Despite Japan’s spiritual heritage, Christianity remains banned in the country. Though records of foreign religious practices date as far back as 600CE, the Japanese government outlawed Christianity in 1612 and, 250 years later, the Meiji Restoration followed in the 19th century, which heavily restricted the rights and privileges of Christians, and even criminalized their beliefs. Though times have since changed and religiosity is not strictly prohibited, the Christian community continues to experience persecution in Japan.
The Nation’s Christian population makes up 1% of the overall population, and has developed strategies over the generations to cope with the long-term discrimination they have faced in Japan. These strategies have ranged from secrecy to group syncretism, whereby members of the same worshipping group began to incorporate elements of Shinto and Buddhist belief systems into their Christian practices. Many modern Japanese Christians have utilized these syncretist tactics to quietly avoid persecution, masking their Christian practices with those of local belief-systems.
Notably, due to the mounting pressure from foreign nations and the public, the Japanese government passed the Religious Juridical Persons Act of 1939, which granted legal status to religions and limited religious persecution. A further, more substantial effort still had to go through: The Religious Corporation Law of 1951, which enabled Christian churches to register as religious corporations and thus gain formal, financial protection. Still, the stigma surrounding Christianity remains, making it socially and legally difficult for Christians in Japan to practice their faith.
Experts argue that even though the act enabled religious freedom, it was merely a small victory. Christian practices have a strict, hierarchical structure, and the government insists that the laity must abide by it. In the eyes of the government, this creates a lack of cohesion and destabilizes Japanese unity, a critique that many Japanese hold strongly to. The Japanese government also views historical Christian activities in Japan as a precursor to colonialism, due to American and European countries’ role in exporting the religion, and as a resultant, they remain wary of Christian practices of any form.
For this reason, though Christianity technically isn’t banned in Japan, religious freedom is hardly recognized. The Charismatic churches and non-denominational Christian communities that have formed in recent years, hold the promise to provide a sense of community for its like-minded believers and ensure a space for the minority religious population to come together. Still, because of the nation’s strict religious regulations, these Christian communities remain targeted and oppressed due to their non-secular nature and ‘foreign roots’. Japan’s Christian population, then, must turn to other destinations if they desire to practice their religion in safety and security.
How Christianity is Practiced in Japan
As a result of the severe harshness of Japanese laws, Christians have had to practice their faith in secrecy or in subtlety. Over the years, Christian communities in Japan have turned to unconventional and often underground practices to stay connected, such as using subcultures, secret networks, online meetups, and gatherings held at out of the way locations.
This underground practice of Christianity has become so normal within the Christian communities that the name ‘Kakure Kirishitan’, or literally ‘Hidden Christians’, has been adopted. The term is a throwback to the days when Christianity was officially banned in Japan and was used to not only describe the current state of Christianity today, but also to honor the struggles of their ancestors who had to be content with quietly carrying on their faith.
To take active steps towards reviving the original spirit of Christianity, new churches have opened up, implementing performing art practices and Christian music into their weekly services, making it easier for believers to find connection with one another. Still, the public must be aware of the invasive regulation that the government itself has in place and how it has hindered the Christian faith – splintering the community, yet creating an awareness that some may use in an attempt to break their bondage.
Christian Privilege In Japan
The practice of Christianity has now become more socially accepted in Japan in recent times, due to economic power of the powerful Christian community in Japan. Those with Christian privilege may benefit from a kind of protection from societal discrimination and are often seen as more socially and economically respected than non-Christians. This privileged status is shown in hospitals, where doctors will offer Christian couples the most advanced medical procedures available, while the same services may not be available to those of a different faith.
However, the privileges that the Christian community has is not just limited to certain businesses. As a result of their presence in Japan’s political landscape, Christians are now able to openly share their religious beliefs, albeit cautiously and often behind closed doors. This is a stark contrast to the hardship faced in the early days of Christianity’s introduction in Japan.
The Religious Landscape of Japan Today
Though Christianity remains illegal in Japan, it is still practiced, albeit surreptitiously. Though the regulations make it difficult for Christians to express their faith, many remain ever hopeful and strive to raise awareness and acceptance of their religion which has been an intricate part of Japan’s history and should be allowed to continue on into its future.
Currently, the nation harbours an incredibly diverse collection of religions and belief systems, ranging from Christianity and Buddhism to ancient Japanese traditions such as Shinto and other unique spiritual beliefs. The different faiths and practices offer a unique kind of kinship for millions of Japanese citizens, regardless of what their particular beliefs may be. The nation, then, serves as a reflection of the broader global spiritual landscape, with every person and faith being mutually respected by the government and people alike.
The Benefits Of A More Tolerant Relationship To Christianity in Japan
The open tolerance of Christianity in Japan is sort of the key for having the freedom of not just for religious faith, but for human rights and democracy in general. With the oppressive laws and regulations, the freely voicing of new beliefs was immensely hindered, making it difficult for citizens to express themselves and influence policy. Therefore, if we can change the restrictive laws towards Christianity, it could be a stepping stone to changing the oppressive systems in place as well.
Moreover, the effects of this would be incredibly beneficial to Japan as a nation. Christian communities have proven to provide positive influence in areas such as encouraging people to combat poverty, heading important aid initiatives and upgrades, and promoting education. If there were more acceptance of the faith, these communities would inevitably thrive and continue to accomplish these incredible feats and promote more good-will within the country.
Trying Times Ahead
There is still a great deal of knowledge and education that needs to be imparted on the Christian faith for the public –from both those who seek to learn and those who wish to share and exchange information. A greater awareness of the faith would ensure more tolerant attitudes by those on the other two sides, and more cooperative relationships between believers and non-believers. To gain the traction, more Christianity-based seminars and conventions must be organized to promote awareness and understanding of the faith.
It is clear that the future of Christianity in Japan is unclear. Despite the Religious Juridical Persons Act of 1939 and the Religious Corporation Law of 1951, Japanese Christians still find it difficult to practice in peace. Though the Japanese constitution officially enables religious freedom, the nation still clings to the conservative religious and social laws that have been in place for centuries.
Confronting Prejudice
Applied pressure may come in the form of confronting oppressive public attitude towards Christianity, as well as removing any bias on entrance exams and job applications. This may not be a fast process but over time and with careful consideration of the law, it may open up greater opportunities for the Christian community in Japan. Furthermore, non-Christian countries must continue to exercise foreign support for the religious liberties of the nation, in order to protect the rights of the country’s minority religious populations.
Though the current situation may seem grim, the future still holds promise. The Christian community, even with its limited numbers, will hopefully continue to strive and make their mark in Japan and continue to be an inspiration to other faiths and minorities in Japan who also have faith in a future of interaction and respect, both among faiths and between the religious and non-religious population.