How Many Christianity Followers Are There
The religion of Christianity has followers from many countries around the world. While it draws believers from many areas of the world, most estimates currently put the number of worldwide adherents close to three billion. This makes Christianity by far the most popular and widely recognized religion in the world.
Most estimates from the Pew Research Center, Gallup and other research organizations agree that roughly one-third of the world’s population, or about 2.4 billion people, identify themselves as Christians. As of 2020, Christianity is the world’s largest religion – more than two billion people are Christians, according to research by The World Christian Database.
You can find examples of Christianity’s influence everywhere. Devotees often fill churches on Sundays and most major holidays; they may also meet with each other in smaller fellowship groups. In churches, you’ll hear prayers and hymns invoking the name of Jesus; you’ll also find Christian symbols like the cross, symbols of the four Evangelists, and depictions of Jesus Christ, Mary, and the saints.
Christianity is still growing in many areas, with some countries like Brazil, Mexico, and Nigeria becoming increasingly more Christian. The largest country in the world to have a majority Christian population is the United States, at 17%. The United Kingdom, South Korea and Canada are some of the other nations that have majority Christian populations. Central and South American countries have some of the highest percentages of Christians, with upwards of 90% of the population identifying as such.
Reliable statistics are difficult to come by, however, because most of the data that’s available is based on surveys, which can often produce unreliable results. That being said, some research has indicated that while Christianity is still the dominant religion in the world, its overall popularity is slowly decreasing, especially in more developed countries.
Trends by Region
Christianity is more popular in some parts of the world more than others. Europe and North America remain the regions with the highest percentages of Christians, although the numbers are slowly but steadily going down.
In the United States, 70.6% of the population considers themselves to be Christian as of 2020. That number has dropped from 78.3% in 2007. In Europe, Christianity is also losing ground, with just 63% of the population identifying as Christian in 2020, down from 73% in 2007.
At the same time, however, Christianity is becoming increasingly popular in developing countries in the Global South. In Africa, for example, the number of Christians grew from 108 million in 1910 to over 583 million in 2010. Likewise, in Latin America and the Caribbean, the number of Christians increased from 81 million to 529 million during the same time period.
Gender Distribution
Christianity’s gender distribution is fairly even, with both men and women making up roughly 50% of the population. That said, there is an interesting gender gap in some countries, with more men identifying as Christian in countries like the United States and the United Kingdom, while more women identify as Christian in sub-Saharan African countries.
This can largely be attributed to the fact that women tend to be more religious in developing countries and that religion plays a larger role in the Latin American cultures. This can also be seen in other areas of the world, such as the Middle East, where men outnumber women in terms of religious – and particularly, Islamic – adherence.
Age Distribution
Christianity is also popular among young people, with a majority of followers falling between the ages of 15 and 34, according to recent statistics. Worldwide, it has been estimated that this age group accounts for around 28% of all adherents.
However, some countries have a higher concentration of young people who identify as Christian. In the United States, for example, more than 50% of Christians are between the ages of 18 and 34. Additionally, Christianity has the highest growth rate among younger generations in both Europe and North America. This may be attributed to either millennials’ lack of interest in organized religion or, on the contrary, to the increase of Christian evangelical churches in the past decades.
Education Distribution
In terms of educational attainment, Christianity’s worldwide followers generally have lower levels of education compared to other world religions. Christianity is the least educated out of all religions, with only 33% of Christians having a post-secondary education. This is considerably lower than the worldwide average of 44%.
The disparities may be due to the fact that Christianity draws its followers from a wide variety of social and educational backgrounds. Additionally, Christianity has a large following in developing countries, where the educational opportunities and resources are generally more limited than in the developed world.
Economic Distribution
When it comes to economic status, there is a large disparity among Christianity’s adherents. Roughly half of the world’s Christian population live in the developing world and make less than $5 a day. This is in stark contrast to those living in the wealthy West, where the median income for Christians is around $50,000 a year.
In general, Christians in the developed world are more likely to have full-time employment and higher incomes than their counterparts in many developing countries. It also appears that Christians in Africa and Latin America have an additional economic advantage over non-Christians in those regions.
Effect on Society
The influence of Christianity has had an undeniable effect on the course of history. From its influence on governments and legislation to its existence in literature and art, its impact on the world can still be seen today in many forms.
In terms of society and culture, Christianity has helped shape how families and communities interact. For example, Christians in many countries observe a relatively strict system of moral values, including marriage, chastity, and traditional gender roles. All of these have fundamentally shaped how many societies organize their families and navigate intimate relationships.
Additionally, Christianity has had an influence on the legal systems of churches in many countries, although the extent of this influence can vary from nation to nation. The United States, for instance, officially separates the state from the church, but the country still maintains Christian-based laws and has maintained traditionally Christian holidays for centuries.
Political Distribution
Christianity is also popular in the political arena, as many political leaders identify as Christians. According to a 2019 Pew Research Center study, 49% of current world leaders are Christians. This includes the leaders of the United States, Russia, most European countries, and much of Central and South America.
That said, political leaders vary in the extent to which they express their religious beliefs. Many in the developed world including the United States separate the church from the state, while in countries like Russia, religion plays a more prominent role in national life. Religion also plays an integral part in the politics of many countries in Latin America and Asia.
Impact on Media
Christianity has had an influence on the world’s media as well. In the West, especially in the United States, Christian messages and themes can be found in movies, television shows, books, and music. Even in some non-Christian nations, Christian values, beliefs, and culture have become increasingly accepted and prevalent in their media.
What’s more, Christian-themed books remain a popular genre in the publishing industry. These books may take the form of novels, biographies and autobiographies, or even devotionals. And in the world of music, Christian artists have become popular across many genres, from contemporary Christian to rock and hip-hop.
Global and National Communities
Christianity also has a presence in global and national communities and organizations. The Catholic Church is the largest of these organizations, representing over 1.2 billion people. At the same time, the World Council of Churches and many Protestant denominations also operate worldwide and in individual countries.
Christianity has also had an impact on global organizations, from the United Nations to international aid organizations. These groups often take Christian beliefs and teachings into consideration when making decisions and implementing programs, and many of the organizations’ programs reflect Christianity’s tenets of charity, justice and peace.
International Activities
Christianity is active in a number of international initiatives, including charitable organizations. Christians often work with local churches, international faith organizations, and humanitarian groups to provide aid to people in need. Examples include helping the poor, providing medical aid, and providing education to underserved populations.
In addition, many Christian denominations and groups are involved in interfaith conversations and peace initiatives around the world. For example, the World Council of Churches is an inter-denominational organization focused on spreading the word of the Gospel and fostering understanding and respect between peoples of different cultures and backgrounds.
Christianity’s Influence on Social Issues
Christianity is also involved in debates about social issues, from abortion and marriage to gun control and immigration. On some topics, Christian beliefs have strengthened or shifted as the Church responds to new scientific discoveries and new social and political currents.
For example, the Roman Catholic Church has recently released statements on climate change and inequality, which reflect its understanding of scientific findings, social justice, and Christian values. At the same time, many Protestant denominations have also adjusted their stances on a variety of social issues to respond to the changing social and political landscapes.