Breaking a curse in Hinduism is a process that has been around from ancient times. The ancient sages and wise men of India created practices and rituals to lift the effects of such curses. These rituals and practices mostly followed Vedic principles and were largely based on the laws of karma.
The most important aspect of curse removal in Hinduism is mantra chanting. This is the practice of chanting specific mantras with faith and humility in order to invoke powerful gods or goddesses to lift the effects of the curse. These mantras can be specific to the deity being invoked or they can be more general to ask for help in lifting the curse. The most popular mantras for lifting curses are: Om Namah Shivaya, Om Ram Ramaya, and Om Hreem Kleem Shreem.
In addition to mantra chanting, a special ritual known as a homam is performed in order to break the curse. This ritual involves performing certain sacred rituals under the guidance of a ritualist or priest dedicated to a specific deity. This ritual is generally performed in the morning, in an open area such as temple grounds or a park. Offerings and prayers are made, and the homam is presided over by the priest or ritualist. The offerings and mantra chanting during the homam help to remove the curse and protect the person from any negative repercussions.
Aside from these rituals, offerings and prayers to the gods and goddesses are often made. Offerings such as food, flowers and incense are placed at the altar as an offering of devotion. Prayers, sacred chants and mantras are also recited in order to invoke the protection of the gods and goddesses and ask for their help in breaking the curse.
The Hindu tradition also includes special austerities (tapasya) which are performed in order to help break the curse. This includes meditation, fasting and other spiritual practices. By engaging in these austerities, a person is said to receive the divine grace of the gods and goddesses and be freed from the effects of the curse.
Moreover, the parihara kalpam ritual is also used to break curses. This ritual involves making a ritual offering of blessed items to the gods or goddesses and then consulting an astrologer. The astrologer will then examine the person’s horoscope and the stars and planets that are influencing the curses. Based on the astrological findings, the appropriate rituals and mantras are then performed in order to remove the curses.
The Vedic system of astrology, known as Jyotish, also assists in breaking curses. Astrologers use the movement of the planets and stars to identify curses and suggest remedies. The type and level of curse is assessed according to the impact of the alignment of stars and planets. Remedies such as mantra chanting, special rituals, homam and offerings are then prescribed in order to break the curse.
Ritual Fastings and Abstinence
In Hinduism, fastings and abstinences are also used for breaking curses. These fastings and abstinences involve abstaining from certain activities and taking special precautions as prescribed by an astrologer, such as avoiding certain foods or activities and abstaining from mundane habits. This is prescribed as a way of purifying oneself and becoming receptive to the divine help of gods and goddesses in breaking the curse.
The duration of abstinences and fastings can vary depending on the strength of the curse, however most fastings are typically broken after a period of 5 to 7 days. During the fast, devotees will typically perform special prayers and chants while abstaining from worldly activities and pleasures.
Karmic Corrections
In Hinduism, it is believed that the effects of a curse can be neutralised and broken by engaging in special practices that address the underlying karmic cause. Known as karmic corrections, this involves devotedly engaging in spiritual practices such as meditation, Yoga, studying the scriptures, and spiritual healing practices. Through performing these spiritual practices, a person can free themselves from the effects of the curse and restore balance in their life.
Karmic corrections also involve doing special rituals such as pilgrims, charities, austerity, fasting and visiting sacred sites, in order to cleanse and purify the soul and break the karmic bond that is causing the effects of the curse. By doing these activities with faith and dedication, the person can be liberated from the curse and attain peace and harmony on their journey.
Offering Prayers and Sacrifices
Finally, offering prayers and sacrifices to the gods and goddesses is another way of breaking a curse in Hinduism. This involves engaging in devotional practices such as puja, homam, and offerings of food, incense and flowers. These offerings are presented to invoke the protection of the gods and goddesses and to mend any broken relationships or attachments. In addition to offering physical offerings, prayers and mantras can also be recited in order to invoke the gods and goddesses for protection and blessings.
By engaging in these devotional practices with humility and faith, the person can be freed from the effects of the curse and be blessed with harmony and peace.
Visiting Gitment Shrines
In Hinduism, visiting Gitment shrines is another way to break a curse. Gitment shrines are fierce manifestations of gods or goddesses that are venerated for their ability to bestow boons and ward off curses. Visiting these shrines with devotion and offering prayers and sacrifices is believed to invoke their blessings and protection, and help break the curses.
The worship of Gitment shrines typically involves elaborate rituals, such as chanting of mantras, singing bhajans, offering flowers and incense, and making offerings of food. At certain times of the year, special rituals involving animal sacrifices are also performed at these shrines.
By engaging in these rituals with humility, faith and devotion, the person can be blessed with freedom from the Curse and its effects.
Ritually Feeding Animals
Another way of breaking a curse in Hinduism is by ritually feeding animals. This involves providing food, water and shelter to homeless animals, such as street dogs and cats. By doing so, an atmosphere of compassion and kindness is created, and it is believed that the gods and goddesses respond favourably by blessing the person and breaking the curses in their lives.
Ritually feeding animals is typically done on auspicious occasions such as religious festivals, and on special occasions like the person’s own birthday. This ritual helps create positive karma, and the blessings and protection of the gods and goddesses can then be invoked to break the curses.
Online Remedies
Aside from the traditional ways of breaking a curse in Hinduism, there are a number of online remedies that can be used to alleviate the effects and break the curse. These remedies involve chanting special mantras and reciting specific prayers, and doing special austerities like meditation, offerings and pilgrimages.
These online remedies can be accessed by anyone over the internet and provide valuable guidance on how to perform the necessary rituals and mantras to break the curse and restore balance in the person’s life. In addition to providing guidance, these online remedies can also be used to access the divine help of the gods and goddesses in removing the curse.
Seeking Professional Help
Finally, seeking professional help from a Vedic astrologer or priest is another way of breaking a curse in Hinduism. These professionals have detailed knowledge of the traditional rituals and mantras needed to break a curse, and can guide the person in performing the most effective rituals. In addition, these astrologers and priests are well-versed in the Vedic system of astrology and can guide the person in the most appropriate remedies for the type of curse.
By seeking the advice and guidance of these professionals, the person can be assured of successful curse removal and can be freed from the effects of the curse.