Old Testament evidence
The ancient accounts of the Israelites’ God-given laws, stories, and prophecies of the Old Testament provides the foundation of Christianity. This can be found in books such as the Pentateuch (Torah), Isaiah, Jeremiah and others. Many scholars agree that these texts must be at least closely related to the actual histories and stories of the Israelites, and must therefore have been written by the time of the Babylonian exile (6th century BC), with orally transmitted stories suggested for the earliest accounts. More modern scholarship has further revealed how theslections were entwined with evolving theological ideas and religious reforms.
For example, the Sinai covenant shows how the idea of the chosen people progressed over time by the leaders and prophets of ancient Israel. Initially a covenant of blood-kinship relations, it then shifted to the idea of a collective group chosen by God to enter a special covenant of obedience, something that is echoed in the core teachings of Christianity. The similar covenants and teachings of Moses within the Old Testament are an important source of evidence for the development of Christian ideas and doctrine.
The main prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel also provided important insights into how emerging oracles and visions were formed in a Jewish context of reform. From visions in the books of Isaiah, Ezekiel and Jeremiah, monotheism and the covenant of salvation are clearly presented. These prophetic figures also provided essential groundwork for defining the nature of humanity, justice, mercy and the later New Testament vision of establishing a Kingdom of God.
New Testament evidence
The written accounts of Jesus’ teachings and events of his life form a significant piece of evidence for Christianity. These accounts appear in the four gospels of The New Testament, which are believed to have been written by Jesus’ disciples, family or followers (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John).
These books contain detailed accounts of the ministry and mission of Jesus, including the New Testament description of the gospel of grace: that is, forgiveness through divine sacrifice and love. Jesus’ teachings on the power of prayer, and philosophy of family, love and forgiveness are key focal points of the New Testament, that Christians still intuitively look to when seeking the love of God.
Jesus is also believed to be the fulfilment of the Jewish messianic prophecies, which transform a man into a Saviour, an angel of deliverance. Jesus is presented as the only son of God, born of a virgin (Mary) as prophesied by Isaiah and other Old Testament prophets, and his life is marked by a mission to teach, act with compassion and stand for justice and truth.
Early Christian evidence
The growth and success of the early Christian Church was accompanied by the spread of many new writings and interpretations, some of which eventually became part of the New Testament. This includes the Book of Revelation, written by the Apostle John on the island of Patmos, which holds a special place in Christianity with its description of the coming ‘kingdom of heaven’.
Popular Christian topics and doctrines such as the Trinity and Incarnation, the Virgin Birth and most notably the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus were initially developed and discussed in the early Church in AD and clarifying the meaning of a huge range of Old and New Testament passages. Important documents and books such as the Didache (the teaching of the Twelve Apostles), Ignatius Epistles and the Epistle of Clement are powerful evidence of the development of early Christian thinking. The major Early Church Father such as Justin Martyr and Irenaeus wrote on a range of topics in defence of Christianity and these writers are an invaluable source of insight into Early Christian thinking.
Archeological evidence
The discoveries and study of historical artefacts and ruins provide an important source of evidence which has greatly enhanced the understanding of Christianity today. Artefacts have been discovered that relate to the time of Jesus and the spread of Christianity, including coins featuring images of Emperor Constantine or coins showing the first Christian symbols.
Moses’ staff, Aaron’s rod and Holy Grail are all pieces of evidence that have been uncovered and carefully studied. One of the most important discoveries relating to Christianity is the Codex Sinaiticus, which is probably the oldest full version of the New Testament (4th century). This evidences the continuing practice of copying and redacting Christian texts over time.
Other historical discoveries include Dead Sea Scrolls, which reveal the diversity of beliefs, practices and values amongst Jewish people of the time, including Christianisation. Studies of the Jewish Temple at Jerusalem have also provided important evidence of the historical accuracy of the Bible and particularly the New Testament accounts of Jesus.
Art and architecture
The art and architecture produced within a Christian context can provide important evidence of the development and growth of Christianity. From the Renaissance to the modern era, Christianity produced some of the most impressive works of art in history. From Michelangelo’s ’David’, Raphael’s ‘School of Athens’, and Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘Last Supper’ to more recent pieces created by modern artists that depict the Cross, stained glass windows, and evangelical messages. All of these works of art can provide evidence of the development of Christianity.
Architecture is another important source of evidence for Christianity. Churches, cathedrals and other religious sites can all be source of evidence for Christian beliefs, customs, practices and scales of worship. Monasteries, the gardens of Gethsemane, crucifixes and other monuments have all been created to honour Christian belief, and create an environment that helps to foster that belief.
In more recent centuries, congregations of different Christian denominations and sects (Methodists, Baptists, Quakers, etc) have used architecture to demonstrate the identity of their respective faith. Sacred architecture has become a central focus for expressing the symbols, spaces and values of Christianity.
Modern evidence
Modern evidence for the presence of Christianity is often seen in its wide use of film, television, music and literature. Media and films, such as ‘The Passion of The Christ’ and ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’, continue to promote Christian themes, while popular literature and works of art (such as The Lord of the Rings, C.S. Lewis’ The Lion The Witch & The Wardrobe) have inspired a renewed interest in Christian faith.
Another key form of evidence for Christianity is our community outreach. Charitable movements such as Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, Billy Graham’s Crusades and other holistic Christian ministry are powerful expressions of Christian ethics and love. Contemporary Christian music, with its popular hymns, gospel-filled tunes and spiritual lyrics, is yet another example of the way our society is shaped by the Christian faith.
Finally, the very presence of Christian denominations, churches, monasteries and other religious communities are enduring reminders of Christianity’s continued impact on the societies of today.
Scientific Evidence
Although much of modern science and technology has been created independently from religion, many Christian theologians believe that there is a scientific basis for the teachings of Christianity. This can be seen in the centuries-long debate over how the universe and all its elements were created. Was it by the will of a higher power, or by natural processes.
The debate goes beyond the theological into the realm of scientific evidence. For example, the big bang theory has provided scientists with an explanation of how the universe began and they have discovered that the universe appears to be expanding in all directions; a process which is best explained by the idea of a creator. Similarly, space exploration has provided scientists with evidence of new galaxies and stars, providing further proof of the work of God according to many Christian theologians.
Beyond this, the study of evolution has provided scientists with a basis for interpreting the Bible in terms that are more scientifically accurate. Although largely rejected by conservative Christians, the evidence for evolution is seen as a plausible explanation for the development of human beings and other life forms; giving us an understanding of our place in the universe within a Christian worldview.
Philosophical Evidence
Philosophy has also provided a crucial form of evidence for many of the central teachings of Christianity. Throughout history, there have been a number of prominent philosophers who have explored and written about the relationship between faith and reason. Aquinas, for example, was seen as a major proponent for the idea of the existence of God by proposing the ‘Five Ways’ – a series of arguments to demonstrate the existence of a supreme being.
Another prominent philosopher of Christianity is Augustine, who argued that God is the indispensable foundation of all moral order. This moral order also inspires notions of personal freedom and responsibility; elements that are essential to Christianity. Similarly, the German philosopher Kant studied the concept of faith and reason, exploring these ideas and their application to the Christian faith.
Modern philosophers such as Bultmann and Heidegger have also offered their interpretation of the philosophical foundations of Christianity. They have suggested that a core feature of religion is its ability to transcend logic through faith, and that this is especially relevant to Christianity, which values living and holding faith over scientific understanding.
Social Evidence
Society can be used as evidence for Christianity by analysing theistic beliefs, the presence of religious organisations and how the faith is represented in laws and customs. As a result, evidence for Christianity can be found in observance of religious holidays, such as Easter and Christmas, in dedicated places of worship and in the continuing popularity of Christian weddings, baptisms and funerals.
The practice of living out Christian values is also seen through volunteer work, ethical debates, and participation in charitable organisations. For example, Christian aid organisations such as Food for the Hungry, Tearfund and Mission to the World actively promote the global mission of Christian values and ethics, often emulating the teachings of Jesus Christ in terms of how we should treat others.
Christianity can also be seen in everyday life through the church communities present in many cities and towns. These communities are invaluable sources of friendship, fellowship and support, bringing people together from all walks of life. Churches hold regular services and social events, while bible studies and other faith-based activities empower individuals to live out their own Christian ethos.