Religious Beliefs
Christianity and Judaism are two of the oldest and most significant religions globally. Christianity has more adherents, with an estimated 2.4 billion followers in 2019, and Judaism is followed by about 17 million people. Both religions were founded in the Middle East and have common roots. While the two religions have separations and distinctions, there are also many points of shared beliefs and core values.
At their heart, Christianity and Judaism share the monotheistic belief in one God, and they recognize the sacred text of the Hebrew Bible. From Judaism, Christianity takes its core beliefs in God and many of the scriptures used in Christian worship. From Judaism to Christianity came the idea of history having a purpose and of a coming kingdom of God. Christianity and Judaism both have moral codes of conduct and social laws. Both religions see God as the creator of the universe and its sustainer. They both accept faith, prayer and the study of scriptures, and a love of neighbor.
Worship and Prayer
Also similar to both Christianity and Judaism is the practice of worshipping together in a church (for Christians) or synagogue (for Jews). Both religions use prayer as a way to communicate with God, though their prayers may differ. Some of Christianity’s most famous prayers include “The Lord’s Prayer” and “The Hail Mary”, while Jews commonly follow the Shema prayer found in Deuteronomy 6:4-5. During worship, both churches and synagogues often sing hymns and chants.
Both Christianity and Judaism have laws relating to the festivals, feasts and holy days of the year. Judaism celebrates Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah, and Christianity, Easter and Christmas. In the modern world, these holidays have been adopted and celebrated by many people, regardless of religion.
Sacred Texts
The Hebrew Bible, also known as the “Old Testament” to Christians, is the common text that is celebrated by both religions. The New Epistles and Gospels of Jesus contain the core beliefs worshippers celebrate in the Christian Bible. The New Testament is not formally recognized by Jews, however it is considered one of the most important religious texts
Both Judaic and Christian faiths place heavy emphasis on studying the Bible. Not only is this done for learning and worship, but also for gaining deeper insight into the religions’ beliefs and practices. To observe public events and holidays, both faiths incorporate readings from the Bible. During gatherings, prayers are recited according to liturgies from the scriptures.
Prophets and Practices
In addition to their shared beliefs, the Jewish and Christian religions feature many of the same figures. Examples include the Hebrew Prophet Moses and Jesus, the Messiah of Christianity. Both religions revere Mary, the mother of Jesus, and the prophets Isaiah, Ezekiel, Isaiah and Jeremiah. Even the angel Gabriel, who appeared to Mary and other prophets, appears in both Christian and Jewish texts.
Christianity and Judaism have specific practices, rituals, and traditions that make them each unique. Jewish circumcision, the wearing of a yarmulke, a long prayer shawl and side curls are examples of such practices. Christianity is a religion of mission and evangelism and is closely identified with its sacraments, including baptism and communion.
The Relationship between Christianity and Judaism Today
Christianity and Judaism have been rivals for centuries, though the relationship between these two religions has improved in the modern era. In 1965, the United Nations passed a resolution entitled “The Elimination of All Forms of Religious Intolerance,” which recognized both Christianity and Judaism as important faiths. interfaith dialogue and understanding has also improved interreligious relations.
Today, many Christians and Jews work together in interfaith projects and programs that promote greater understanding and peace. For example, many Christian and Jewish leaders have come together to fight issues such as poverty and violence, and organizations like Churches for Middle East Peace focus on understanding and peace in the region. In addition, organizations such as the World Council of Churches, the World Jewish Congress, and the World Council of Religions for Peace sponsor conferences that bring religious leaders together to discuss shared issues of social justice.
Doctrinal Differences
Despite the shared beliefs between Christianity and Judaism, there remain significant differences between the two religions. Most notably, Christianity regards Jesus as the son of God and believes in his resurrection, while Jews do not. This difference has been a major source of religious disagreement and has caused schisms over the centuries. For example, Christianity has been seen as being exclusive and undermines the validity of Judaism.
Jews also have a set of laws known as the Halakha, which they must follow. This includes laws which relate to their lifestyle and the observance of festival and Sabbath. Christianity is the only major religion without a known body of laws, as Jesus was seen to have “fulfilled” and abolished Old Covenant laws. While there are some commonalities, such as the 10 commandments, Christianity views its role on earth as living in accordance with divine grace rather than upholding a certain set of laws.
Conclusion and Impacts
Christianity and Judaism are two significant global religions that share important core beliefs and values. Despite significant differences in doctrine and practice, Jews and Christians can learn to appreciate and accept each other’s differences. Interfaith dialogues and organizations are important steps towards achieving understanding and peace between the two religions, and methods to enhance mutual respect, understanding and cooperation.