Does Christianity Allow Multiple Wives

Many Christians have one question in mind when it comes to their faith: Does Christianity allow multiple wives? While the Bible does not expressly forbid polygamy, it does heavily discourage it. In fact, the Bible states that monogamy is the preferred form of marriage for followers of Christianity.

The idea of multiple wives is found in both the Old and New Testaments. The Old Testament includes stories of multiple wives, such as when Abraham’s wife Sarah died, he took another wife, Hagar. In the New Testament, Jesus addresses the issue in the Gospels, when he teaches that a man should be married to only one wife. Further, the Apostle Paul reiterated the importance of monogamous marriage when he wrote that it is God’s will that one man and one woman are joined together into a marriage (1 Corinthians 7:2). Thus, while Christianity does not forbid polygamy, which is having more than one wife, it does not promote it, and God’s word clearly teaches that it’s better for a couple to be monogamously married.

Many Christians point to Leviticus 18:18 as evidence that Christianity does not condone polygamy. This passage clearly states that one man cannot have multiple wives, and that the man and woman should not have sexual relations with any other person besides the one they are married to. Furthermore, Christians believe that if it is contrary to the words of God in the Bible, then it is wrong. They also interpret 1 Timothy 3:2 as evidence of God’s will to uphold monogomy. This verse states that “such as is bishop must be blameless, the husband of one wife.”

Nevertheless, there is still room for debate in this subject. While some consider the Bible the ultimate authority on matters of faith, others argue that polygamy can provide a stable home life for the wife and children. They claim that polygamy can allow each wife to have a sense of autonomy while still being unified as a family. Proponents of plural marriage also believe that in certain cases, such as when the father passes away, there could be an advantage to having multiple wives.

The traditional Christian viewpoint is still strongly against polygamy. Many Christian denominations do not recognize multiple marriages. In addition, the Catholic Church has consistently discouraged plural marriage throughout its history. While some acceptance has grown in certain countries for bigamy, most Christian denominations still condemn it.


It is also important to remember that Christian cultures have in the past approved of multiple wives. Even though the Bible does not expressly forbid polygamy, there are many restrictions that must be followed if a system of plural marriage is to be accepted as a valid form of marriage. For example, in many countries, polygamy is only recognized as valid if the wife is of legal age and consents to the relationship. In other countries, a man must cohabit with all of his wives, and furthermore, each wife must receive a certain amount of financial support and resources.

A man cannot simply take multiple wives without any legal consequences. In most countries, polygamy is prohibited, and it is considered a form of fraud or illegal contract. In some countries, it is even grounds for imprisonment. This effectively eliminates any possibility of a person seeking a biblical marriage of multiple wives.

Cultural Influence

Cultural influences also play a part in the debate about Christianity and polygamy. It is important to remember that many cultures view marriage as something that is done for the benefit of both the man and woman involved. This means that if a woman agrees to marry a man with multiple wives, she is likely to face stigma and potentially other disadvantages. For example, in many cultures, the women cannot divorce the husband, and she is expected to remain faithful even though her husband may take multiple partners.

In addition, some cultures view marriage as a way to increase the man’s lineage and property, and not necessarily as a holy union. This means that a man could take multiple wives in order to increase his wealth, which would further support the notion that polygamy is contrary to Christian beliefs.

Religious Beliefs

Religious beliefs are another aspect to consider when discussing whether Christianity allows multiple wives. For example, in the Islamic faith, polygamy is permitted, but the man must give his wives equal treatment. In contrast, in Judaism, monogamy is preferred. Thus, religious beliefs should also be taken into account when considering polygamy.

The Bible also repeatedly states that marriage is “one flesh”- a physical, spiritual, and emotional joining of two people, who have become one in the eyes of God, and a form of communion which is reserved only for a husband and wife, and reinforces the idea that a marriage should consist of two individuals.

At the end of the day, the Bible leaves the decision of whether or not to take multiple wives up to the individual Christian. However, one should consider the Biblical teachings on marriage and the cultural implications of polygamy. Furthermore, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of such a decision.


Theology also plays a role in the debate. Many Christians believe that if a marriage is between one man and one woman, then it is considered holy and should be honored by God. The Bible also states that marriage is an institution ordained by God and to be held sacred. Therefore, many Christians believe that polygamy is against God’s will and should not be practiced.

Christian theologians also debate whether or not the Bible actually forbids polygamy. Some argue that certain passages, such as the one in Leviticus 18:18, actually only forbid a man taking multiple wives of the same ethnic group. Others believe that the verses in 1 Timothy and other passages in the Bible are only referring to the head of a church, and that a man is technically only forbidden to take multiple wives at the same time.

Impact on Society

The issue of Christianity and polygamy is not only a theological question, but can have a direct impact on society. For example, in countries where polygamy is legal, women often have less rights than those in monogamous marriages. This can be seen in countries such as India and Bangladesh, where polygamy is legal and women are often treated as second-class citizens. Furthermore, polygamy can be used to oppress and manipulate women, leaving them with no legal recourse if their husbands take multiple wives.

In addition, there can be a financial burden on the family. While a man in a polygamous relationship may have more income than a man in a monogamous relationship, he may be unable to provide equal amounts of financial resources to each of his wives. Therefore, it is important to consider the economic implications of polygamy.


Christianity does not expressly forbid polygamy, but it does discourage it and make it clear that monogamy is the preferred form of marriage. When it comes to homosexuality, the Bible does not explicitly forbid this either. However, many Christian denominations take a strong stance against it, and it is clear from the Bible that it is not God’s plan for a man and woman to live together in a sexual relationship outside of marriage. Therefore, when it comes to both polygamy and homosexuality, one must consider not only the Bible, but also their own personal beliefs and the impact that such a decision could have on society.

Jennifer Johnson is an experienced author with a deep passion for exploring the spiritual traditions of different cultures and religions. She has been writing about religion and spirituality for the past ten years in both print and digital platforms, engaging readers in meaningful dialogue about the soul's journey through this life. With degrees in Comparative Religion and English Literature, she brings an insightful perspective to her work that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern theories. A lifelong traveler, Jenn has lived in multiple countries exploring various paths to understanding faith, and her dedication to learning new things is palpable in every piece she creates.

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