Mormons believe in a different view of God than Christians, believing that the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost are three separate Gods that make up the one being. They also believe that God the Father is an exalted man who has a physical body of flesh and bones, unlike the view of Christian teachings that God is a spirit without a physical body. They also believe that humans have the potential to become like God and become Gods themselves, which is not accepted in Christian beliefs.
Mormons also reject the Christian belief of Original Sin that all humanity is born sinful from the time of Adam and Eve. They believe that even though Adam and Eve disobeyed the will of God, their sacrifice opened the opportunity for us to progress spiritually and attain to eternal life.
The primary purpose of Mormons is to follow Jesus Christ, but they look to the Book of Mormon rather than the Bible as their source of scriptural truth.
Mormon teachings also differ on what happens after death. In Mormonism, Mansions are presented where individuals are sent depending on how well they lived their lives, although in Christianity the dead are said to go either to Heaven or Hell.
Mormons and Christians share many similar practices in their religious worship. Mormons hold weekly Sunday worship services and a weekly sacrament, where bread and water are blessed and consumed in remembrance of the spirit and body of Jesus Christ. Mormon worship services also include hymn singing and shorter sermons by lay members of the church.
The biggest differences in the religious practices of Mormons and Christians are in the temple ceremonies unique to the Mormon church. Mormons believe that the temple is the house of the Lord and that it allows them to receive the highest ordinances and blessings. They will attend the temple once a year to receive spiritual guidance, perform ordinances to receive eternal life and strengthen familial ties.
Mormons also observe certain dietary laws, such as abstaining from caffeine and alcoholic beverages, along with certain limitations on how to prepare and store food. The idea behind this is that by abstaining from certain substances, our bodies and minds become purified and closer to God.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), commonly known as Mormonism, is organized differently than traditional Christian denominations. The LDS Church is headed by a prophet and twelve apostles who preside over the church and its doctrine. The leaders of the church are considered living prophets with the same authority that biblical prophets had. By contrast, most Christian denominations are organized with a formal congregational structure, with ordained clergy and congregational leaders.
Mormons also maintain close ties to their family members and significantly invest in genealogical research. This further extends to the concept of marrying within the faith and highly recommends that individuals marry someone of the same denomination as they do.
Missionary Work
Missionary work is an integral part of the Mormon faith and is considered to be a sacred duty of the church members. Missionaries serve either a full-time mission for two years, or a part-time mission for a period of up to 18 months. Missionaries take the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ and share it with those who may be interested in the faith.
In contrast, Christian denominations do not typically send out missionaries to actively preach the gospel but many denominations hold local meetings and evangelize within their own congregation.
Social Teachings
Generally, Mormons and Christians hold similar beliefs when it comes to social teachings and issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage. Mormons and Christians both adhere to the official stance of their respective churches on these issues.
One major difference is that Mormons are strictly against any form of gambling or drinking alcohol, while most Christian denominations do not prohibit these activities altogether. Also, while Christian denominations typically advocate for non-violent methods of conflict resolution, Mormonism teaches its followers to use physical force to defend themselves if necessary.
One of the major differences between Mormonism and Christianity is their different approaches to scripture. Mormons look to the Bible and the Book of Mormon as their source of scriptural truth, while most Christian denominations rely solely on the Bible. The Book of Mormon is considered to be a divinely inspired scripture, which is open to the interpretation of modern day prophets.
Mormons also adhere to the authority of modern-day prophets, who have the same authority as biblical prophets and provide guidance for the LDS Church. This differs from Christian denominations who typically have no authority other than that of the Bible for guidance and interpretation.
Mormonism is significantly different than Christianity in terms of belief, practices, organization, mission work, social teachings, and scriptures. The beliefs and teachings of both religions are deeply rooted in their respective scriptures and guided by their prophets. However, there are certain core beliefs and practices that set them apart from one another.