Why Did You Convert To Judaism?
Converting to Judaism can be a life-changing experience, one that marks a person’s spiritual journey. While those who convert to Judaism may have many different reasons for doing so, there are a few common threads. In this article, we’ll discuss what motivates people to convert to Judaism and how it can affect their lives.
Spiritual Fulfillment
At its core, one of the primary motives for converting to Judaism is spiritual fulfillment. According to Rabbi Joseph Glaser, a spiritual counselor and mentor, “people become Jewish to create a spiritual home and fulfill a spiritual need. Many find that Judaism gives them a sense of direction, purpose, and identity.” Those who convert to Judaism often find that the faith provides them with a much needed sense of connection, security, and purpose. As Roni Gordon, a convert to Judaism, explains, “I converted because it gave me a sense of belonging and connectedness. It was like coming home.”
Love of a Partner
Another common reason for converting to Judaism is love. According to Rabbi Glaser, “Judaism has long been a way for couples to come together in faith and create a stronger, more fulfilling relationship.” For many, the desire to enter into a strong, spiritual bond with a partner trumps any other motive in converting to Judaism. As Michael Feinstein, a convert to Judaism puts it, “I can’t imagine being in a committed, long-term relationship with someone and not having a shared spiritual belief. It just wasn’t something I was willing to compromise on.”
Yearning for Community
Converting to Judaism can also mean breaking away from an estranged faith or even no faith at all and entering into a supportive, vibrant community. As Rabbi Glaser explains, “it isn’t uncommon for those seeking a closer connection to a community to turn to Judaism. It provides a loving, accepting atmosphere that provides a sense of home.” For those lacking a faith-based community, becoming a part of the Jewish community may offer the same sense of solidarity and security that religion often provides.
Educational Curiosity
A final motive in converting to Judaism is the desire to expand one’s knowledge base. As Dr. Marvin Schick, a leading scholar in Modern Orthodox Judaism, explains, “Many people enjoy the experience of going deep into a literature or set of teachings that is incredibly ancient and meaningful. Judaism provides an incredibly rich set of teachings, many of which are only accessible through its practice.” Jointly studying and exploring the deep teachings of Judaism can bring knowledge and proficiency to those looking to grow faith-based education.
Rite of Passage
Those looking for a meaningful rite of passage with spiritual significance may find conversion to Judaism ideal. According to Rabbi Glaser, “Judaism offers converts a particular moment in which their lives can change. Through conversion, an individual speaks to the Divine and establishes a covenant with the individual’s spiritual understanding of the Universe. This transformative experience carries a tremendous amount of significance.” Even those not driven by traditional religious motivations may find removing oneself from religious obscurity and attaching oneself to an ancient faith a meaningful experience.
Source of Strength
Some view conversion to Judaism as a source of strength; a means of finding personal strength and stability. As Rabbi Glaser suggests, “in moments of struggle, a person can turn to Jewish teachings and prayer to help navigate life’s challenges.” Through Jewish teachings, converts are granted access to holy texts and prayers for strength, guidance, and growth. Furthermore, the welcoming and affirming nature of the Jewish community and its rituals can provide converts with safe spaces for exploration and inner work. Many find comfort and solace in this faith-based view of the world.
Insights Into the Past
Finally, some converts to Judaism find the exploration of Jewish history and culture to be an influencing factor in why they chose to convert. The roots of Judaism stretch back millennia; even today, tangible artifacts such as books, coins, and art bear witness to the Jew’s unique experiences. By converting to Judaism, one is connecting to this rich heritage and becoming part of a centuries-long continuum of tradition and history, and a shared story of triumph and tribulation.
Access to ritual and tradition
While rituals and traditions are not necessarily a motivating factor for every convert, it is an essential part of the Jewish community. Jewish rituals are meaningful and provide an ongoing spiritual connection for converts. Through the regular practice of traditional Jewish rituals, converts can strengthen the spiritual connection they have made when converting. From lighting Shabbat candles to reciting the Shema, observing Jewish rituals can foster a sense of connection and community.
Connection to Israel
Converting to Judaism can provide converts with more than just a spiritual connection; it can provide them with a connection to the land of Israel as well. By becoming a Jew, converts establish a direct connection to the Jewish people and the land of Israel. This connection can serve as a source of strength and a source of inspiration, providing converts with a sense of identity and belonging to an ancient people with a proud history and culture.
Life Transformation
Beyond providing spiritual fulfillment, a connection to tradition, or an access to ritual, converting to Judaism can represent an immense life transformation. It is often seen as an opportunity to start fresh, free from the burdens of one’s past. Those who choose to convert can take comfort in knowing that despite personal mistakes or misfortunes, a new start and newfound strength is available through the embrace of Judaism.
Continued learning and growth
Learning and growth are an integral part of the journey to become a practicing Jew. There are numerous classes, resources, and mentorships available that can provide converts with the basic knowledge necessary to practice the faith. These educational opportunities offer converts the chance to gain an understanding of Jewish beliefs and practices, allowing them to further their knowledge and deepen their spirituality.
Experience with religious organizations
Religious organizations are a great resource for those converting to Judaism. With the support and guidance of other Jews and religious organizations, converts can more easily navigate their journey and grow in their knowledge and understanding of Judaism. Such organizations provide converts with a sense of community and inclusion, providing them with access to resources and educational opportunities that would not normally be available.
Expand circles of connection
Finally, converting to Judaism can open up connections to new people and cultures. As converts learn and grow in their faith, they can expand their circles of connection and make friends of different backgrounds and beliefs. In doing so, converts can bring new perspectives and insight into their own lives and potentially foster meaningful relationships that can become cornerstones of their new faith.