Throughout the history of Christianity, there have been those who believe that humans can become angels. In Christian beliefs, angels are creatures of light made from energy alone, existing to serve and protect God and His purpose. In many interpretations, angels exist outside of time and space, but carry out their services as part of God’s divine plan. Some denominations, such as the Seventh-day Adventists and Mormons, take the belief that humans can become angels to the next step, believing that humans can become angels after death.
Early Christian theologians, such as Augustine of Hippo and Origen of Alexandria, believed that humans had the potential to become angels. According to their teachings, humans were created with the potential to reach angelic perfection. Although human beings may have free will, they still have the potential to reach a state of angelic grace. This belief was shared by some of the most prominent Christian writers and theologians in history, such as Saint Jerome and John Chrysostom.
Most modern denominations, however, reject this idea, claiming that the immortal nature of angels makes them completely different from humans. It is argued that humans, by their very nature, are corruptible and mortal. Some theologians point out that the Bible never explicitly states that humans can become angels, and that it does not explain how a mortal and corruptible being could become an angel. While some scholars argue that humans may have the potential to reach a spiritual state similar to angels, they believe that a human could never become an angel in an actual sense.
There are, however, some interpretations of Christianity that believe humans can become angels. For example, the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints both believe that humans can become angels after death. They point to passages in the Bible that speak of angels making their descent from heaven, and argue that this indicates that at least some angels began their existence as humans.
In both traditions, humans who strive to live a virtuous life in accordance with the commandments of God have the potential to become angels. This is not because of some special grace or favoritism, but because they have striven to emulate the perfection and righteousness of angels. Both churches believe that when a person dies, if he or she has been striving to live a godly life, then that person’s spirit will ascend to a higher plane, eventually becoming an angel.
Therefore, although the majority of Christian denominations reject the belief that humans can become angels, there are still some interpretations that embrace this belief. For believers in those faiths, striving to live up to the example of angels is a way to reach the perfect life that awaits them after death.
The Spiritual Aspect of Becoming an Angel
Most interpretations of Christianity agree that angels are messengers of God and are devoted to His will. From this, it can be inferred that in order to become an angel, a human must interact with God. This means that becoming an angel is not something that can be achieved merely through moral perfection, but instead requires a spiritual connection with God. Different denominations have different interpretations of the role that God plays in the process, with some arguing that humans reach angelic perfection through God’s grace, and others emphasizing the importance of humans’ continual pursuit of spiritual communion with God.
In all interpretations, however, the importance of having a personal relationship with God is emphasized. Angels may be able to serve and protect God, but it is only through a personal relationship with Him that humans can become angels. This requires not only a commitment to pursuing godliness, but also a willingness to allow God to work in one’s life, and a sincere desire to align oneself with His will.
The Role of Self-Improvement in Becoming an Angel
Some interpretations of Christianity emphasize the importance of self-improvement in the process of becoming an angel. In the Seventh-day Adventist Church, for example, the process of becoming an angel is seen as part of a larger process of sanctification, in which humans strive to become perfect and holy. Church members believe that all humans are sinners, but through a continual process of repentance and renewal, one can move closer to angelic perfection.
In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a similar belief is held. In this faith, humans are given a mortal body and are expected to turn away from sin and strive for self-improvement. By striving to follow in the footsteps of Christ and to live a righteous life, believers are drawn closer to spiritual perfection and, ultimately, angelic status.
Other Beliefs about Becoming an Angel
In addition to Seventh-day Adventists and Mormons, there are other interpretations of Christianity that hold similar beliefs about humans becoming angels. Some denominations, such as Theosis Christianity, believe that humans have the potential to become transformed into the spiritual perfection of angels through grace and faith. This interpretation focuses on a process of transformation in which a person’s spirit is completely changed and renewed through the power of God.
There is also a Christian tradition known as Celestial Christianity which believes that humans can be taken up into heaven and transformed into angels. This faith is focused on the idea that humans can reach a spiritual state similar to that of angels if they are obedient to the will of God. In this tradition, humans can be taken up into heavenly realms and transformed into an angelic being.
Even though most Christian denominations believe that humans cannot literally become angels, there are still some interpretations that embrace this possibility. Those who believe that humans can become angels usually emphasize the importance of self-improvement and spiritual communion with God as part of this transformation process. Whether humans can actually become angels is a matter of faith, but for those who believe it is possible, the idea is a powerful source of hope and inspiration.