Overview of Kosher
Kosher is a term used in the Jewish faith to indicate that the food or drink served is fit for consumption according to its dietary laws. The rules for what foods are kosher and how they must be prepared, stored, processed and eaten are all dictated by Jewish law, known as Halakha. All devout Jewish people follow the rules of kosher and are expected to abstain from food or drink that does not adhere to the laws, with the exception of medical necessity or for unavoidable reasons.
Definition of Kosher
Kosher is defined as food and drink that is prepared in accordance with Jewish dietary laws and is fit for consumption. According to Jewish tradition, eating kosher food is a way of honoring and respecting the holiness of life. A few of the widely accepted and known rules of kosher include abstaining from eating meat and dairy combined, not eating a specific list of prohibited animals, not eating foods with certain ingredients, and being able to recognize when an animal has been butchered according to kosher guidelines. Such laws and regulations can be additioned by communities and families to assure that the importance of adhering to the dietary laws is taken seriously.
History of Kosher
Kosher food laws have been in place for thousands of years and were originally outlined in the Bible. The Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) was written circa 4th century BCE and it clearly explains some of the rules for what animals should or should not be eaten. These basic laws were then elaborated by ancient sages and theologians over the centuries as Judaism developed and evolved. As a result, the rules aren’t hard and fast, but rather, were revisited and expanded as challenges arose.
Process of Becoming Kosher
Any food or drink item in order to be considered kosher must be certified by a trusted individual who is knowledgeable and experienced in kosher food laws. This individual must carefully examine that the ingredients and manufacturing process follow the strict requirements of kosher law. This process is overseen by a team of rabbis who are certified as kosher food authorities. Furthermore, it is typical for companies to hire a recognized kosher agency to officially endorse their products as acceptable and fit for consumption.
Significance of Kosher
Kosher remains an important and relevant aspect of the Jewish faith and its rules assure adherence to long-standing spiritual traditions. The kosher laws protect the purity and sanctity of food, and when the rules are followed, meal timings can become an opportunity for prayer, contemplation, thankfulness and even connection to one another.
Modern Challenges of Kosher
In modern times, many people are unaware of the intricacies of kosher law or the depth of its meaning, therefore there is an ongoing challenge to keep the spirit of kosher alive and relevant in the contemporary world. This means finding a way to communicate the importance and the power of kosher to a new generation of followers, as well as accommodating modern changes in diet and lifestyle.
Difference Between Kosher and Halal
A common confusion is between the term kosher and halal. Both are concerned with dietary laws, however, they have major differences between them. Kosher refers specifically to Jewish laws and traditions, while halal is a broader term concerned with the Islamic faith. Additionally, most kosher foods are considered fit for halal consumption, where as the same is not true for halal and kosher.
How to Identify Kosher Foods
Most kosher foods will have the term “Kosher” written on the package, along with a recognizable kosher symbol or a stamp from a kosher agency. However, not all symbols are recognized, and not all products that claim to be kosher are actually certified as such. Therefore, it’s important to check and verify certifications before assuming a food is acceptable.
Difference in Types of Kosher
Kosher is typically divided into three types: dairy, pareve and meat. Dairy kosher food has dairy ingredients and/or has been prepared with dairy utensils, pareve kosher food does not contain dairy ingredients or utensils and meat kosher food contains meat and meat products. Eating dairy and meat together is strictly forbidden under kosher law, so knowing the different types of kosher is essential for mixing foods properly.
Restrictions of Kosher
In addition to the dietary restrictions, kosher law also applies to the ingredients used and how the food is prepared. For example, pork, lobster, octopus, shellfish and all their by-products are strictly forbidden, and animals that are allowed must be killed in a very specific way and their meat must also be prepared in a certain way. Furthermore, kosher food must also be stored and served separately from non-kosher food, and kitchen utensils and equipment must not be used interchangeably.
Practicing Kosher Today
It is now easier than ever to practice a kosher lifestyle. Many supermarkets stock a wide range of kosher foods and many restaurants also offer certified kosher options. There is also growing availability of options like vegan and vegetarian foods, which are often part of a kosher diet. Furthermore, there are a wealth of kosher recipes available online, making it easy to follow the strictures of kosher law.
The Role of Sustainability for Kosher
The standard of sustainability for kosher food is rapidly improving, as companies strive to make their products as sustainable as possible. The concept of sustainability for food production has been embraced by many kosher-observing individuals and communities, as it points to a way of honoring the holiness of life in an eco-friendly and responsible way. Therefore, incorporating sustainable products into kosher diets is becoming more and more accepted and commonplace.
Benefits of Eating Kosher
There a lot of potential health benefits to eating kosher foods, given that they are often of a higher quality and of a higher standard than non-kosher foods. For example, many laws of kashrut forbid eating unpreserved foods and demand that animals be slaughtered humanely, which can result in healthier, tastier and safer food. Furthermore, kosher diets allow for greater dietary flexibility, as food combining is not necessarily an issue, offering more variety and taste options.
Kosher Certification Process
The process of certifying a food as kosher usually starts with an evaluation of ingredients and how they are processed. This is then followed by an examination of any non-food additives. Once approved, the process continues with a full inspection of the production facilities for adherence to kosher protocols, such as proper storage and food preparation. Once approved, the product will be granted a kosher certificate, which is recognized and accepted by kosher agencies across the world.