Ancient History
The Ganges River has been held in reverence for thousands of years by Hindus. It is believed that the river at its origin comes from the sweat of Lord Shiva as he meditated atop Mount Kailash in the Himalayas. Along with many other deities, the River Ganges is also a personification of the Goddess Ganga. She is said to have descended from Heaven to Earth and the ancient gods proudly accepted her as the showered blessing of divinity and grace. This is why the river is viewed as sacred, embodying the power of creation, serenity and sanctity.
Since ancient times, its water has been used in religious ceremonies and rituals including the purification of the soul. People in India believe that taking a bath in the holy river can grant them peace and inner bliss. Celebrations are held at the banks of the river Ganga with music, dance, and worship that signify honour and devotion towards the river.
Economic Benefits
The Ganges is more than an important religious water source, it is an economic resource that benefits India’s economy in numerous ways. Its water is crucial for agriculture as it provides life-giving moisture, not only to nearby farms, but to cities and towns throughout the Gangetic Plain.
Moreover, the Ganges is a hub for transportation and movement of goods and people. In addition, the Gange’s ecosystem provides multiple resources for use, such as fish, which serve as a major food source for many locals. The government has taken steps to preserve the river’s resources and increase its use for economic gain. Recently, a ‘River Tourism’ project was launched to promote eco-friendly tourism in the Ganges basin.
Environmental Impact
The Ganges has also suffered due to human activity. Pollution of the Ganges is an ongoing problem, with millions of tons of industrially produced waste entering the river every year. As a result, many native species of flora and fauna are being threatened and destroyed, and local populations face rising health problems.
The government of India and multiple other organisations have taken steps to improve the conditions of the river such as clean-up and restoration projects. Meanwhile, local citizens are doing their part by organising activities such as ‘River Walks’, riverside clean-up, ‘Project Ganga Awakening’, and other awareness initiatives.
Religious Significance
The Ganges is one of the holiest rivers of the Hindu religion, ancient scriptures such as the Bhagavad Gita and Mahabharata contain references venerating the river. Hindus flock to the river to perform rituals in an effort to honour their ancestors who have gone before them.
The common belief is that by taking a dip in the Ganges, one can find spiritual cleansing and be released from the cycle of reincarnation. It’s also believed that there are no ill omens associated with the River, so Hindus never hesitate to take a boat ride or a dip in it. Every 12 years, many devotees make a pilgrimage to the city of Nasik to take a dip in the Ganges for spiritual cleansing.
Social Impact
Apart from being an invaluable religious and economic resource, the Ganga’s influence can also be felt in the social and cultural life of India. Marriages in Hindu families have often been solemnized at the banks of the river. The river is known for its healing capabilities, and numerous temples are found within its banks. It is believed that connecting with its living energy creates a spiritual awakening in seekers.
The River Ganges holds a special place in the hearts of Indians and has been a source of life and hope for many centuries. Its mythologies, faith, culture and heritage, cannot be eraced even with the test of time.
Political Influence
The Ganges has also had a profound impact on Indian politics. Both the central government and state governments have invested heavily in the development of infrastructure around the river. Apart from tourism and religious activities, the Ganges also serves as an important source of trade and political ties for the Indian government.
The river regionalism has played an important role in the formation of Hindu Nationalism. For instance, during the Indian Independence Movement, the rallying cry of freedom fighters was “Vande Matram”, meaning “Salutations to the Ganges”. This nationalist view of a united India is still very much in play during modern Indian politics, with political parties utilizing the symbolism of the River Ganges.
International Relations
The importance of the Ganges is not only limited to India, it also has an international appeal and has been a source of conflict between India and Bangladesh. Since the 1950’s, India has sought to establish a Ganga Water Sharing Treaty with Bangladesh to ensure equitable distribution of water resources. Despite the several rounds of negotiations, an agreement has not been reached as of yet.
The international community has also been an active advocate of the Ganges. Conservation organizations and international aid agencies have taken part in helping improve the river’s water quality and environment. They’ve worked with the Indian government in developing infrastructure and providing capacity building exercises.
Sustainable Initiatives
The Ganges river basin is a strong example for Indian government organizations and communities to learn from. India’s National Mission for Clean Ganga was the first big initiative that sought to make the river clean. This initiative consisted of large-scale projects such as constructing 35 sewage treatment plants, non-conventional water treatment technologies, river surface cleaning, and research projects.
Apart from government initiatives, several NGOs and civil society organisations have taken it upon themselves to revive the Ganges. Notable amongst these is the Ganga Action Plan, which sought to implement sustainable initiatives such as the Rotating Biological Contactor process to help purify the river’s water, and the Sadguru Ganga Preservation Project which seeks to clean the river and strengthen its socio-cultural bond with society.
Modern India
The Ganges river has been a source of spiritual, cultural, and economic strength, as well as a source of conflict in modern India. Today, it is a symbol of progress and a rallying point for Hindu nationalists. Its future remains uncertain, but its historical and current significance cannot be denied.
The Indian government has committed itself to preserving the Ganges. Effective steps have been taken to address the degradation of the river, and initiatives such as the ‘Ganga Grams’ have been launched to encourage local participation in conservation. Today, the river is an integral part of India’s ecosystem and has immense potential, both spiritually and economically.
Revival Projects
The Ganges provides a vast array of resources and remains one of India’s most loved rivers. To help restore the quality of its water, numerous projects are being undertaken. In addition to the cleaning of River Ganga, projects are also being made to increase the river’s water flow. These include regulating the Ghaghara and Karnali Rivers, removing encroachments along the banks and Bhimgauda barrage, amongst others.
Several schemes and initiatives have been launched by the government in order to strengthen the Ganges basin. These have included the creation of afforestation and fish stocking projects, and the implementation of aquaculture practices for farming.
A Prayer for The Ganges
The Ganges is viewed as a sacred deity and thus respected, appreciated, and sung tales of by Indians. To honour its spirit and help save the river, widespread campaigns are taking place to encourage citizens to keep the river clean and restore its ecosystem. For example, before immersing offerings into the river, Hindus chant a prayer to Ganga Devi wishing for her love, liberation and forgiveness.
It is essential that more and more people – irrespective of their faith – realise the importance of maintaining the Ganges and protect its resources. Doing so would ensure that this ancient river continues to grace India with its life-giving properties. In the words of Yudhisthir to Ganga Devi, “Help us to become good, Wise, and pure. Keep us away from all that is false, and bless us ever with your love.”