What Are Some Of The Different Denominations Of Christianity

Christianity is one of the oldest and most widely followed world religions and it’s made up of a range of different denominations. With estimates suggesting there are over 40,000 different denominations, it can be tricky to keep track of them all and understand what sets them apart. In this article, we’ll give a brief overview of some of the main denominations of Christianity and take a closer look at what makes each one unique.


Catholicism is a branch of Christianity that originally came from the teachings of Jesus Christ. It is the largest single denomination of Christianity, with approximately 1.2 billion adherents around the world. Catholics believe in the Holy Trinity, consisting of God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, the infallibility of the Pope, the seven sacraments, and the distinction between mortal and venial sins. Catholics also hold traditional beliefs such as the veneration of saints, the use of statues and images in religious worship, and the belief that salvation comes through faith, works, and grace.


Protestantism is a broad name given to a number of different denominations of Christianity. It began in the 16th century as a movement opposing the authority of the Catholic Church. At its core, Protestantism emphasises the importance of Scripture and practices a much simpler form of worship than Catholicism, including the rejection of a number of ‘unbiblical’ practices such as the veneration of saints. This branch of Christianity is composed of a wide range of denominations, including Anglican, Presbyterian, Lutheran and Methodist, each of which has its own set of beliefs and practices.

Eastern Orthodoxy

Eastern Orthodoxy is the second-largest denomination of Christianity, with an estimated 225 million adherents around the world. It follows the same core beliefs as Catholicism and Protestantism, but with a few key differences. Eastern Orthodoxy places great emphasis on the veneration of icons and the importance of tradition in worship, as well as more autonomy for individual churches. Adherents to this branch of Christianity also reject the authority of the Pope and the authority of the Bible, preferring to rely on the teachings of their own local priests and the Church Fathers.


Anglicanism is a branch of Protestantism that is closely affiliated with the Church of England. It follows the same core beliefs as Protestantism, such as the belief in the infallibility of Scripture, the repudiation of any authority outside of the Bible and the importance of personal faith. However, it also incorporates certain Catholic traditions, such as the use of traditional church services and the observation of certain holy days. It is also open to the interpretation of Scripture, allowing Anglican churches to draw on different sources of wisdom and knowledge in their worship.


Fundamentalism is a branch of Christianity that is known for its strict adherence to the Bible. It is a conservative movement that holds many traditional beliefs, such as the belief in Creationism, the divinity of Jesus, and the literal truth of the Bible. Some fundamentalist denominations also reject certain modern advances, such as the theory of evolution and homosexuality. These Christians tend to be much more conservative in their views, and prefer to return to traditional practices and beliefs.


Pentecostalism is another branch of Protestantism that emphasises the power of the Holy Spirit in worship. It is characterised by a focus on spiritual experiences like speaking in tongues or visions, as well as a focus on miracle healing and faith-healings. Pentecostals are often further removed from traditional Christianity than other Protestants, as they do not rely as heavily on the Bible and instead focus on experiences. They generally believe in a more personal relationship with God, and rely on this personal relationship more than traditional teachings.


Evangelicalism is a branch of Protestant Christianity that emphasises the importance of personal faith and conversion to Christianity. It emphasises the importance of sharing the Gospel, or good news, of Jesus Christ and emphasises saving people from their sins. Evangelicals also emphasise the importance of the Bible, as well as the importance of personal spiritual experiences and prayer. Typically, Evangelicals are much more vocal in their faith than other denominations, and promote their views more publicly.

How Do Different Denominations View Each Other?

Despite the many differences between different denominations, there is usually a strong sense of mutual respect between them. Generally speaking, there is an acknowledgement that each denomination is on a different path in its beliefs and practices. As such, many denominations have a policy of ‘live and let live’. Even those with the most divergent views typically recognise the right of other denominations to exist and to practice their faith according to their convictions.

What is the Relationship Between Church of England and Anglicanism?

The Church of England is the official state church in the United Kingdom and it is part of the Anglican Communion. The relationship between the Church of England and other Anglican churches around the world is one of strong linkages and unity, but with important differences. For example, the Church of England is the home of the worldwide Anglican Communion, while other Anglican churches around the world are generally independent and free to make their own decisions regarding religious practices and beliefs.

What Are the Similarities Between Catholic and Orthodox Practices?

Despite the fact that Catholic and Orthodox practices have some key differences, they also share some similarities. For example, both share the same view of the Trinity, and both believe in the Holy Spirit. Both churches also use icons, symbols, and statues in their worship. In addition, both denominations reject particular interpretations of the Bible, such as the Calvinistic view of predestination.

How Do Other Religions View Different Denominations of Christianity?

Different religions typically view the multitude of denominations within Christianity in different ways. Some non-Christians may find the idea of numerous Christian denominations confusing and may question why two churches can hold different interpretations of the same belief system. For example, adherents to many Abrahamic religions, such as Judaism and Islam, may view the different denominations of Christianity as representing an overall degradation of the original monotheistic faith and evidence of human interference in divine truths.

How Has Christianity Changed Over the Centuries?

Christianity has changed and evolved considerably over the centuries due to a number of factors. For example, sects and denominations have been formed from interpretations of the Bible, with some becoming more popular than others. Political and cultural factors have also led to changes in beliefs and practices, and today different churches have different doctrines. Additionally, advances in science and medicine, as well as an increased focus on social justice, have led to new interpretations of Christian doctrine and beliefs.

What Impact Has Missionary Work Had on Christianity?

Missionary work has had an immense impact on the spread of Christianity. Missionaries are credited with bringing the teachings of Christianity to many countries, allowing them to be passed down from generation to generation. This has also led to a great deal of cultural exchange and the introduction of new Christian denominations, beliefs, and practices. Missionaries have been instrumental in spreading Christianity, and it is estimated that 2.2 billion people around the world today are Christian, thanks in part to missionary work.

Jennifer Johnson is an experienced author with a deep passion for exploring the spiritual traditions of different cultures and religions. She has been writing about religion and spirituality for the past ten years in both print and digital platforms, engaging readers in meaningful dialogue about the soul's journey through this life. With degrees in Comparative Religion and English Literature, she brings an insightful perspective to her work that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern theories. A lifelong traveler, Jenn has lived in multiple countries exploring various paths to understanding faith, and her dedication to learning new things is palpable in every piece she creates.

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