
The experiences of Jewish communities around the world identify the uniqueness of their situation. Each community experiences different levels of social exclusion, exclusionary practices, and discrimination, which can vary significantly from country to country. It is therefore essential to acknowledge the spectrum of experiences and find ways to support diaspora Jews in all their uniqueness.
Historical Significance of Jewish Communities
Throughout history, Jews have been subject to mob violence and persecution, which have caused them to leave their countries of origin and often settle in different areas. This history of persecution has been fundamental to the spread of the Jewish people, and it is often noted that this mobility can be seen as both a symbol of strength, and a reminder of the vulnerability that the Jewish communities have experienced.
This mobility has also changed the face of many countries and regions. Jewish immigrants have brought diverse cultural contributions to their new countries, and their presence has had a profound effect on certain countries. The Jews who immigrated to the United States in the late 19th century helped to build and shape the nation, and their presence has had an impact on the nation’s political and social climate.
In terms of diaspora, the effects of movements of Jews can be seen in both positive and negative ways. In some cases, the immigration of Jewish people to a new country has been beneficial for their local communities, as it has brought new economic and social opportunities, whilst in other cases, their immigration has been met with distrust and discrimination, leading to the formation of hostile and segregated communities.
Contemporary Distribution of Jews Around the World
Due to the history of persecution, it is difficult to estimate accurately the total number of Jews around the world. The current estimation is between 15 and 17 million, with around 5.5 million living in Israel and 5.3 million living in the United States. Other significant Jewish populations can be found in countries such as Russia, Canada, France, Argentina, and the United Kingdom, with smaller concentrations living in Brazil, Ukraine, Germany, Mexico, and Australia.
In recent years, the diasporic nature of the Jewish population has increased as some Jews, feeling increasingly disfavoured in their home countries, have chosen to leave and seek social and religious opportunities elsewhere. Migration has also been driven and propelled increased through technological advances and more efficient transportation routes. This can be seen in the large numbers of Jews who have moved to Israel in recent years and the increasing number of Jews who have moved to countries such as the United States due to its generous refugee policies.
Furthermore, it is also worth noting that many Jews have also begun to move away from large-scale cities towards smaller settings, as they look for places where they can maintain their traditions and identity. These moves towards smaller settings have been noted in countries such as the United States and Canada, as well as in large cities in the United Kingdom and France.
Reasons Behind The Movement of Jews
The reasons behind the relocation of Jews around the world are varied and diverse. A major reason can be related to the history of social exclusion and conflict that Jews have faced over the centuries, which has motivated and pushed many Jews to seek refuge elsewhere. Other reasons for relocation can be due to opportunities for better economic and political prospects, or for a greater ability to practise their religion.
At the same time, many Jewish communities have been able to maintain traditional religious and cultural practices, despite living a diasporic lifestyle, with Jews across the world continuing to observe Shabbat, celebrate Passover and observe other religious traditions.
It is also worth noting that the presence of Jews in certain regions in the world can be an indicator of the acceptance of diversity and multiculturalism. For example, in Uruguay and France, which both boast significant Jewish populations, the governments have passed significant laws protecting the rights of religious minorities.
Challenges Faced by Jewish Communities
Despite living in countries and regions that are tolerant of religious minorities, the Jewish community still faces significant challenges in many parts of the world. Of particular concern are the prevalence of anti-Semitism and hate crimes against Jews in many places, particularly in Europe and some parts of the United States. Other issues that diaspora Jews face include the difficulty of maintaining traditional customs in a place where religious practices are not widely accepted.
Furthermore, the Jewish communities in some countries have also experienced significant economic difficulties in recent decades, and these have been particularly acute in Russia and Eastern European countries. It is therefore essential for international communities to come together to promote economic and social justice for those in the Jewish diaspora.
Increasing Awareness of Jewish Communities Around the World
The increasing mobility of Jews in recent years has also allowed them to expand their cultural reach and increase their visibility in certain countries. By encouraging intercultural exchange and dialogue, diaspora Jews can become more visible and be seen as key contributors to their host countries.
The increasing presence of Jews in the media and in international forums has also been instrumental in raising awareness of their plight. In the United Nations, for example, the presence of diaspora Jews has been seen as an opportunity to bridge the gap between different countries and cultures, and to promote understanding and peace throughout the world.
Furthermore, the general public has become increasingly aware of the Jewish community through a variety of initiatives, such as Jewish film festivals, Jewish heritage trails, and Jewish culture weeks. These initiatives have helped to connect diaspora Jews with people from other cultures, encouraging constructive dialogue and mutual knowledge.
Economic Impact of Jewish Communities
Jewish communities across the world have also had a major impact on the economies of their host countries. In the United States, for example, the Jewish community contributes significantly to the overall economic growth, innovation and entrepreneurship rate of the nation. Jews have historically been disproportionately represented in major sectors of the American economy, such as finance, venture capital, and technology, and this has enabled the Jewish community to remain successful and prosperous.
In other countries, such as Argentina, the presence of the Jewish community has made a significant impact, contributing to the development of industries such as agriculture, food manufacturing, and pharmaceuticals. The cultural impact of the Jewish community in Argentina has also been notable, with Jews playing an important role in the entertainment and music industries.
Finally, it is also worth noting that the economic success of the Jewish communities in many parts of the world has enabled them to become an important source of philanthropy. In the United States and other countries, Jewish individuals and organisations have been major donors to and supporters of a variety of social causes, playing an important role in the fight against poverty and inequality.
Conclusion and Final Thoughts
This article has provided an overview of the global Jewish diaspora and highlighted some of the key places where Jews live. It has also explored some of the unique challenges and experiences that Jews face in different countries, and how the Jewish communities are affecting their host countries. Finally, it has emphasised the importance of encouraging understanding and cooperation between Jewish and non-Jewish communities, and of recognising the value of the economic and cultural contributions of the Jewish diaspora.